Work and Employment in the 21st Century

Work and Employment in the 21st Century (598 words)


The 21st century has witnessed a dramatic transformation in the landscape of work and employment. Technological advancements, globalization, and societal shifts have reshaped how we work, where we work, and the very nature of jobs themselves. This essay explores these key trends and their impact on individuals, organizations, and societies as a whole.

The Rise of Technology

Information technology has fundamentally altered how work is performed. Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are replacing routine tasks across various industries, leading to job displacement in some sectors. However, technology also creates new opportunities. Digital skills are increasingly in demand, and new jobs emerge in fields like data science, cybersecurity, and web development. The rise of the gig economy, characterized by freelance and contract work facilitated by online platforms, offers greater flexibility but often comes with less job security and benefits.

Globalization and the Changing Workplace

Globalization has opened new markets and created opportunities for international collaboration. Companies have relocated operations to countries with lower labor costs, leading to concerns about job losses in developed nations. Yet, globalization has also fostered the growth of multinational corporations, generating new employment opportunities globally. Technology, particularly communication tools, facilitates remote work, allowing companies to tap into talent pools worldwide and blurring the lines between traditional workplaces and geographically dispersed teams.

Shifting Work Values and the Rise of the Knowledge Economy

The 21st century workforce is increasingly driven by knowledge and skills. Creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities are essential for navigating today’s dynamic work environment. Additionally, work-life balance and a sense of purpose are becoming increasingly important factors for employees, particularly millennials and Gen Z. This shift in values is prompting organizations to re-evaluate traditional work models and offer flexible work arrangements, remote work options, and opportunities for professional development.

Challenges and Opportunities

The rapidly changing world of work presents both challenges and opportunities. Income inequality is a growing concern as automation displaces low-skilled workers. Additionally, the gig economy’s flexibility can come at the expense of job security and social safety nets. However, technological advancements also have the potential to create new and more efficient industries, leading to economic growth and improved productivity. Furthermore, the rise of the knowledge economy emphasizes the importance of education and lifelong learning to equip individuals with the skills needed to thrive in the 21st century workplace.


The 21st century marks a period of profound transformation in the world of work. As technology continues to advance and globalization intensifies, the future of employment remains uncertain. However, by embracing adaptability, investing in education and skills training, and fostering a focus on both profit and societal impact, organizations and individuals can navigate these changes effectively and build a more just and prosperous future for workers.


Frey, C. B., & Osborne, M. A. (2017). The future of employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 114, 254-280.

Manyika, J., Chui, M., Osborne, M., Lund, S., Dobin, H., & Price, B. (2017). Jobs lost, jobs gained: Workforce transitions in a time of automation. McKinsey Global Institute.

Srnicek, J., & William, B. (2016). Inventing the future: Postcapitalism and a workless society. Verso Books.


We’ll write everything from scratch

Student Learning Outcome 2: Students Will Demonstrate An Ability To Participate In And Contribute To

Student Learning Outcome 2: Students Will Demonstrate An Ability To Participate In And Contribute To


Student Learning Outcome 2: Students will demonstrate an ability to participate in and contribute to the public policy process.

Topics that would demonstrate your mastery of this SLO include:

  • how public problems are defined and the challenges involved in doing so in order to determine responsive and viable solutions.
  • the steps in the public policy-making process including those related to the implementation and evaluation of public programs.
  • the variety of ways in which public administrators may be involved in the policy-making process and the importance of them doing so
  • the importance of relying on credible and unbiased research to make and evaluate policy decisions.

Keeping the topics above in mind listen to the assigned podcasts:

GovLove – A Podcast About Local Government: Engaging the Entire Community on Planning & Middle Housing on Apple Podcasts

NCSL Podcasts: David Toscano on How States Shape the Nation | LTIS Episode 6 on Apple Podcasts 


NCSL Podcasts: Building Democracy: The Story of State Legislatures | Episode 6 on Apple Podcasts   

Then, create a case study to discuss the listed topics linking them to the information and/or themes presented in the podcasts.  Your case study should also include an analysis of one of the definitions of a public problem presented in either of the podcasts and a discussion of the viability of the suggested policy responses.  Your case study should be single-spaced, and well-written, including an introduction and a conclusion. 


    Student Learning Outcome 3: ‘Students Will Demonstrate An Ability To Analyze, Synthesize, And Think Critically

    Student Learning Outcome 3: ‘Students Will Demonstrate An Ability To Analyze, Synthesize, And Think Critically


    Student Learning Outcome 3: "Students will demonstrate an ability to analyze, synthesize, and think critically about solving problems and making decisions."

    Topics that would demonstrate your mastery of the SLO include:

    • how to identify and define a problem in a public program and/or a public policy issue.
    • how to determine quality relevant information and distinguish between fact and opinion.  
    • the importance of exploring interpretation and connections. 

    Keeping these topics in mind, listen to the following podcasts and watch the video presentation:

    NCSL Podcasts: How States Are Planning for an Aging Population | OAS Episode 148 on Apple Podcasts 

    NCSL Podcasts: How Two States Took On the Cost of Insulin | OAS episode 151 on Apple Podcasts


    A New Approach to Child Support | OAS Episode 146 at NCSL Podcasts: A New Approach to Child Support | OAS Episode 146 on Apple Podcasts 


    Create a case study to discuss the listed topics linking them to the information and/or themes presented in the podcasts.   In your case study, be sure to describe the public problems being discussed in each of the podcasts and the video, how the problems are defined (infer if necessary) in the podcasts/video, and how the data/evidence might differ from opinion (think widely-held beliefs) not just among the public but your own biases as well. Lastly, illustrate the connections (cause and effect or the flow based on the data from problem to solution) of the four defined public problems.  Include other plausible interpretations. Your case study should be single-spaced, well-written, including an introduction and a conclusion, and integrate at least 3-4 references from your MPA coursework.  Remember to cite all sources properly and include an APA-formatted list of references.


      Student Learning Outcome 4:  Students Will Demonstrate An Ability To Articulate And Apply A Public Service

      Student Learning Outcome 4:  Students Will Demonstrate An Ability To Articulate And Apply A Public Service

       Student Learning Outcome 4:  Students will demonstrate an ability to articulate and apply a public service perspective. Write a 2 page Case Study with introduction and Conclusion

      Topics that would demonstrate your mastery of this SLO include:

      • discussion of the MPA program values of (a) democracy, (b) diversity, and (c) due process and their applicability to how public administrators or public organizations should operate and how public administrators or public organizations should interact with stakeholders.  
      • Here are the details that explain and elaborate on the SLO:  
      •  Write an introduction on the SLo4, the 3 different paragraphs write about Democracy, Diversity, and Due process on how public administrators should operate in a public organization. T
      • Define the 3 in each paragraph, and what you think it means, next think of 2 topics for each. 
      • So 2 topics on Democracy, Diversity, and Due Process explain what the 2 topics are and how they relate to how public administrators or public organizations should operate and how public administrators or organizations should interact with stakeholders. Don't forget to connect the SLO4 to the 3 (D)s
      • Example: How to use resources that organizations offer to meet goals. Define what this means in your own words. Then Pick 2 topics that are resources such as Technology and Money. Next, you will define what technology and money is and how they are used within an organization. Money could be funding or fundraising and elaborate on this. do the same for Technology.


        Assignment Instructions Are Attached. Below Is The Link To The Reading Assignment. Also, The Assignment

        Assignment Instructions Are Attached. Below Is The Link To The Reading Assignment. Also, The Assignment

        Assignment instructions are attached. Below is the link to the reading assignment. Also, the assignment template is attached.   


        Write a minimum four-to-five paragraphs answering the given question/seach paragraph must be minimum 5 to

        Write a minimum four-to-five paragraphs answering the given question/seach paragraph must be minimum 5 to

        Write a minimum four-to-five paragraphs answering the given question/s(each paragraph must be minimum 5 to 6 sentences long) : First: To start Read the Articles (cite the given articles as facts, evidence or examples to support your argument) In presenting your argument make sure to demonstrate how is the Electoral College calculated and distributed to each state? how is it processed, and rewarded to the presidential candidates by each state? and finally who are the electors and how are they chosen? Article 2 Section 1 Clause 2 About the Electors Electoral College Fast Facts Key December Dates for the Electoral College Second: Watch the videos (cite the debates presented in the videos as examples and facts to support your argument) In ‘THIRD RAIL: IS THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE RELEVANT OR A RELIC?’, what are the strongest arguments made by Tara in favor of Electoral College in its present form? (cite 3) what are the strongest  arguments made by Jesse against the Electoral College in its present form? (cite 3) Should the Electoral college be scrapped in favor of a direct popular vote, or re-engineered to make it more consistent with the popular vote? This is why we still have the Electoral College THIRD RAIL: IS THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE RELEVANT OR A RELIC?Finally: Read the Two Articles and answer the given questions (cite ‘ Principles of Democracy’ and ‘the Electoral College and Democratic Equality’ to support your argument) What are the key American Democratic Principles? Democratic Principles    Considering these factors while developing your position The Electoral College and Democratic Equality 2. Is the Electoral College consistent with democratic principles or is it an obsolete institution contrary to democratic principles?

        Will provide details in negotiation  1500 words minimum with specific examples and a minimum of

        Will provide details in negotiation  1500 words minimum with specific examples and a minimum of

        Will provide details in negotiation.  1,500 words minimum with specific examples and a minimum of 6 scholarly sources using Turabian citations (footnotes) covering the major aspects/questions that that are below. Assignment will be run through Turnitin/SafeAssign by the instructor to check for originality. Citations will also be verified by the instructor for accuracy.

        What does the term disengagement mean and how does it work regarding terrorism What types

        What does the term disengagement mean and how does it work regarding terrorism What types

        What does the term disengagement mean and how does it work regarding terrorism? What types of counter-terrorism strategies are there and how might they work?  What counter-terrorism strategies do you think work best and why?

        Using the info from Wikipedia, compare/contrast the demographics of your district with your personal background.

        Using the info from Wikipedia, compare/contrast the demographics of your district with your personal background.

        Using the info from Wikipedia, compare/contrast the demographics of your district with your personal background. Be sure to include a comparison/contrast of your personal background (what you said in section 1A) with your district. Also, compare/contrast your ideology with your district. (Note: For ideology you will use the Cook PVI score to make a comparison. R+ means it leans Republican, D+ means that it leans Democrat. Anything above a +10 is very liberal/conservative.) (5 pts)

        The question needs to be answered in 5 or more sentences 1 or 2 real

        The question needs to be answered in 5 or more sentences 1 or 2 real

        The question needs to be answered in 5 or more sentences. 1 or 2 real world examples will be needed and at least one source needs to be used and listed.  How did Congress justify using the Commerce Power to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964?