Write the names of your group members in the text box. Copy the list or

Write the names of your group members in the text box. Copy the list or

Write the names of your group members in the text box. Copy the list or criteria below and paste it for each group member, including yourself. Then, assign yourself a value (0-10) for each criteria with 1-2 sentences explaining the score, and a total score under that (as demonstrated below. Do the same for each of your group members and total all the values at the bottom.  Be honest in your evaluations, even your own.  These evaluations are completely confidential and will not be shared with the group, but will form the basis for a part of each group member’s grade.  Please justify your ratings with a short explanation in the justification section. CRITERIA: A. Actively participated in group discussions. B. Responded to emails, texts, or discussion board posts in a timely manner. C. Contributed useful ideas to the group. D. Did their share of the workload for the project. E. Contributed high quality work and met deadlines. EXAMPLE: Kelly  A. Actively participated in group discussions. Kelly was an active participant in all discussions. When she had to leave town sh informed us and continued to engage. 10 B. Responded to emails, texts, or discussion board posts in a timely manner. She always responded within 24 hours. When she was working she let us know when she could replay and did so ontime. 10 C. Contributed useful ideas to the group. Kelly was creative and positive. She found ways to incorporate everyone’s feedback and helped the group stay on task. 10  D. Did their share of the workload for the project. She did her assigned tasks and picked up the slack when others didn’t do their part. 12 yes, you may give up to 5 total points of extra credit) E. Contributed high quality work and met deadlines. Her work incorporated the concepts from the book and hit all of the criteria of the assignment. She proofread the entire submission and caught a lot of errors. 13 TOTAL POINTS: 55

word count 250 APA FORMAT TEXTBOOK:the art of public speaking 13 edition by stephen elucas 

word count 250 APA FORMAT TEXTBOOK:the art of public speaking 13 edition by stephen elucas 

word count 250 APA FORMAT TEXTBOOK:the art of public speaking 13 edition by stephen e.lucas  please answer the question  What are some ways that you can establish credibility with your audience? Why is that important in your speech? Remember that your discussion response must include the following: A reflection on the concept we are discussing. Give us a summary of things you learned about this concept from your assigned chapter readings. A thorough example/discussion to support your reflection. A final statement that tells us what you take away from this week’s lesson. Properly formatted in-text citations and references. Strong grammar, spelling, and mechanics. In total your discussion should be at least 250 words.

Write a composition using ONE of the following topics Your composition needs to be three

Write a composition using ONE of the following topics Your composition needs to be three

Write a composition using ONE of the following topics. Your composition needs to be three to five paragraphs long. It must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Argue for or against the limitation of speed limits. Compare and contrast driving in the winter and driving in the summer. Describe a single memorable day in your life. Explain why a certain sport is your favorite.* *For the purpose of this examination, sport is defined as an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment without a predetermined outcome. If you choose to explain why a certain sport is your favorite, please ensure that the chosen sport fits this definition. Write an email cover letter to submit electronically for a job application. The job can be anything you choose (it doesn’t have to be based on a real job listing), but it must be a specific position.      For example, if the job is at a restaurant, you might apply to be a      manager or a sous chef. Use full-block style for your email’s formatting.      You can base your letter on your own qualifications, or you can make up all the details you need.

Write a fully developed (2-3 page) assignment on of the following topic. You are not

Write a fully developed (2-3 page) assignment on of the following topic. You are not

Write a fully developed (2-3 page) assignment on of the following topic. You are not required to use outside sources, but you may do so if you choose. If you do use outside sources, you must cite and document properly according to MLA style     Discuss one of the works we have read by Chopin, Crane, or Wharton as an example of Realism, Naturalism, or Modernism.

Who was DeWitt Buckingham and what happened to him in Oakland 2 What are restrictive

Who was DeWitt Buckingham and what happened to him in Oakland 2 What are restrictive

Who was DeWitt Buckingham and what happened to him in Oakland? 2. What are restrictive covenants? 3. How did the SCOTUS’s decision in Shelley vs. Kraemer change enforcement of restrictive covenants? 4. How did the Westlake development work around the Shelley decision?  What motivated the federal government to encourage white Americans to buy houses? 2. What were the Underwriting Manual’s recommendation for appraisers when evaluating properties?

word count 150 minimumAPA  formattext book: the art of public speaking  13 edition

word count 150 minimumAPA  formattext book: the art of public speaking  13 edition

word count 150 minimum  APA  format  text book: the art of public speaking  13 edition by stephen e. lucas  please response using the textbook to make input on commenting on the comment of author.      Please plan to respond to at least two (2) peers each week to demonstrate active participation, and respond in threads other than the thread where you submitted your main post to gain knowledge of various topics we are discussing. Additionally, keep in mind that if I respond to your post by Friday of the active week and ask you to explain or clarify something in your initial post, you should plan to respond to that post as well, as it is likely to earn you more points for initial discussion.  In general, each discussion response should: reflect on the concept you learned about from your readings and lectures offer an example to support your position answer all questions in an original voice (written in YOUR voice, not simply paraphrased from the text) correctly cite all sources of reference in-text and at the end of your post as a reference end with a final statement that talks about what you learned or what you take away from this lesson demonstrate excellent attention to both writing and styleMONTASIAPEERRESPONSEWEEK1SPEECH.docx

word count 150 wordsAPA formattextbook : the art of public speaking 13 edition

word count 150 wordsAPA formattextbook : the art of public speaking 13 edition

word count 150 words  APA format  textbook : the art of public speaking 13 edition by stephen e. lucas      Please plan to respond to at least two (2) peers each week to demonstrate active participation, and respond in threads other than the thread where you submitted your main post to gain knowledge of various topics we are discussing. Additionally, keep in mind that if I respond to your post by Friday of the active week and ask you to explain or clarify something in your initial post, you should plan to respond to that post as well, as it is likely to earn you more points for initial discussion. Posts to me do NOT count as peer responses. In general, each discussion response should: reflect on the concept you learned about from your readings and lectures offer an example to support your position answer all questions in an original voice (written in YOUR voice, not simply paraphrased from the text) correctly cite all sources of reference in-text and at the end of your post as a reference end with a final statement that talks about what you learned or what you take away from this lesson demonstrate excellent attention to both writing and stylepeerresponsediscussionspeechloveshirleysaintjustle.docx

What is cultural relativism What is ethical relativism What if any is the relationship between

What is cultural relativism What is ethical relativism What if any is the relationship between

What is cultural relativism? What is ethical relativism? What, if any, is the relationship between the two?   Do people outside of a culture have the right to criticize that culture’s values or beliefs? Why or why not?  Think of a strong example of a cultural practice. For example, say another culture practices child marriages. What would a cultural relativist say about this? What would an ethical relativist say about it? Support your answer.

What can you say about the probability of a certain event if  a the probability

What can you say about the probability of a certain event if  a the probability

What can you say about the probability of a certain event if  (a) the probability is 1, (b) the probability is 0. Explain how a nonstandard normal distribution differs from the standard normal distribution.  Describe the process for finding probabilities for nonstandard normal distributions. Illustrate with examples

What can you say about the probability of a certain event if a the probability

What can you say about the probability of a certain event if a the probability

What can you say about the probability of a certain event if (a) the probability is 1, (b) the probability is 0. Explain how a nonstandard normal distribution differs from the standard normal distribution. Describe the process for finding probabilities for nonstandard normal distributions. Illustrate with examples