Using Average and STDEV.S functions for Coca Cola, Netflix and Spy in XLS


Task summary: Open a new Excel workbook in which you can aggregate all of the data and make the necessary calculations.

Full order description: Please see the attached instructions

Dear Freelancer, please write

? MAIN DETAILS:Instructions

Open a new Excel workbook in which you can aggregate all of the data and make the necessary calculations. Go to Morningstar (not Complete the following steps for KO, NFLX, and SPY:

A. At the top left of the screen, enter the company stock ticker.

i. For Coca-Cola, search KO. Click the linked title Coca-Cola Co. Then click on Pricevs Fair Value.

ii. For Netflix, search NFLX. Click the linked title Netflix Inc. Then click on Price vs Fair Value.

iii. For spy, search SPY. Then click the linked title SPDR 500 ETFTrust. Click on Quote.Open an Excel spreadsheet.

Create a table.A. Title the table Annual Total Return.B. Create four columns. From left to right, the columns should be titled Year, KO, NFLX, SPY.C. In the Year column, enter the past 10 years in ascending order. Below the table, skip one row. Then add a new table with two rows with the following titles:

A. AVG (for average annual return)B. SD (for standard deviation)Copy data from Morningstar to the Excel table. For KO, NFLX, and SPY, enter the return data for each of the past 10 years next to the corresponding year in the table. 

Calculate the following: i. The average annual return for the past 10 years

ii. The standard deviation for the past 10 years Enter the average annual return for each stock into the row of the lower table titled AVG.Enter the standard deviation for each stock into the row of the lower table titled SD. 

Statistic Excel Functions

Average Annual Return: AVERAGE 

Annual Standard Deviation: STDEV.S

Sunbeam Case


Task summary: Dear freelancer, please you need  Answer Part 1 and Part 2 in the attached doc. Use an xls file for 1.a and 1.b. Write 1 page for 1.c and 1 page for Part 2.

Full order description: EXAMPLE OF THE TASK:

Required: PART 1 – There are a number of interesting differences between Sunbeam’s 1997 and 1996 balance sheets (e.g., receivables increased by $82 million, inventories increased by$94 million, and pre-paid expenses decreased by $23 million, while long-term productive assets and liabilities remained relatively unchanged), and between its 1997 and 1996 income statements (e.g., during 1997 the company engaged in a number of “buy and hold” transactions, gross margin increased dramatically and SG&A declined).a. (maximum 7 points out of 13) – Adjust Sunbeam’s 1997 Earning before interest and taxes for one-time events and apparent (e.g., doubtful accounts, depreciation expense and, etc.) changes in accounting policy. You may want to compute some comparative ratios to facilitate your analysis. Be sure to provide the details of and clearly label any computations.b. (maximum 4 points out of 13) – Utilizing your adjusted numbers from 1)a. (above) re-compute Sunbeam’s operating cash flows for 1997 (i.e., compute a new cash flows amount based on your adjustments to the original data). Clearly label the components of your computations.c. (maximum 2 points out of 13) – Summarize your findings in 1)a. and 1)b. (above), paying particular attention to any evidence of fraud (be careful not to let 20-20 hindsight – i.e., information that you are aware of, but is not included in this case – influence your conclusions).

Current Event


Your task is to provide a current event type of assessment to show how you noticed the concepts we learned about in this unit in daily life. This could be a news story that you heard or read, OR it could be something you saw on social media (a meme or thought, etc), OR it could even be a conversation you had with someone!

You aren’t required to cite any sources, but it would be nice to know where you got your current event idea from (ex: a conversation with a coworker, Twitter, Facebook, etc.). However, if you do use an actual media source (ex:  ABC News or FOX or an article from online), please be sure to include a basic cite (just the URL is sufficient). 

In your response, be sure to thoroughly describe your current event and share how this event is related to this unit’s course content.

Concepts in this unit:

Consumption Choices

Substitution versus Income Effect

  • Explicit & Implicit Costs
  • Economic versus Accounting Profit 
  • Economies of Scale 
  • Short-run Costs & Production