ECON 157 Economic Development BOOK REVIEW


Guidelines for Book Review:

A full book review may concern only one book. Its length is about 1500-2000 words. It should give readers an engaging, informative, and critical discussion of the work. The review should follow the Guidelines below. The review should consider (you use as your outline):

  • The intended audience for the book and who would find it useful
  • The background of the author(s)
  • The main ideas and major objectives of the book and how effectively these are
  • accomplished

  • The context or impetus for the book – – political controversy, implications of the book for
  • research, policy, practice, or theory

  • A comparison with other works on this subject
  • Constructive comments about the strength and weaknesses of the book
  • The front page of your review should include:

  • Author(s) or editor(s) first and last name(s) (please indicate if it is an edited book)
  • Title of book
  • Year of publication
  • Place of publication
  • Publisher
  • Number of pages
  • Price (please indicate paperback or hard cover) if available
  • ISBN
  • career discussion


    Discuss the field that you plan to enter.

    Use this link (and others that you research) to get a better idea: Bureau of Labor Statistics

    NOTE: The Bureau of Labor Statistics ALSO reports inflation data (via changes in the Consumer Price Index) and ALSO unemployment data. You will likely need to know that on tests in this class.

    Be very specific about:

    1. Expected salary range (remember if you are just starting that the entry level salary would apply).

    2. What are the supply/demand conditions for this field?

    3. What is the expected career ladder (how do you move up in the field? NOTE: there may be positions where you remain with the same job title but get paid more because of seniority, if so, be very specific)?