Derrick is finishing his degree and transferring to a four-year university in his area; however

Derrick is finishing his degree and transferring to a four-year university in his area; however

Derrick is finishing his degree and transferring to a four-year university in his area; however, since he has had such a wonderful experience at his community college, he doesn’t feel as though he is ready to leave just yet. What can you tell Derrick that will help him complete his degree and his dreams of becoming a high school math teacher?

Create an Elevator Speech An elevator speech is a mini sometimes impromptu speech about yourself your

Create an Elevator Speech An elevator speech is a mini sometimes impromptu speech about yourself your

Create an Elevator Speech An elevator speech is a mini, sometimes impromptu, speech about yourself, your product or service for a business opportunity or to gain employment. For this assignment, you are riding in an elevator with a CEO of your choice (just the two of you). Introduce yourself and pitch yourself for a job with the company or pitch your product or service. Keep in mind, the elevator ride is two minutes long, as you are in the tallest building in the world. Create a written speech and practice giving your speech in front of the mirror or in front of friends. Make a video recording of yourself and submit via your canvass studio for instructor feedback. You will turn in both the written and video portion via Canvas (on Tuesday, April 5).  You may use your written portion as a prompt for what you plan to say. You may also tailor your assignment based on your major, for example: If you are studying fashion, you may be in the elevator with Tom Ford If you are an information technology major, you may be in an elevator with Mark Zuckerberg If you are a criminal justice major, you may be in an elevator with the FBI or CIA Director If you a nursing major, you may be riding up with the Surgeon General of the United States

Culturally Relevant Pedagogy View the videos listed below Gloria Ladson-Billings says that Culturally Relevant Pedagogy rests

Culturally Relevant Pedagogy View the videos listed below Gloria Ladson-Billings says that Culturally Relevant Pedagogy rests

Culturally Relevant Pedagogy View the videos listed below. Gloria Ladson-Billings says that Culturally Relevant Pedagogy rests on 3 propositions. Think about the pedagogy that is being explained.  Think about ways you can incorporate culturally relevant pedagogy explicitly in your teaching.Reflect about Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and how it may intersect with your instructional decisions. Think about your future classroom.  Design a plan of action that incorporates these practices into your current classroom setting and teaching practices. You must explicitly tie your answers to the information from the three videos. Reflection Prompt:  Identify and briefly describe the 3 propositions by Gloria Ladson-Billings What does it mean to practice culturally relevant pedagogy? What challenges do you think you might face in school that may prevent you from incorporating these practices? Provide specific at least one specific way you can incorporate culturally relevant pedagogy in your classroom setting? align at least one plan of action directly with each of the propositions tell how each plan incorporates culturally relevant pedagogy with literacy instruction tell how this will help students improve their reading and literacy learning Videos: Cultural Competence (Links to an external site.) Gloria Ladson-Billings discusses Culturally Relevant Pedagogy at Teach Award Lecture (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) Jeffery Dessources speaks about importance of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Submit a 1 to 2 page, single-spaced document that thoroughly explains your response to the reflection prompt above.

Create a flyer on Microsoft Word or Publisher on the following topic: How to Survive

Create a flyer on Microsoft Word or Publisher on the following topic: How to Survive

Create a flyer on Microsoft Word or Publisher on the following topic: How to Survive Nursing School. The flyer should list a minimum of 7 tips or suggestions on how to give a successful oral presentation in class or a job. The tips and suggestions must be written in clear sentences.

Confusing Confusion Notice that I first ask you to read the ‘epilogue’ at the end

Confusing Confusion Notice that I first ask you to read the ‘epilogue’ at the end

Confusing Confusion Notice that I first ask you to read the ‘epilogue’ at the end of the novel? There’s a reason for it. If you haven’t yet, please read ‘Historical Notes on The Handmaid’s Tale,’ pp. 299-311, at the end of The Handmaid’s Tale. To be honest, I find this portion of the novel to be the most chilling and viciously scary part of the novel, because it positions us, the reader, as historians attending an academic conference in 2195 (that’s the year), listening to an academic discussion of the history of Gilead and the writer of The Handmaid’s Tale. These are similar to academic conferences on, say, the history of the Nazi Socialist Government of Germany pre- World War II or the Post Việt Nam War era discussions of the My Lai massacre. Atwood pushes us to question ways in which we apologize for the past and treat history as if it’s something we should observe without emotional attachment. She’s asking us to question the nature of academic inquiry and writing . . . For this Discussion Post Explain your understanding of the assigned section of The Handmaid’s Tale, ‘Historical Notes on The Handmaid’s Tale,’ and why Atwood positions this chapter at the end of the text rather than at the beginning. Having read this section first, what perspectives do you bring to your reading of the rest of The Handmaid’s Tale. Next, discuss the contrasting formation of ofFred’s identity that we gain from ‘Historical Notes on The Handmaid’s Tale,’ and from the first 75 pages of The Handmaid’s Tale. Some questions to think about:  1. Why is ofFred’s name, ofFred? What is ofFred’s real name? How do you know? 2. In what ways is a name tied to our identity? Can that be removed? 3. Offred experiences a revolution, a complete change of government that’s completely outside of her control. Who has the control? How are women, like Offred, treated in Gilead? What freedoms/rights do they have? To support your answers, make sure to provide evidence, meaning quotes, that demonstrate where in the text you’re seeing all of this occur. Initial posts should be 250-300 words.the-handmaids-tale.pdf

Compare the social system of the dystopian world in Ayn Rand’s Anthem with the social

Compare the social system of the dystopian world in Ayn Rand’s Anthem with the social

Compare the social system of the dystopian world in Ayn Rand’s Anthem with the social system in Ira Levin’s This Perfect Day. What sorts of family structures exist in each society? How are people’s mates and sex partners chosen, and how is it decided who is allowed to have children? How do those relationships affect people’s living arrangements? How similar or dissimilar are the social relations in each society to those of mid-century America? How does each novel represent self-chosen, pair-bonded families as a criticism of the social relations of the collectivized society? Writeanessayof4to5pages.docxAnthembyAynRand.docxThisPrefectDay.edited.docx

Choose one of the persuasive prompts to write on:Many  people believe

Choose one of the persuasive prompts to write on:Many  people believe

Choose one of the persuasive prompts to write on:  Many  people believe that television violence has a negative effect on  society because it promotes violence. Do you agree or disagree? Use  specific reasons and examples to support your response. According  to some people, elderly drivers should be required to reapply for their  driving licenses because with age comes diminished vision, hearing, and  reaction time. How do you feel about this issue? Explain what you think  should be done and why. Many  parents give children a weekly or monthly allowance regardless of their  behavior because they believe an allowance teaches children to be  financially responsible. Other parents only give children an allowance  as a reward for completing chores or when they have behaved properly.  Explain what you think parents should do and why. Initial Post: 150 words

Chapter 2: Using APA, construct a review of literature that is 6-8 pages in length

Chapter 2: Using APA, construct a review of literature that is 6-8 pages in length

Chapter 2: Using APA, construct a review of literature that is 6-8 pages in length and use 8-10 references that you collected on your problem topic. These sources should consist of peer-reviewed literature that is within 5 years of publication.  In addition, you are strongly encouraged to see out other credible sources such as government websites and textbooks. All items listed should have a copyright date within the last five years unless it is the work of a recognized expert in the field (classic). Your references should include primary source material. This portion should be synthesized with your Chapter 1 assignment to create your first two chapters of your proposal. Do NOT write in first person. The majority of resources that are used need to be peer-reviewed journals that are within 5 years of publication. Every reference must have a corresponding parenthetical citation. Every citation must be referenced at the end of the assignment All work must be completed in APA 7th edition format. Use the template. Failure to use the template will result in significant point deduction to include a possible failing grade. Use this template as you work on your project throughout the course:  FSCJ Research Template-2.doc Download FSCJ Research Template-2.doc  Failure to use this template will result in significant point deductions which can include a failing grade.  Grading This assignment Download This assignmentis worth 100 points (10%) of your final grade and will be graded using the following rubric.   Submission This assignment requires a file upload submission. After you have reviewed the assignment instructions and rubric, as applicable, complete your submission by selecting the Submit Assignment button next to the assignment title. Browse for your file and remember to select the Submit Assignment button below the file to complete your submission. Review the confirmation annotation that presents after submission. View RubricAssignment 3: Literature ReviewAssignment 3: Literature ReviewCriteriaRatingsPtsContentview longer description48 ptsProficient assignment meets or exceeds all requirements for literature review supported by proper sources38 ptsCompeten assignment meets requirement for reviewing literature but a portion of the literature is outdated or not from reliable sources19 ptsNoviceassignment  does not meet requirement of reviewing past and current literature for topic/ 48 ptsOrganizationview longer description34 ptsProficientIs extremely organized and all areas flow together, has the required number of supporting sources, meets or exceeds length requirement27 ptsCompetentIs well organized and reads smoothly, generally supported by sources, meets length requirement14 ptsNoviceLacks clear thought and flow within assignment and lacks support from sources, does not meet length requirement/ 34 ptsGrammarview longer description18 ptsProficientassignment  has little to no grammar or syntax errors. Uses APA correctly14 ptsCompetentassignment has a few grammar errors, no rewrite is needed, minor APA issues7 ptsNoviceMore than a few grammar errors, rewrite may be needed, major APA issues

Chapter 6 What strategies did realtors use to blockbust 2 What is the

Chapter 6 What strategies did realtors use to blockbust 2 What is the

Chapter 6 What strategies did realtors use to blockbust? 2. What is the difference between buying a house with a conventional mortgage and buying through an installment plan or contract? 3. What evidence was used to support the claim ‘that integration undermined property values’? Chapter 7 According to Rothstein, why should the IRS withhold tax exemptions from universities and churches? 2. What is ironic about churches and universities supporting restrictive covenants? 3. Why does reverse redlining and subprime loans hurt the African American community? Chapter 8 How was the Agua Caliente housing development blocked? 2. How did the white residents of Black Jack stop the development of a racially integrated complex? 3. How did the construction of I-95 in Miami affect the African- American community? Chapter 9 How did the whites respond when Wilbur Gary moved into Rollingwood in 1952? 2. How did the white neighbors respond when Bill and Daisy Myers bought a Levittown house in Bucks County? 3. How did the whites and police respond to Harvey Clark living in Cicero? Chapter 10 How did the Boilermakers treat union members differently? 2. In 2015, why did NYC’s sheet metal union pay out thirteen million in compensationcoloroflaw678910.pdf

Ch 5: Retooling solidarity, reimagining justice Do you agree with Benjamin’s argument that we can

Ch 5: Retooling solidarity, reimagining justice Do you agree with Benjamin’s argument that we can

Ch 5: Retooling solidarity, reimagining justice Do you agree with Benjamin’s argument that we can utilize technologies for solidarity and justice? Why or why not? She was writing prior to the murder of George Floyd and the pandemic. Do those issues, in addition to the resistance to internet regulation, give you pause? If there is cause for hope, where do you find it, and how does this hope relate to the questions of ethics as we have discussed them?  Or, if you’d rather learn about Latinx digital studies, you can choose to watch Melissa Villa-Nicholas present Data Borders: How we are all intimately intertwined with detention and deportation, Links to an external site.and write something that is of interest to you from this presentation. RaceAfterTechnology_AbolitionistToolsfortheNewJimCode_RuhaBenjamin.pdf