The homework consists of two parts: Data manipulation Exploratory Data Analysis


Every learner should submit his/her own homework solutions. However, you are allowed to discuss the homework with each other– but everyone must submit his/her own solution; you may not copy someone else’s solution.

The homework consists of two parts:

Data manipulation

Exploratory Data Analysis

  1. Download Jupyter Notebook file ->CAP4611_HW2.ipynbDownload CAP4611_HW2.ipynb
  2. Follow the prompts in the attached Jupyter Notebook. Download the data from (Modules/ Datasets for Assignment) and place it in your working directory, or modify the path to upload it to your notebook.

Before every code cell, add markdown cells to your analysis. Include your solutions, comments, and answers on how to solve the problem. Add as many cells as you need, for easy readability comments when possible.

Hopefully, this homework will help you develop skills, make you understand the flow of an EDA, and get you ready for individual work.

Submission: Save your ipynb file named with your Name_HW2 (e.g.John_Doe_HW2.ipynb).…

The homework consists of two parts: Introduction to Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib


Introduction to Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib

Download Jupyter Notebook file -> CAP4611-HW1-Tools.ipynbDownload CAP4611-HW1-Tools.ipynb

  1. Follow the prompts in the attached Jupyter Notebook. Download the data from (Modules/ Datasets for Assignment) and place it in your working directory, or modify the path to upload it to your notebook.

Before every code cell, add markdown cells to your analysis. Include your solutions, comments, and answers on how to solve the problem. Add as many cells as you need, for easy readability comments when possible.

Hopefully, this homework will provide you with an introduction on the tools you need to use to learn about Machine Learning and get you ready for individual work.