Topic: Understanding The Interdisciplinary Dynamics Of Cybersecurity Threats   Locate And Cite (Using The

Topic: Understanding The Interdisciplinary Dynamics Of Cybersecurity Threats   Locate And Cite (Using The

Topic: Understanding the Interdisciplinary Dynamics of Cybersecurity Threats


Locate and cite (using the referencing style of your primary discipline) at least four books or journal articles on your topic that will help you answer your research questions. Using the framework for analyzing sources provided in chapter 5 and/or the Purdue OWL Guide to Annotated Bibliographies, write a brief annotation — a solid paragraph or so (200-250 words) — for each. Since this is an interdisciplinary project, you should make sure that your initial sources represent multiple disciplinary perspectives, approaches, and/or epistemologies. Be sure to 

  • Summarize: "What are the main arguments? What is the point of this book or article? What topics are covered? If someone asked what this article/book is about, what would you say?"
  • Evaluate: "Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source?" The video and JHU guide will help you understand how to evaluate a source for authorship, currency, accuracy, publishing body, point of view or bias, and knowledge of the literature.
  • Reflect: "Was this source helpful to you? How does it help you shape your argument? How can you use this source in your research project? Has it changed how you think about your topic?"


    This Week, We Focus On The Black Experience In Latin America. First, Read The Article,

    This Week, We Focus On The Black Experience In Latin America. First, Read The Article,


    This week, we focus on the Black Experience in Latin America. First, read the article, "The African Presence in Latin America." 1) Discuss the Maroon Community in Ecuador. Who were the Maroons and what were their contributions?; 2) Review the Afro-Mexico: Black History in Mexico video. What did you learn that you did not know?; 3) Read the story of Audre Lorde. Where did she study in Mexico, and how do you think her experiences studying abroad in Mexico informed her work? 5) How might all this "new" Black Consciousness from this week's readings/videos influence a student who is planning to study abroad in "Latin" America?

    AFRO MEXICO: Black History In Mexico! (

    Audre Lorde (


      There Are Several Laws That Help Organizations And Communities Maintain Their Safety From Accidental And

      There Are Several Laws That Help Organizations And Communities Maintain Their Safety From Accidental And


      There are several laws that help organizations and communities maintain their safety from accidental and deliberate releases of harmful chemicals.One of the important laws to accomplish this is the right to know law. Google a chemical in your area either at a plant or traveling through by truck or railway and how does the right to know law affect your rights as the general public? what did you learn about this chemical that may be important to know and understand for workers, organizations, community leaders and those that live near by. You can choose one of the chemicals below or one that you know is in your area. remember to tie it back to the right to know and/or the legal response by responders or the organization.

      Arsenic, lead, Freon, Benzene, Chromium, Mercury, Zink, Cadmium, Formaldehyde, Gasoline

      Chlorine, etc


        The Student Will Research The Topic Of Communication And Students With Significant Intellectual Disabilities. The

        The Student Will Research The Topic Of Communication And Students With Significant Intellectual Disabilities. The

        The student will research the topic of Communication and students with significant intellectual disabilities. The student will further research the development of a Communication Passport for students with significant disabilities. They will create a sample Communication Passport for a student with significant communication disabilities. 

        Assignment Rubric

        Rubric Competencies


        (a) Research was conducted on the topic of communication and students with significant intellectual disabilities an extensive discussion (i.e., 2-3 pages) with references was evident. 


        (b) A descriptive background of the Case was provided in the Communication Passport. 


        (c) The passport was organized, and it included a cover, table of contents, page numbers. etc.


        (d) The passport addressed a minimum of 20 areas related to the student including the following areas:

        1. About the child
        2. How is Sight and Hearing
        3. Family
        4. Friends
        5. Special Places and Things
        6. How child communicates
        7. Dislikes
        8. Challenging Behaviors
        9. School Projects
        10. OTHER areas as appropriate for case.


        (e) The passport provided extensive supporting visuals, pictures, etc..


        (f) The passport was free of spelling or grammatical errors


        Total Points5



          The Initiative And The Referendum Are At The Heart Of Direct Democracy In Arizona, Discuss

          The Initiative And The Referendum Are At The Heart Of Direct Democracy In Arizona, Discuss

          The initiative and the referendum are at the heart of direct democracy in Arizona, discuss the initiative and referendum process in Arizona.

          Include the following in 600 words:

          1. Provide the basic definitions of an initiative and a referendum.
          2. Explain how initiatives and referendums are created 
          3. Compare and contrast an initiative and a referendum
          4. Discuss the pros and cons of each 
          5. Explain how initiatives and referendums support the idea of direct democracy as outlined in the Arizona Constitution


            The Initiative And The Referendum Are At The Heart Of Direct Democracy In Arizona. 

            The Initiative And The Referendum Are At The Heart Of Direct Democracy In Arizona. 

             The initiative and the referendum are at the heart of direct democracy in Arizona. 

            1. Provide the basic definitions of an initiative and a referendum.
            2. Explain how initiatives and referendums are created 
            3. Compare and contrast an initiative and a referendum
            4. Discuss the pros and cons of each 
            5. Explain how initiatives and referendums support the idea of direct democracy as outlined in the Arizona Constitution


              The Purpose Of This Assignment Is For You To Investigate If The Predictions From The

              The Purpose Of This Assignment Is For You To Investigate If The Predictions From The


              The purpose of this assignment is for you to investigate if the predictions from the documentary have come true and how does the population growth in the US, NC and Elizabeth City compare to the global population numbers.

              Search the internet for the following questions and document your answers in the question bellow.

              1. What is the current population of the World? The US? what about NC? What about Pasquotank County?
              2. Use the numbers from question 1 to calculate what percentage of the world population that represents the US population? – (US population/Global Population x 100) What percentage of the world population is the population of NC? What about the population of Pasquotank County?
              3. How does this numbers compare to the numbers described in the counties?


                The Country Is In A Period Of Soul-Searching.  As You Read Have The Materials In

                The Country Is In A Period Of Soul-Searching.  As You Read Have The Materials In

                The country is in a period of soul-searching.  As you read have the materials in the Module 1 section "Where we are now": the Miami Dade County Public School Board is implementing a policy to strengthen programs related to systemic racism in the county schools; two young people in Miami suggest that Latinos are among those who do not recognize a problem that is deeply entrenched in our society - as exemplified by the stories of living black in America, and the experience of military veterans after World War II.  What is your reaction to what is going on?  What does it all mean for your practice in the classroom?


                The Field Of Education Incorporates A Significant Number Of Learning Theories. These Theories Were Developed

                The Field Of Education Incorporates A Significant Number Of Learning Theories. These Theories Were Developed


                The field of education incorporates a significant number of learning theories. These theories were developed by social scientists and psychologists who study the manner in which humans learn. Educators continue to subscribe to the tenets of one or more of these theories as they work with children.

                It is just as important to understand the theorists as it is to understand their theories.

                 use the form attached..

                Complete the Leading Educational Theorist Table, in which you will:

                • Provide the name of the theory for each theorist.
                • Provide a detailed summary of each theory.
                • Provide a detailed summary of one way in which each theorist could impact education today.

                provide citations for each summary


                Share Your Response To 4 By Stating The Question You Are Answering And Then Posting

                Share Your Response To 4 By Stating The Question You Are Answering And Then Posting

                 Share your response to #4 By stating the question you are answering and then posting your response that you created.