In This Discussion, We Are Going To Focus On Non-Repudiation. Non-Repudiation Establishes Accountability When Two

In This Discussion, We Are Going To Focus On Non-Repudiation. Non-Repudiation Establishes Accountability When Two


In this discussion, we are going to focus on non-repudiation. Non-repudiation establishes accountability when two parties enter into a transaction. It provides assurance that parties can enter in an agreement independent of their locations. This requirement is the foundation of digital commerce.

Discuss at least three transactions that you have entered in during the last 5 years where non-repudiation was important


    I Have An Excel Workbook With A Few Sheets. Our Main Focus Are Sheets ‘Step

    I Have An Excel Workbook With A Few Sheets. Our Main Focus Are Sheets ‘Step

    I have an excel workbook with a few sheets. Our main focus are sheets "Step 2" and "Step 3". If you notice, the workbook is a Macro enabled workbook. The goal is to achieve the same results of the macro using a formula, instead of the macro and getting rid of the macro all together. 

    Please review my video (attached) for instructions. 


    Explore The Advantages And Limitations Of Utilizing Media-Sharing Websites, Where You Can Share Your Photos

    Explore The Advantages And Limitations Of Utilizing Media-Sharing Websites, Where You Can Share Your Photos

    Explore the advantages and limitations of utilizing media-sharing websites, where you can share your photos and videos with others. Discuss the potential benefits that come with using these platforms, as well as the drawbacks that users should be mindful of. Share your perspectives on the impact of media-sharing websites on communication, self-expression, and privacy. Engage in a conversation about the pros and cons of these platforms, considering their influence on how we share and consume visual content in today's digital landscape.


      For Information Systems Developers, There Are Many Options For Building A Mobile App. As Part

      For Information Systems Developers, There Are Many Options For Building A Mobile App. As Part

      For information systems developers, there are many options for building a mobile app. As part of the analysis and design process for your project with Healthy Harvest, you need to determine how to approach the build by creating a use case diagram and a prototype. This diagram should list system requirements and use proper design principles. 

      Create a use case diagram to show the system requirements, including all main features and workflow for the mobile app. 

      Create a prototype using the method of your choice to show the overall proposed look of the app. 

      Write a 1-page summary that explains both your use case diagram and prototype. Include all system requirements, features, and design elements for the mobile app.

      Format references according to APA guidelines. 


        For Project 2 Part 1, Complete And Submit The Second Careers In Practice (Skills Review)

        For Project 2 Part 1, Complete And Submit The Second Careers In Practice (Skills Review)


        For Project 2 part 1, complete and submit the second Careers in Practice (Skills Review) Hotel Management Cost Analysis starting on page 180. Please note on page 181, the number of days is in the month is in cell B5 (not C5) and on page 182, for items 9 and 10 you are to enter the function to calculate the highest and lowest Cleaning Expense (not the Actual Occupancy again). Submit your completed Excel file here.


        E6:E16. Use a paste method that does not remove the border at the bottom of cell E16.

        Saylor URL:
        4. Enter a function in cell C17 on the Historical Costs worksheet that sums the values in the range
        C5:C16. Copy the function and paste it into cells D17 and F17. Use a paste method that does not
        change the border on the right side of cell F17.
        5. Copy the formula in cell E16 and paste it into cell E17. Use a paste method that does not change
        the border at the bottom of cell E17.
        6. Sort the data in the Historical Costs worksheet based on the values in the Actual Occupancy
        column in descending order (largest to smallest). For any duplicate values in the Actual
        Occupancy column, sort using the values in the Cleaning Expenses column in descending order.
        7. On the Cost Analysis worksheet, enter a function into cell B3 that shows the highest value in the
        range D5:D16 in the Actual Occupancy column on the Historical Costs worksheet.
        8. On the Cost Analysis worksheet, enter a function into cell B4 that shows the lowest value in the
        range D5:D16 in the Actual Occupancy column on the Historical Costs worksheet.
        9. On the Cost Analysis worksheet, enter a function into cell C3 that shows the highest value in the
        range F5:F16 in the Actual Occupancy column on the Historical Costs worksheet.
        10. On the Cost Analysis worksheet, enter a function into cell C4 that shows the lowest value in the
        range F5:F16 in the Actual Occupancy column on the Historical Costs worksheet.
        11. On the Cost Analysis worksheet, format cells B3 and B4 with a comma and zero decimal places.
        Format cells C3 and C4 with US dollars with zero decimal places.
        12. On the Cost Analysis worksheet, enter a formula in cell B5 that subtracts the lowest actual
        occupancy value from the highest actual occupancy value. Copy this formula and paste it into cell
        13. Enter a formula in cell C6 on the Cost Analysis worksheet that calculates that variable cost
        portion for the cleaning expenses per month. As mentioned in the introduction to this exercise,
        the cleaning expense contains costs that increase with each room that is cleaned. This is known as
        a variable expense and can be estimated by dividing the Actual Occupancy High Low Difference
        (cell B5) into the Cleaning Expenses High Low Difference (cell C5). Format the output of this
        formula to US dollars with two decimal places.
        14. Enter a formula in cell C7 on the Cost Analysis worksheet that calculates the fixed cost portion
        for the cleaning expenses per month. This is the amount of money that will be spent on cleaning

        Saylor URL:
        expenses no matter how many rooms are cleaned. Since we have calculated the variable cost
        portion of the cleaning expense, we can now use it to calculate the fixed expense. To do this,
        subtract from the High Cleaning Expense (cell C3) the result of multiplying the variable expense
        (cell C6) by the High Actual Occupancy (cell B3). Format the result of the formula to US dollars
        with zero decimal places.
        15. Enter the number 3500 in cell C2 on the Cleaning Cost Estimatesworksheet. Format the
        number with commas and zero decimal places.
        16. Apply a yellow fill color to cell C2 on the Cleaning Cost Estimatesworksheet. This is being
        formatted to indicate to the user of this worksheet that a number is to be entered into the cell.
        17. On the Cleaning Cost Estimates worksheet, enter a formula in cell C3 that calculates the
        estimated cleaning expenses given the number that was entered into cell C2. Now that we have
        calculated the variable and fixed expenses on the Cost Analysis worksheet, we can use the
        results to estimate the cleaning expenses. The formula is a + bX, wherea is the fixed cost, b is the
        variable cost, and X is the activity level that is typed into cell C2. The fixed cost is added to the
        result of multiplying the variable cost by the activity level in cell C2. Format the output of the
        formula to US dollars with zero decimal places.
        18. Save the workbook by adding your name in front of the current workbook name (i.e., “your
        name Chapter 2 CiP Exercise 2”).


        Considering That There Are Many Security Concerns Surrounding Wireless Networks, And Many Tools Are Freely

        Considering That There Are Many Security Concerns Surrounding Wireless Networks, And Many Tools Are Freely

         Considering that there are many security concerns surrounding wireless networks, and many tools are freely available, how does and administrator or even an individual user go about ensuring the security of their wireless network?  List a minimum of two methods/techniques, and explain the rationale for your decision?


          Choose One Of The Business Scenario Options To Establish The Audience And Business Perspective For Your

          Choose One Of The Business Scenario Options To Establish The Audience And Business Perspective For Your

           Choose one of the Business Scenario Options to establish the audience and business perspective for your Emerging Technology Analysis Report.

           F. The NASCAR industry intends to implement the emerging technology you choose to augment current operations, amplify data collection,storage and usage, and to provide fans, investors, and companies with the most current capabilities possible. 

          • Consider the Topic Options presented under each of the Emerging Technology Categories and choose one topic option
            Digitalized Ecosystems Topic Options:5.1)Blockchain for Data Security 

          In your role as a consultant in your chosen business scenario, write a white paper that includes:

          • An executive summary or abstract (integrate business scenario description)
          • A detailed technical description of the purpose (what it does) and function (how it works) of the topic option you chose
          • Why this chosen technology solves the business problem or satisfies needs

          Assessment Requirements/Submission Requirement:

          • 1000 words minimum, not including references
          • 3 scholarly references


          Analyze Techniques To Effectively Compose A Major It Document After Watching The Videos Or By

          Analyze Techniques To Effectively Compose A Major It Document After Watching The Videos Or By


          Analyze techniques to effectively compose a major IT document after watching the videos or by conducting research by addressing the questions below:

          Video: How to format a book in MS Word (Part III: Front matter, back matter and section breaks):
          Video – Front Matter, Body & End Matter in Technical Documents: is not a mandatory video you must watch; however, there is a special offer for 7 days usage–Try it first for 7 days. Special Offer!)

          • Explain the purpose of front matter in a technical document and provide examples.
          • Explain the items found in the body of a technical document.
          • Explain the purpose of back (end) matter in a technical document and provide examples.


            Two Of The Main Vpn Encryption Protocols Are Tls/Ssl And Ipsec. Both Protocols Establish

            Two Of The Main Vpn Encryption Protocols Are Tls/Ssl And Ipsec. Both Protocols Establish


            1. Two of the main VPN encryption protocols are TLS/SSL and IPSEC. Both protocols establish handshakes to exchange parameters which will be used to set up VPN connections. In this paper you will first describe the TLS/SSL VPN handshake followed by a the IPSEC handshake. Compare the two protocols and explain, according to you which one is better.


            0 – 40 points

            41 – 90

            Demonstrates a lack of understanding of the TLS/SSL and IPSEC protocols

            Demonstrates an understanding of the TLS/SSL and IPSEC protocols

            Writing Quality & Adherence to Format Guidelines

            0-6 points

            9-10 points

            Paper shows a below average/poor writing style lacking in elements of appropriate standard English and following proper APA guidelines.

            Paper is well written and clear using APA guidelines and standard English characterized by elements of a strong writing style.


              Case Scenario: Charlie And Carol Are Students At A University In A Computer Science Program.

              Case Scenario: Charlie And Carol Are Students At A University In A Computer Science Program.

              _ Case scenario:

              Charlie and Carol are students at a university in a computer science program. Each writes a program for a class assignment. Charlie's program happens to uncover a flaw in a compiler that causes the entire computing system to fail; all users lose the results of their current computation. Charlie's program uses acceptable features of the language; the compiler is at fault. Charlie did not suspect his program would cause a system failure. He reports the program to the computing center and tries to find ways to achieve his intended result without exercising the system flaw. The system continues to fail periodically, ten times (beyond the first failure). When the system fails, sometimes Charlie is running a program, but sometimes Charlie does not. The director contacts Charlie, who shows all his program versions to the computing center staff. The staff concludes that Charlie may have been inadvertently responsible for some, but not all, of the system failures, but that his latest approach to solving the assigned problem is unlikely to lead to additional system failures. On further analysis, the computing center director notes that Carol has had programs running each of the first eight (of ten) times the system failed. The director uses administrative privilege to inspect Carol's files and finds a file that exploits the same vulnerability as did Charlie's program. The director immediately suspends Carol's account, denying Carol access to the computing system. Because of this, Carol is unable to complete her assignment on time, she receives a D in the course, and she drops out of school.

              _ Requirements:

              A. Analyse of the case scenario should have the following details clearly mentioned:

              1. What are the ethical issues in the case?
              2. Gather the relevant information about the case including all the stakeholders, any related facts, details, etc.
              3. Find all the consequences of the case, the rights of each person involved etc.
              4. Analyze the case from different points of view.
              5. Explain how the problem could be solved USING the ethical model that you chose by applying the principles that you have learned so far or feel free to search for the relevant ones to be required to solve the case.
              6. How can the problems found in the case be prevented in the future?

              B. Will be scored based on the following:

              + Clear Analysis of the case study and relevant modules (40 points)
              + The document looks clear, neat, and presentable format with appropriate headings and subheadings (10 points)
              + All the details specified in the instructions above (50 points)