Find a magazine article that sparks a reaction in you This reaction can be agreement

Find a magazine article that sparks a reaction in you This reaction can be agreement

Find a magazine article that sparks a reaction in you. This reaction can be agreement, disagreement, anger, fear, happiness, etc. Any reaction is fine. Your reaction might be the notion that you want to respond or say something to the author of the article. MaryahReedQuestion2022.docx

Find an article on Running Water/Ground Water only. You can find tons and tons of

Find an article on Running Water/Ground Water only. You can find tons and tons of

Find an article on Running Water/Ground Water only. You can find tons and tons of articles on the Internet through credible sources (news websites, Geology Today, documentaries on you tube etc). Read/watch a documentary and summarize it in your own words (10 points). A good, solid 20-25 knowledgeable sentences are required to make a full grade.

Find three sources that provide information about self-care practices that might benefit you as a

Find three sources that provide information about self-care practices that might benefit you as a

Find three sources that provide information about self-care practices that might benefit you as a student and professional social worker. The sources should include:  1 book (book can be physical, eBook, textbook, or audiobook) 1 journal article 1 website Prepare a reference list that includes all three sources using the APA 7 citation guide.

Explain the importance of audience demographics Describe why audience analysis is important and how it

Explain the importance of audience demographics Describe why audience analysis is important and how it

Explain the importance of audience demographics. Describe why audience analysis is important and how it can affect or change your presentation. How might the audience demographics change with a change in geographic location–be specific, providing details to support your ideas.When replying to peers in this forum, share your own experiences with audience analysis and consider how this new knowledge might help you be more successful in public speaking moving forward. NOTE: You may conduct research to complete any of these discussions (if you are still waiting on the book), using scholarly sources. Be certain to properly cite your sources and provide APA formatted references. This information is also addressed in this week’s audio lessons.Remember that your discussion response must include the following: used textbook :the art of public speaking 13 edition by stephen e. lucas,                                           mc graw hill education  A reflection on the concept we are discussing. Give us a summary of things you learned about this concept from your assigned chapter readings. A thorough example/discussion to support your reflection. A final statement that tells us what you take away from this week’s lesson. Properly formatted in-text citations and references. Strong grammar, spelling, and mechanics. In total your discussion should be at least 250 words.

Explore websites created by two organizations in the same business (airlines, computers, museums, etc.) or

Explore websites created by two organizations in the same business (airlines, computers, museums, etc.) or

Explore websites created by two organizations in the same business (airlines, computers, museums, etc.) or two employers for whom you might like to work. Compare the strategies used to make the sites useful and persuasive. Note ways their usefulness and persuasiveness might be increased.  Evaluate their effectiveness.  Compare and contrast.

Explain how ‘ society and the media ‘ can help you in your current or

Explain how ‘ society and the media ‘ can help you in your current or

Explain how ‘ society and the media ‘ can help you in your current or future career.   Share your thoughts and opinions on how the media drives hot button news issues in this week’s discussion. What role does the media play in guiding and driving how hot button news issues”such as gay marriage or women and work”are discussed in your social circle with your family, friends, at your work, and at your school? Provide examples to support your claim.

DUE: 4/5/2022 @ 3pm Est 4 pages 5 paragraphs Instructions and the Quotation are within

DUE: 4/5/2022 @ 3pm Est 4 pages 5 paragraphs Instructions and the Quotation are within

DUE: 4/5/2022 @ 3pm Est. 4 pages (5 paragraphs) Instructions and the Quotation are within the attached. If you have any questions about the assignment, please reach out.  Thank you in advance! Instructions.PNGOUTLINE.PNGTheQuote.PNGTWOKINDS.pdf

During the Great Recession like any other economic downturns as unemployment rises aggregate income declines

During the Great Recession like any other economic downturns as unemployment rises aggregate income declines

During the Great Recession, like any other economic downturns, as unemployment rises, aggregate income declines causing a major decline in tax collections. On the other hand, with the rise in unemployment, spending on safety net programs rise. So, to stabilize the national economy, government appears to have only two options (neither good) either to put in place severe austerity measures (cut spending) or increase borrowing. Of course, it is very difficult to defend cuts in the federal government programs and especially the programs geared to sustain the minimum of the standard of living for the poor. But increase in borrowing has major adverse impacts on the national economy.Write an project analyzing Different theoretical views on national debt,Long-run costs of high national debt, Costs of eliminating the budget deficit solely through (1) personal tax increases, and/or (2) through spending cut by decreasing in transfer payments (i.e., Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid) and in discretionary spending (such as defense and education budgets).  Complete this project in a Microsoft Word document, APA formatted which will automatically submit it to ‘TurnItIn’ for plagiarism review. Please note that a minimum of 700 words is required.

Discussion Board Convinsing – persuade to be interested/motivated to purchase a product based on the

Discussion Board Convinsing – persuade to be interested/motivated to purchase a product based on the

Discussion Board Convinsing – persuade to be interested/motivated to purchase a product based on the following criteria. real (something we can see and touch) legal be able to purchase online or in a local store not anything living, like a pet etc. not a drug, alcohol etc. nothing distasteful or potentially offensive to others OUTLINE – You will turn in a complete sentence outline in the dropbox. REFERENCES – You should have at least two credible references in your bibliography.  Speaker: [Your Name] Speech Topic: [Topic] Speech Title: [Title] Type: [Persuasive or Informative or Special Occasion] Audience Analysis: Knowledge: [What do your listeners know about the topic?] Attitudes: [How does your audience feel about the topic? What can you do to create or reinforce a positive attitude?] Expectations: [Why will your audience be present for your speech? What are they expecting to hear?] Demographics: [Describe the audience’s demographics. How might those factors influence your presentation?] Setting: [What will your speech setting be?]  Purpose: [Write a specific purpose that expresses in action form what you hope to achieve with your speech.]  Statement: [Write a single declarative sentence expressing the theme or central idea of your speech.] Organizational Pattern: [Enter the organizational pattern used for your main points.] Body:  [Replace the bracketed information with the contents of your speech. Revise the outline by editing your points, rearranging them if necessary, and adding supporting points.]

developed (2-3 page) assignment  on one of the following topics.You are not required to

developed (2-3 page) assignment  on one of the following topics.You are not required to

developed (2-3 page) assignment  on one of the following topics.  You are not required to use outside sources, but you may do so if you choose.  If you do use outside sources, you must cite and document properly according to MLA style. 1)         Discuss one of the works we have read by Chopin, Crane, or Wharton as an example of Realism, Naturalism, or Modernism. 2)         Basing your judgment only on the works we have read thus far, which branch of human knowledge (from the What Is Literature? handout) has had the most impact upon the development of American literature?  Discuss. 3)         Is T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land a product of Ezra Pound’s call to make it new?  Discuss. 4)         Using one or more of the works we have read this semester, discuss how that work(s) reflects the final question of Robert Frost’s The Oven Bird. 5)         What is the role of the Mississippi River in Mark Twain’s Huck Finn?  Does it function on a level that is primarily Romantic (epic/myth/romance) or Realistic (novel)?  Explain what facts limit its function on a mythic level.