Title; College Student DepressionA two-column setup that shows audio speech music and

Title; College Student DepressionA two-column setup that shows audio speech music and

Title; College Student Depression  ) A two-column setup that shows audio (speech, music) and visual (video or static image) elements; 2) Sufficient written content, or cues for sufficient written content, for a 7-10 minute podcast (approx. 100 words per minute or an adequate outline of the same); 3) Appropriate evidence (quotations, paraphrases, data, etc.) with sources noted; 4) Clear notations for the visual elements to be included; 5) A coherent organizational/structural approach.

This speech needs some improvement and my professor has given some suggestionsIntroduction 3/5

This speech needs some improvement and my professor has given some suggestionsIntroduction 3/5

This speech needs some improvement and my professor has given some suggestions    Introduction (3/5 points): A. Remember that your speech begins with your attention-getting device; you don’t want to start by announcing your topic.  Can you revise your attention-getting device so it makes the audience curious about your topic?  Perhaps you can start with a quotation, or a series of questions. B.  Simplify your Central Idea (thesis + main points) to clearly reflect the characteristics you will cover in the body of your speech.  For example:  David Attenborough should be admired for his long body of work, his dedication, and his bravery. Body (3/5 points): A.  Use full connectives between main points that review your current point and then preview the next.  For example: Not only has Attenborough enjoyed a long career, but he has dedicated his life to protecting our planet. B.  Include oral citations throughout your outline to remind you to credit your sources.  Complete citations include the author’s name and credentials, the source name and date it was published. (See pp. 153-155 of your text.) C. You may not have enough supporting material for a 5-7 minute speech.  Time your rehearsals and be prepared to make adjustments. Conclusion (4/5 points): A.  Revise the restatement of your Central Idea as noted in the introduction feedback. B.  Include in your Call for Action something specific for the audience to do to learn more about your topic: read a biography, watch a documentary, visit a website, etc.Tributespeechoutline.docx

This is a two-part discussion question. Think about a recent decision you made related to

This is a two-part discussion question. Think about a recent decision you made related to

This is a two-part discussion question. Think about a recent decision you made related to your work: Call center customer service Describe the process used for making your decision and evaluate whether it worked successfully for you or not. What will you do next time to improve on your approach to decision making? Apa ed with a turnitin report

Third Argument subject: high food prices and lack of prioritizationFirst example: lack of government

Third Argument subject: high food prices and lack of prioritizationFirst example: lack of government

Third Argument subject: high food prices and lack of prioritization  First example: lack of government subsidization of food prices : the government needs to either waives down taxes on low income earners or subsidized food prices .  Second example: Prioritize their health : healthy options shouldn’t be expensive for them and give them a special price or discount on some items  Please developpe this paragraph concerning the subject and then introduce those two examples This is based on the story from the pdf please read it  McMillan_Hunger_NatGeoAug2014.pdf

This assignment does not require an introduction summary or any citation Use

This assignment does not require an introduction summary or any citation Use

This assignment does not require an introduction, summary, or any citation. Use the following format to respond: Include your Name, Course Name, and Section at the top of the page Font Arial, size 12 Maximum of two pages Please provide a well written, proof-read, error-free Please use your own words 10 marks – for grammar, spelling, mechanics, and quality of writing Please respond to the following five questions with each answer being no more than 250 words: What were your five key learnings from this workshop? What was your most surprising insight from the CJM session? (10 marks) Describe an experience you would like to map based on something that happened to you during the last 12 months. (10 marks) How would you start to implement the CX Hypothesis your team created during the exercise? (10 marks) What would you like to add to this CJM Workshop? (5 marks) What activity of the workshop would you have liked more inputs on? (5 marks)

This assignment helps you articulate the roles and functions of music in world cultures through

This assignment helps you articulate the roles and functions of music in world cultures through

This assignment helps you articulate the roles and functions of music in world cultures through the study of several instruments, even as you explore the ways these instruments impact musical intercultural relationships. Create a World Instrument Gallery by exploring musical instruments from music cultures we are studying this term, including at least one instrument from 3 out of the 5 musical classifications in the Hornbostel-Sachs classification. Describe each instrument in your own words, including a brief history, musical context for its use, which music culture(s) it is found in, also indicating if the instrument is traditionally played by women, men or both. Include an image (or link to an image) of each instrument and a link to an academically oriented website (not Wikipedia) where you learned about each instrument. To create your World Instrument Gallery, follow these steps for each of the 3 instruments:     * List the name of the instrument and the music culture(s) it is found in.     * Give a brief history of the instrument.     * Describe the musical context for the use of the instrument.     * Indicate if the instrument is traditionally played by women, men or both.     * Include an image (or link to an image) of the instrument.     * Provide a link to a scholarly website (not Wikipedia) where you learned about the instrument. You will need to write at least 2-3 paragraphs about each instrument, in addition to providing an image of each instrument and a link to a scholarly website with more information on each instrument.

This assignment requires 5 reliable and credible sources with annotations. The minimum word count is

This assignment requires 5 reliable and credible sources with annotations. The minimum word count is

This assignment requires 5 reliable and credible sources with annotations. The minimum word count is 750 words total, with 150 words per source annotation.   While we encourage you to acquire sources from Gale’s Opposing Viewpoints, you may access credible, scholarly sources from other resources.  Tertiary sources, such as online encyclopedias, dictionaries and Wikipedia, are not scholarly sources, and should not be cited within your work; however, they may offer helpful foundational information as you develop your understanding of an issue. For more information, please review Berkley University’s resource on scholarly and popular sources: Evaluating Resources. Assignment2GUIDE.pdfAssignment2prompt.pdfAssignment2GRADING.pdfAssignment2EXAMPLE.pdf

There are many types of rain and they all create a different mood Spring rain

There are many types of rain and they all create a different mood Spring rain

There are many types of rain, and they all create a different mood. Spring rain on fields and flowers can feel refreshing. On the other hand, a cold, steady rain in the middle of winter can make you feel a little sad. A thunderstorm might feel frightening, or it might feel exciting. All types of rain are necessary to water the earth’s grasses and plants. No matter where you are, you can use the mood created by rain as an inspiration to start writing. Write the sentence that is the topic sentence of the paragraph. Write a sentence that is irrelevant to the topic and can be eliminated. List four types of grammatical or punctuation errors to look for when you’re proofreading. Complete the following two steps: Define the term cliché. Give an example of a cliché. Write one sentence using the cliché and another that replaces the cliché with your own original wording. Name and explain two types of prewriting. Choose one of the following prompts. Write a      five-sentence paragraph using chronological order and including a topic sentence to explain the steps you would take to complete one of the following tasks. Preparing for a test Preparing to host a party or an event Getting ready for work Cleaning your room or your home Building a snowman, sandcastle, or sculpture Creating a budget Choose one of the following topics. Write an eight-sentence paragraph that fully develops the topic. Following instructions is very important. Job-training programs (such as Job Corps) are valuable to both employers and potential employees. Advances in technology have changed the way people interact with each other. A high school diploma is important to my future. For some people, entering the workforce is a better choice than going to college.

The study of ethics and philosophy is one that brings many different kinds of ‘thinkers’

The study of ethics and philosophy is one that brings many different kinds of ‘thinkers’

The study of ethics and philosophy is one that brings many different kinds of ‘thinkers’ together. One person’s philosophy on ethics is another person’s philosophy on evil. We will be working this term on constructing personal ethical bases and understanding how ethical codes (both personal and professional) are created and followed. To start us thinking about the different areas of philosophy and ethics, and how we fit into the different molds or world views, let’s imagine the following scenario: It is 2019. The federal law banning female circumcision is still under appeal in the courts. You are a nurse assisting a plastic surgeon at a local hospital. The plastic surgeon comes from a country where they practice ‘female circumcision’. This practice is also sometimes called ‘female genital mutilation’. Fire Eyes: Female Circumcision, Written by Soraya Mire, Directed by Soraya Mire, Ethnographer Soraya Mire, Narrated by Carol Christiansen (New York, NY: Filmakers Library, 1995), 57 minutes You are not a member of the doctor’s culture but reside in a state where this practice is still legal. The plastic surgeon has agreed to perform this practice on a young girl, the daughter of a friend of the surgeon. The friend has authorized the procedure. The girl only knows this is a custom. You did not know that today you would be asked to assist in this procedure. You can refuse to participate (your job may be on the line in the future due to that decision). Or you can assist the surgeon. What ought you to do? We now want to examine the ethical issues involved. To do this, let’s look at the role of relativism, moral truths, and other issues. For the initial post, address the following questions: What would a subjective moral relativist say about what this doctor is doing? Do you agree with the subjective moral relativist? Why or why not? Examine what a cultural moral relativist would say here. Do you agree with the cultural relativist? Why or why not? Name and evaluate general criticisms of cultural relativism as being the wrong moral approach. Is there an objective moral truth about any of the possible actions by the nurse and/or doctor in this case? Why or why not?

The purpose of this discussion is to practice writing about what you found in your

The purpose of this discussion is to practice writing about what you found in your

The purpose of this discussion is to practice writing about what you found in your critical reading of the text you are using for your textual analysis. The text is ‘Let’s Get Writing’ You need access to the source you will use for your textual analysis, and you need to have completed the critical reading of the source. For this discussion, you will focus specifically on two concepts from the source you will use for your textual analysis: claims and evidence.  In separate paragraphs, answer the following questions.  For the reading selection you have chosen for this discussion, identify the various kinds of claims the author uses to support his/her overall ideas. Provide examples from the text to support your identifications. Next, identify and summarize the kinds of evidence used for each claim. Then, evaluate the evidence. Is this evidence convincing? What other evidence could the writer use to make a stronger claim?