Apa Format, In-Text Citation, References Include, 1 Page Topic: Select One Emerging Trend In The

Apa Format, In-Text Citation, References Include, 1 Page Topic: Select One Emerging Trend In The

APA format, in-text citation, references include, 1 page

Topic: Select one emerging trend in the health care and/or health care technology industry. What are three take-a-ways from this course that you could use to implement this trend? Given the financial alignment models in the health care industry today, would this technology be readily accepted and cost justified? If yes, explain. If no, what changes in financing policy would have to occur to deem this technology sustainable? ( Choose Telehealth)

Course: learn how sustainable health information technologies and applications assist leaders in the execution of organizational strategies and the transformation of the health care environment. They can also learn how these complex systems help decision makers in the organization to improve patient care outcomes and performance. Topics include evolving technologies such as data analytics, eHealth, personalized medicine, and social media; using technology applications to manage population health; risk assessment, including legal and ethical issues in health information technology; and change management. Students are challenged by scenario-based discussions that analyze best information technology practices across multiple industries.


    Apa Format, In-Text Citation, References Include, 15-20 Slides Read The Requirement Attach For Requirements, The

    Apa Format, In-Text Citation, References Include, 15-20 Slides Read The Requirement Attach For Requirements, The

    APA format, in-text citation, references include, 15-20 slides

    Read the requirement attach for requirements, the topic is the scenario in the Case attachment. 


    After Reading Chapters 3, 4, & 5 In Cockerham And Listening To The Podcast Lectures, Discuss

    After Reading Chapters 3, 4, & 5 In Cockerham And Listening To The Podcast Lectures, Discuss

    1. After reading chapters 3, 4, & 5 in Cockerham and listening to the podcast lectures, discuss your perception of how three different demographics impact your health.  (These demographics can effect your health in a positive or negative way.)    This posting should be at least 400 words.
    2. Rubric:  Content is appropriate to the assignment (15).  Posting follows proper APA format and is without spelling errors (5).  {Guidelines and rubric from the syllabus still apply to your raw score.


    An Essential Element To Any Emergency Plan Is The Completion Of A Risk And Hazard

    An Essential Element To Any Emergency Plan Is The Completion Of A Risk And Hazard


    An essential element to any Emergency Plan is the completion of a risk and hazard assessment based upon the characteristics of the jurisdiction that plan is being created for. Every student will complete a risk and hazard assessment for the jurisdiction they selected using the assessment tool provided to them. This assessment must contain not only numerical values but also written explanations for the various assessment entries, as outlined below. 

    Review the emergency plan, as well as the appendices to the plan, to determine the primary vulnerabilities and hazards to your particular jurisdiction.
    You should elaborate on these particular vulnerabilities/hazards in a 3-page narrative form paper. The BBBB of the assessment tool below used to rate the severity of the vulnerability/hazard, shown below is optional.

    This assignment submission should be three pages in length double spaced. In-text citations and a reference list should be included in this assignment. A minimum of three source citations is required.

    Use paragraph, or narrative style writing, and make use of in-text citations to support your main statements, or most essential statements made, be sure that your in-text citations and your reference list (at the end of the paper) are both in alignment with proper APA latest edition citation form and style.

    Identify the Hazards / Vulnerabilities in the Jurisdiction
    The Assessment tool rubric for assessing the hazards/vulnerabilities is as follows:
    0 = N/A
    1 = Low
    2 = Moderate
    3 = High Risk


    500 Word Discussion   I’M Reading A Book Called Blue Mind By Wallace J. Nichols,

    500 Word Discussion   I’M Reading A Book Called Blue Mind By Wallace J. Nichols,

    500 word discussion  

    I'm reading a book called blue mind by Wallace j. Nichols, using chapter 2-3 about the neuroscience of your brain and water as well as the Water Premium.


      A Piece Of Your Project Is Going To Cost Significantly More Than Anticipated. You Find

      A Piece Of Your Project Is Going To Cost Significantly More Than Anticipated. You Find

       A piece of your project is going to cost significantly more than anticipated. You find yourself able to catch the ear of your boss’ boss to explain why this piece is key and that the project is going to need additional funding.  In a 1 – 2 minute video, explain the situation to the higher up, making sure to support your rationale for additional funding. Please note that you will also need to post a transcript of your video for the class. 


      2 Page, Reflection Of An Issue Or Problem On Either A Local Or A Global

      2 Page, Reflection Of An Issue Or Problem On Either A Local Or A Global

      2 page, reflection of an issue or problem on either a local or a global level.


      Clearly introduce the scenario and make the reader aware of the context of the problem/issue, ie. (global or local). Then clearly state the problem.  

      • Consider what the consequences of the problem were/are (if the issue is ongoing), for instance, are people’s lives at risk, if left unresolved, with the consequences be detrimental to the world, your local area?
      • How was the problem dealt with, or how it the problem being dealt with (if ongoing). Did a particular person, organization, governmental agency step in an create a solution? 
      • Was the problem resolved or is the problem ongoing? Also, reflect on whether or not the solution to the problem was satisfactory and if you have a better solution, please share that as well. 
      • Make sure to include citations and references where necessary and include a works cited page of your sources at the end of your paper.


        You will select six 6 scholarly sources such as books articles interviews etc that you

        You will select six 6 scholarly sources such as books articles interviews etc that you

        You will select six (6) scholarly sources, such as books, articles, interviews, etc. that you collected through your research conducted with the Kent State Library scholarly databases.  Your topic of research must build on the critical scholarship surrounding the topic of Technology and Identity. Depending on your research, you may also be using other primary sources or video interviews available through accredited websites.   Each document should have a title page, each citation should be in alphabetical order like a References page, page numbers should be used.Your work must demonstrate that you have a clear understanding of the sources that you are annotating.  You must read or view each source in its entirety.  If you are only using specific chapters of a book, you should only cite those chapters.  The content of your annotations must include a summary, an assessment, and a reflection, in that order. The first paragraph will be a summary.  What new information is the author discussing?  What method is the author using?  What are the author’s main points? What is the author’s thesis and what information does the author use to support it?  The second paragraph will be an assessment.  How does this source compare with your other sources? Is it a useful and reliable source?  Is it a biased source?  Explore the author’s relationship to the source and the credibility of the source itself, as well as examine its relationship to your other sources.  The third paragraph will be a reflection.  How does this source fit into your argument?  Does this source change your argument?  How does this source support your working thesis?

        You are the Asset Manager for a large hotel ownership company  You are working through

        You are the Asset Manager for a large hotel ownership company  You are working through

        You are the Asset Manager for a large hotel ownership company.  You are working through capital projects submitted by the hotels in your portfolio.  Using the data on the excel file, you will calculate the NPV for each of the projects one of your hotels has submitted.  Make certain you read the case background and instructions. Week 13 Assignment Capital Prioritization.docx Week 13 Assignment Capital Prioritization.docx – Alternative Formats Capital Prioritization Case Study Data.xlsx   You will submit the completed Excel file using the name format ‘yourname.xlsx’ and upload it by clicking the link above. Week13AssignmentCapitalPrioritization.docxCapitalPrioritizationCaseStudyData.xlsx

        write a proposal in the form of a one-page memo to me for your final

        write a proposal in the form of a one-page memo to me for your final

        write a proposal, in the form of a one-page memo to me, for your final report on reducing carbon emissions. The assignment for the final report reads as follows:  In a well-organized report of at least 1250 words (and not more than 1600  words), including an MLA-style Works Cited page, write a detailed description of a specific technical process in the reduction/elimination of carbon-dioxide emissions from a specific source. such as cars, factories, agriculture, etc. Focus your report on explaining the scientific and engineering details of the process–not on broad, nontechnical issues. Explain how the process works. Your proposal memo should describe your plan in at least three well-organized paragraphs of at least seven sentences each. You must decide what to include in those paragraphs. Review the Sample Internal Proposal on pages 438-445 in our textbook.CapturadePantalla2022-04-04alas12.29.09a.m..pngCapturadePantalla2022-04-04alas12.29.17a.m..pngCapturadePantalla2022-04-04alas12.28.54a.m..pngCapturadePantalla2022-04-04alas10.13.24p.m..pngCapturadePantalla2022-04-04alas10.13.11p.m..pngCapturadePantalla2022-04-04alas10.15.27p.m..pngCapturadePantalla2022-04-04alas10.20.01p.m..png