Look Carefully At These Two Drawings.  Describe How Each Artist Utilizes Line, Shape And Mass.

Look Carefully At These Two Drawings.  Describe How Each Artist Utilizes Line, Shape And Mass.

Look carefully at these two drawings.  Describe how each artist utilizes line, shape and mass.  How does the method of drawing function differently for each artist?  Why does the artist create this drawing?   Compare and contrast the two images:  


    Looking For Someone To Write A Minimum 5 Page Homework Assignment About The Novel ‘A

    Looking For Someone To Write A Minimum 5 Page Homework Assignment About The Novel ‘A

    Looking for someone to write a minimum 5 page homework assignment about the Novel "A Lesson before Dying" by Ernest Gaines. In addition include a works sited page. A minimum of five sources is required. You must have four secondary sources quoted directly in the body of the paragraphs. 


      Instructions Portfolio Assignment Instructions  Please Be Sure To Read All Of This Assignment Description Carefully.

      Instructions Portfolio Assignment Instructions  Please Be Sure To Read All Of This Assignment Description Carefully.


      Portfolio Assignment Instructions 

      Please be sure to read all of this assignment description carefully. It's very detailed. It describes two separate things. However, all items will be submitted in ONE Word document.  

      1. The portfolio that contains elements you have been working on throughout the course; and  
      2. The final paperr (problem analysis) that you will include as part of the portfolio.  

      Let's look at the BIG picture first, the final portfolio.    

      What is a portfolio? 

      A portfolio is a collection of items organized in a notebook, file, or a similar format. By collecting this information throughout a course, you can clearly see the connections among assignments as well as the progress you have made. In ENGL110, your portfolio will reflect the work you have done in a specific discipline or topic, ending with the analysis of a problem you have explored. Here are the required elements of the portfolio. The required sections are included in the template.  

      Title Page 

      Table of Contents 

      Item 1 of the Portfolio – Description of Discourse Community in Your Field   

      This is the assignment you submitted in week 2.  You are to submit a final version of the description, including any changes recommended to you in the instructor's feedback.  Item 2 of the Portfolio – Annotated Bibliography for your Final Paperr 

      This is the assignment you submitted in week 4. You are to submit a final version of the annotated bibliography, including any changes recommended to you in the instructor's feedback.  Item 3 of the Portfolio – Final Paperr – Analysis of a Problem 

      This is the final problem analysis paperr that is the culmination of all the work you have done in the course.  Please see the complete description of the paperr below.

      Final Paperr (Problem Analysis)

      Assignment Instructions 

      This analysis project requires you to tackle a problem within your field of study by first exploring it, its causes, and its impacts.  Then, if you want, you can recommend one or more practical solutions to solve the problem.   

      After deciding on the problem you wish to tackle, begin building questions about it. Your goal for the analysis is to answer the questions through your sources. Finding multiple angles and perspectives is ideal so that you explore those possibilities in the final paperr before settling on your recommendation.  Be sure to identify what is at stake.  

      Here are questions to help guide your analysis: 

      1. What is the problem being addressed (explain, describe, and "prove" that it exists)?  
      2. Who is affected by this problem?  
      3. Why does this problem exist? (Identify the root causes.)  
      4. Why does the problem persist? (Identify the major factors that contribute to the problem's ongoing presence.)  
      5. What is at stake if the problem is not solved? 

        If you decide to include a solution, use these questions to guide you:   

      1. Who can take action?  
      2. What should they do, exactly?  
      3. Why would this help? 
      4. What are the positive and negative aspects of your solution(s)?  
      • PURPOSE:   To analyze a problem and possibly provide a solution 
      • AUDIENCE:   Classmates, others interested in the field 
      • LENGTH:   900 – 1,000 words (Times New Roman font). Please do not go significantly (~10%) under or above the word count requirement. This word count includes only the paragraphs in your final essayy (not the Works Cited/References page or previously submitted sections).
      • SOURCES:   5 (five) sources from the APUS Library (These may include sources you used in previous assignments. Going under this number will cost points in grading.) 
      • FORMAT:   The citation style that is appropriate for your discipline 

      **Topic is Income Inequality**

      **I've attached 5 APUS library sources to be referenced, you may also add additional outside sources as well**

      **I've attached items 1 & 2 for the portfolio**

      **I've attached APA portfolio template**


      Good Morning Class, The Problem I Will Be Exploring For My Final Papr Is The

      Good Morning Class, The Problem I Will Be Exploring For My Final Papr Is The


      Good morning class,

      The problem I will be exploring for my final papr is the threat that social media has to Homeland Security. To further explain this topic, I will be researching how social media impacts the safety and privacy of the people of United States. This problem is important to understand and shed light on because negative events stem from social media use every day. This includes scams, data breaches, and identity theft. The majority of Americans are on social media apps, especially the young population who are more susceptible to these threats. 

      The Homeland Security mission is to protect the United States from terrorism, cyber-attacks, and many other threats. Unfortunately, social media leaves users open to these threats, despite the efforts of Homeland Security. Whether the source originates from another country, or here in the United States, individuals and groups with mal intent can easily create a community on social media. These apps have allowed worldwide communication significantly easier than it was years ago. While this does have positives, it allows for the potential of crucial information getting into the wrong hands.

      From experience in the U.S. Coast Guard, we struggle with Operational Security due to social media. One of the common threats is having a family member post our warships intentions. It may seem harmless to post on social media how proud they are that their child is getting underway on a specific date to go to the Caribbean. This single post on social media has the potential to damage Homeland Security and leave the warship open to an attack and breach of privacy. Social media needs to be better protected to prevent the distribution of information that could be detrimental to the United States. With the rapid growth and everyday use of social media apps, the threats to Homeland Security grow as well. 



        First, You Will Select One Of The Following Short Stories: The Lottery’ By Shirley Jackson,

        First, You Will Select One Of The Following Short Stories: The Lottery’ By Shirley Jackson,

        First, you will select one of the following short stories: “The Lottery" by
        Shirley Jackson, "Rocket Night" by Alexander Weinstein, "Harrison
        Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas”
        by Ursula K. LeGuin, "Escape from Spiderhead" by George Saunders.
        Next, you will conduct online research to find a recent work of journalism (a
        news article, an op-ed, or an opinion piece) that is connected, in some way, to
        the issues the story brings up for readers. The work you settle on should be
        credible and from an established media source. In other words, it can
        certainly be left- or right-leaning, politically, in its content, but cannot be
        obvious misinformation or based on conspiracy theories.
        For example, if you chose to write about “The Ones Who Walk Away from
        Omelas,” you might locate a news piece on income inequality in a particular
        country or region. Or you might find something about utilitarianism in
        politics or economics.
        Finally, you will compose an assignment that uses the work of journalism to
        talk about and interpret the short story.
        Your assignment will clearly introduce and summarize both the short story and the
        article. Assume you are writing for a general audience that has read neither
        one. Your assignment will also clearly explain the connections you see between the
        two texts, using quotes from or paraphrasing of both.


          Discussion Board 4: The Great Displacement Most Of Us Live In The Florida Keys, But

          Discussion Board 4: The Great Displacement Most Of Us Live In The Florida Keys, But

          Discussion Board 4: The Great Displacement

          Most of us live in the Florida Keys, but even those of us who don't can relate to the need to respond, in some way, to climate change. We aren't approaching this from a scientific angle, necessarily. We're going to be looking at how writers use their imaginations to respond to an uncertain future and to think about what it means to live in a place like Florida. 

          After reading the chapter from Jake Bittle's The Great Displacement, please create a very brief post in which you simply respond to the reading. What are your thoughts? You're welcome to comment on other students' posts, but you aren't required to do so. Your grade will be based on this evidence and the depth of your engagement with the reading's information and stories. 

          Attached is the required reading.


            Create Your Outline Please Use The Outline Worksheet Provided. Topics: The Penalty

            Create Your Outline Please Use The Outline Worksheet Provided. Topics: The Penalty

            • Create your outline
            • Please use the outline worksheet provided.


            The penalty for possession of prescription opioids be lessened?


            Choose And Examine A Paragrh From James Baldwin’S If Black English Isn’T A Language And

            Choose And Examine A Paragrh From James Baldwin’S If Black English Isn’T A Language And


            Choose and examine a paragrh from James Baldwin's If Black English Isn't A Language and write a paragraph that summarizes what you you read. The paragraph you write needs to identify the topic sentence and have supporting  and concluding sentence. Be ready to  answer and discuss the following questions:

            • Is the topic sentence clearly identifiable or is it implied?
            • Do all the supporting sentences relate to the topic sentence?
            • Does the writer use effective transitions to link his or her ideas?
            • Does the concluding sentence accurately summarize the main point of the paragraph? 


              Briefly, Describe The Differences You Noticed Between Vonnegut’S Story And The Film Adaptation, 2081. Then, Be

              Briefly, Describe The Differences You Noticed Between Vonnegut’S Story And The Film Adaptation, 2081. Then, Be

              Briefly, describe the differences you noticed between Vonnegut's story and the film adaptation, 2081. Then, be a critic! What do you think about the adaptation? Two thumbs up? Down? Share your thoughts. 

              Link below:

              https://youtu.be/sU3myZ3H6u0Links to an external site.


                Answer Each Question Using Complete Sentences And Correct Grammar. Your Answers Should Be Comprehensive And

                Answer Each Question Using Complete Sentences And Correct Grammar. Your Answers Should Be Comprehensive And

                 Answer each question using complete sentences and correct grammar. Your answers should be comprehensive and reflect the fact that you have closely read and thought about the story. Your grade will be based on this.

                1. What is different about this narrator from the others we’ve encountered so far? What makes this narrator different or unique?  

                2. What, exactly, is the source of conflict in the story? Is there a protagonist? An antagonist? Is there a plot? 

                3.Tell me how you interpret the narrator’s description of happiness in the following passage: “Happiness is based on a just discrimination of what is necessary, what is neither necessary nor destructive, and what is destructive. In the middle category, however—that of the unnecessary but undestructive, that of comfort, luxury, exuberance, etc.–they could perfectly well have central heating, subway trains, washing machines, and all kinds of marvelous devices not yet invented here, floating light-sources, fuelless power, a cure for the common cold. Or they could have none of that: it doesn’t matter.” 

                4. The narrator asks us, “Do you believe? Do you accept the festival, the city, the joy? No?" After we are introduced to the suffering child, the narrator asks, “Now do you believe in them? Are they not more credible?” Why is the narrator doing this? 

                5. If the story is a dystopian satire, if it ridicules some aspect of our society by imagining a fantasy version of it, what is it pointing out? What is the message of this story? 

                6. If the story is an allegory, who or what is represented by the people who walk away from the town? What would be the place "even less imaginable to most of us than the city of happiness"?