4 – 6 page ‘digest’ of Wright’sScripture and the Authority of God A digest is

4 – 6 page ‘digest’ of Wright’sScripture and the Authority of God A digest is

4 – 6 page ‘digest’ of Wright’s  Scripture and the Authority of God. A digest is a chapter by chapter summarization of the book’s contents and a final paragraph of your own critical interaction and personal reflections.

400-500 words Organizations”and problems”have grown in complexity As Senge and others observe unless we can

400-500 words Organizations”and problems”have grown in complexity As Senge and others observe unless we can

400-500 words Organizations”and problems”have grown in complexity. As Senge and others observe, unless we can recognize the systemic structures that underlie complexity, even the brightest people will find that, despite their best efforts and intentions, they are not achieving their intended results For this question, share an example of an organization that exhibits one or more of the disabilities discussed in Chapter 2 of Senge’s The Fifth Discipline. Explain how the disability manifests itself and what the cause may be in terms of Senge’s learning disabilities. The organization may be one in which you are employed, another familiar organization, or one that you have read or heard about. The key is to begin to recognize the common signs that inhibit organizations from learning.DD.docx

2014-38AmericaHispanicChildrenpdf childtrendsorgECE201: Jose and Olivia bridgepointeducationcomSelect week 2 only University

2014-38AmericaHispanicChildrenpdf childtrendsorgECE201: Jose and Olivia bridgepointeducationcomSelect week 2 only University

2014-38AmericaHispanicChildren.pdf (childtrends.org)    ECE201: Jose and Olivia (bridgepointeducation.com)  Select week 2 only University of Arizona Global Campus: Challenging Behavior in Young Children (vitalsource.com)  Textbook is the above link sign in is froggermom02@gmail Jacob2002 Please use all links for this assignmentCultureandBehavior.docx

14 powepoints slides with notes Use 7 slides to agree on the voter suppression and give

14 powepoints slides with notes Use 7 slides to agree on the voter suppression and give

14 powepoints slides with notes. Use 7 slides to agree on the voter suppression and give facts or examples with references. 7 other slides disagree and give facts or examples with references. References cannot be older than 8 years old.

Review PowerPoint and materials for each theory located in this folder2. Make your

Review PowerPoint and materials for each theory located in this folder2. Make your

1. Review PowerPoint and materials for each theory located in this folder  2. Make your own notes sheet or outline your notes in the blank PowerPoint slides document – you are taking notes on what you read about each Family Theory. Note: Just provide 4-5 bullets about each theory- reviewed.  3. Scan it or embed your notes on the word document (I have supplied) and upload it to Blackboard / you can hand write your notes if you handwrite is needed. Theoriesonly-Blank-Notespages-OptionalForm.docx

Explain the relationship between the Pathways model we discussed last week and the corequisite

Explain the relationship between the Pathways model we discussed last week and the corequisite

1. Explain the relationship between the Pathways model we discussed last week and the corequisite model for developmental education.  Please be sure to follow the requirements for my discussion board in order to receive full credit.  See below rubric for how I will award points. You must post an original post before you can see others’ posts or replies.  Responses should be in paragraph format without the questions being typed.  I will not award full credit if this requirement is not met.  Also, responding to others with ‘I agree’ will not be awarded any credit as a response.  The response must be substantial.  2 sources for assignment.  2. From the ‘Changing Landscape…’ link below, provide the following information.  The Changing Landscape of Developmental Education Practices (postsecondaryreadiness.org) – link right here  Edgecombe_Bickerstaff_Addressing Academic Underpreparedness_TXEdRv_Apr2018.pdf (thenoss.org)  First, explain and justify what you believe is the effective and relevant model for developmental education between these four – prerequisite sequence, self-paced courses, flipped classrooms, or corequisite courses.  Second, explain how the multiple math pathways model and the integrated reading and writing courses could be effective for students needing developmental remediation in those areas. Please be sure to follow the requirements for my discussion board in order to receive full credit.  See below rubric for how I will award points. You must post an original post before you can see others’ posts or replies.  Responses should be in paragraph format without the questions being typed.  I will not award full credit if this requirement is not met.  Also, responding to others with ‘I agree’ will not be awarded any credit as a response.  The response must be substantial.