
Engineering Question


Assignment Content

Write a paper discuss benefits and challenges of various organizational structures and the waterfall project management methodology.
Please include at least four references.
The following outline should be used for this paper (highlighted bullets should be used as subheaders within your paper).

Cover Page

Introduction (overall for the paper – tell the audience what you will be discussing – this first introduction does not require a subheader – it should be the first paragraph of your paper right below the paper title on the first written page)

  1. Body of Paper – subheaders and detail on the topic

Conclusion (tell the audience what you told them with a summary statement)

You are working for a company that does applied engineering related to manufacturing Your boss

You are working for a company that does applied engineering related to manufacturing Your boss

You are working for a company that does applied engineering related to manufacturing. Your boss has seen a recent request for proposal (RFP), and wants you to respond with a Phase 1 submission since you are an expert in manufacturing and materials. The RFP states: Objective: Optimize a part and develop an optimization process/program. This project will investigate materials and manufacturing methods to reduce the cost yet maintain the relevant performance requirements for an existing part. The Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) armor support ring will serve as a proof of concept. Description: The armor support ring for the AMPV is machined from a billet of titanium. Material losses alone make this a highly inefficient: titanium for defense OEM use is about $20/pound. At a diameter of 45 inches, there is far more material lost to the machine shop floor than there is in the final part. Further, machining titanium is not cheap due to how comparatively expensive the tools are, the shorter tool life, and the fact that titanium work hardens; this amounts to about 4x the cost to machine steel. There have been significant advances in manufacturing processes and materials development, as well as innovative applications which combine the two. As an example of the type of changes that could be made consider the report: Metals Materials Engineering in Tank-Automotive Equipment which considered weight focused replacements for the M60.  This project will investigate the most efficient combination of material substitution and/or innovative uses of modern manufacturing processes. Investigate the feasibility and cost effectiveness of various manufacturing processes and materials options to the current design with the DLA target of 10 to 1 cost reduction as an objective.    References: The AMPV armor support ring is under the gunner platform shown in the top middle of the picture here; Metals Engineering in Tank-Automotive Equipment Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Predictive Integrated Structural Materials Science (PRISMS) Federation of American Scientists. ‘M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank.’ DOD 1014 Apr 2000. Stryker Armored Combat Vehicle Family The Army Tactical Wheeled Vehicle Strategy She is quite excited about the idea of replacing the current process of machining wrought blanks with an additive process. While the idea seems promising, your boss wants to know more about different processes and their ability to produce high quality components.

research on one-or-two large software systems that were implemented successfully and on one-or-two large software

research on one-or-two large software systems that were implemented successfully and on one-or-two large software

research on one-or-two large software systems that were implemented successfully and on one-or-two large software systems that failed in their implementation. Write at least a 3-page Word document, double-spaced, detailing each system. Your paper should include a number of topic sections. Using the concept of A.D.D.I.E., create a section to discuss the A.-Analysis that went into the system, a section to discuss the D.-Design of the system, a section to discuss the D.-Development of the system, a section to discuss the I.- Implementation of the system (successful or failed) and a section to discuss the E.-Evaluation of the system (successful or failed). Provide the following: An Introduction paragraph describing the assignment and a short description of the systems selected. 2. A section that describes the first Software System (with an appropriate section Heading) and a description of that Software System to include: a. What is its purpose? b. What operations it performs? c. What are its inputs (resources, interfaces, when used)? d. What are its outputs (interfaces, data)? e. The system’s complexity/cost/feasibility. f. Any constraints or risks found during the research. 3. Sections with details for each component of A.D.D.I.E. (with an appropriate section Heading) to include: a. Success or failures identified. b. Issues or findings identified. c. Recommendations or lessons learned. Your paper should then conclude with a Findings section the compares the two systems. Provide the following: What made one system successful but make the other system fail. 2. What could have been done to make the failed system more successful. 3. What could have been done to make the successful system even more successful. You must include at least 3 scholarly references with citations. Possible search keywords: Software and System Development Projects; ERP systems design (or Expert Systems or Data Systems or Information Systems design); Planning and Scheduling system designProject3PaperTemplate.docx