The presidential race will be critically important in 2024. Florida Governor George DeSantis vs. Texas

The presidential race will be critically important in 2024. Florida Governor George DeSantis vs. Texas

The presidential race will be critically important in 2024. Florida Governor George DeSantis vs. Texas Governor Gregg Abbott: Who is the better presidential candidate for the Republican Party for 2024? More importantly, explain why based on your research, analysis, findings, and conclusions. Use the aforementioned criteria to make your comparison and predict who will win and why. Conduct individual research concerning the following topics: Early background and upbringing Occupation(s) Causes and concerns Regional political interests and initiatives Associates and mentors Achievements Leadership style Contemporary opposition

The initiative and the referendum are at the heart of direct democracy in Arizona. Discuss

The initiative and the referendum are at the heart of direct democracy in Arizona. Discuss

The initiative and the referendum are at the heart of direct democracy in Arizona. Discuss the initiative and referendum process in Arizona. In this assignment you should: 1.Provide the basic definitions of an initiative and a referendum. 2.Explain how initiatives and referendums are created  3.Compare and contrast an initiative and a referendum 4. Discuss the pros and cons of each  Explain how initiatives and referendums support the idea of direct democracy as outlined in the Arizona Constitution SIDEBAR: THIS ASSIGNMENT WILL BE TURNED INTO A  SPEECH BY ME THAT WILL BE 5-7 MINUTES LONG

The final project for this class will require you to consult with a nonprofit organization

The final project for this class will require you to consult with a nonprofit organization

The final project for this class will require you to consult with a nonprofit organization to help them develop an advocacy plan, or assist with updating an advocacy plan that the NPO already has in place. You will work in groups of two and meet with a nonprofit organization to learn about their advocacy focus relating to some aspect of social justice (if they have one).  In consultation with the nonprofit representatives, you will decide on what specific aspect of the NPO’s work they’d like to promote, be it with policymakers, legislative bodies, their board of directors, etc., and you’ll develop a plan for how the issue should best be promoted. I have contacted several nonprofit organizations in the Memphis area that are willing to work with our class this semester, and you and your partner may choose to select one of them for this assignment.  You and your partner may also select a nonprofit of your own choosing, such as an agency with whom you have an existing relationship.  If you are not in the Memphis area, you may select a nonprofit agency in your community.  Ideally, you and your partner will be able to meet with representatives of the nonprofit you choose as you complete this assignment.  However, it may be necessary for you to have virtual meetings with your nonprofit representatives. The assigned textbook for this class should be a great resource as you approach this work.  Also, I will post a series of short readings, as well as video interviews with nonprofit practitioners, advocacy and lobbying professionals, as a way to offer guidance and support as you tackle this assignment.   I will share more specifics about this assignment during the first couple of weeks of the semester, including a definitive due date. WomensAdvocacyCenterNonprofti.docx

Terror Tactics and Asymmetric Warfare Explain the concept of terrorism and psychological warfare What are

Terror Tactics and Asymmetric Warfare Explain the concept of terrorism and psychological warfare What are

Terror Tactics and Asymmetric Warfare Explain the concept of terrorism and psychological warfare. What are the main tactics terrorists use? What is asymmetric warfare and how and why is it used?

Terrorist Personality Is there a terrorist personality What does research say about a terrorist personality

Terrorist Personality Is there a terrorist personality What does research say about a terrorist personality

Terrorist Personality Is there a terrorist personality? What does research say about a terrorist personality? What do you think and why? How does or might psychological and sociological factors explain or influence a would-be terrorist personality and or actions?

summarize the development of federalism in the United States from 1789 to present2 What

summarize the development of federalism in the United States from 1789 to present2 What

summarize the development of federalism in the United States from 1789 to present.  2. What is the only national or federal city in the United States? What makes this possible, and what are some unique characteristics of this city per the U.S. Constitution and federal law?  3. Analyze the impact of state and local politics on the daily lives of citizens.  4. Describe the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal and state governments. Then, describe how federalism impacts all levels of government to include local, state, and the federal governments.

Question 4:What are the main differences between liberals and conservatives in the US today

Question 4:What are the main differences between liberals and conservatives in the US today

Question 4:  What are the main differences between liberals and conservatives in the U.S. today on their view on the proper scope of government power?  While there are many types of liberals and many types of conservatives, explain what you see as the most significant trends among liberals as to the roles the government should play in our society, and the most significant trends among conservatives on the same topic. Question 5:  What strategies are built into the Constitution to prevent the abuse of power? Article 1 section 9 has direct limits on government powers but there are at least three other ways the Constitution prevents the abuse of power.  You should discuss all three and indicate where these limits are found in the US Constitution. 600 words for each question.

Overview The Summation tests the ability to look at three groups, leadership, management, and followership,

Overview The Summation tests the ability to look at three groups, leadership, management, and followership,

Overview The Summation tests the ability to look at three groups, leadership, management, and followership, and how these groups’ collaboration efforts are affected in their place of employment or have been affected in one of their previous places of work.  The assignment will allow reflecting on how stress/burnout and replenishment have affected their leadership in the past or current job. This can be a personal situation the student has gone through or another employee (boss, colleague, subordinate) that affected the student’s leadership.   The student will use the concepts learned throughout the course to propose how changes in management and leadership styles could improve their current or previous employment situation. Some factors that should be considered are stress, replenishment, handling crises, selflessness, integrity, courage, wisdom, authority, responsibility, accountability, teamwork, vision, power types, ethics, communication differences, style of leaders or managers, lack of biblical beliefs, etc., or other factors that were discussed during the term. Whereas many of these concepts can affect leadership, management, and followership groups and their collaboration efforts, students will select 2-3 factors that the student believes had the most impact on their experience. These factors will be discussed in detail in the Summation. Instructions Students will write a 1300-words. There will be a title and reference pages but no abstract. The assignment will include a minimum of the following headings: Title page · Summation Assignment o  A short introduction/overview · Concepts Affecting My Company o A few important concepts you have learned from the textbook readings, presentations, and website and article readings. Use a different subheading for each concept. o In the discussion of each concept, including why you believe these are or were the most important for your organization to consider. o Include your recommendations for change for each concept presented o Provide biblical concepts that integrate with concepts learned from the readings. · Concepts Affecting My Leadership (stress/burnout/replenishment) o This can be a personal situation the student has gone through, or a situation that another employee has gone through that affected you · Conclusion o A short review of the concepts discussed.  · References – minimum four total Use references to support your recommendations for change or integrate a leadership/management theory with the explored situation. o These references must have been published in the previous five years.  Each post will be written in the current APA format, use peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles and text references, and be substantive without fragmented sentences, spelling, grammar, and APA formatting errors.  · Perform academic research to support your ideas by finding and utilizing three peer-reviewed sources and assigned course readings in the text.  · Use the current APA7 format. · Write at graduate-level quality. · The title page and reference list are not in the 1300-word.

Organizational and Structural Aspects of Terrorism Describe structural and organization aspects of terrorism How are

Organizational and Structural Aspects of Terrorism Describe structural and organization aspects of terrorism How are

Organizational and Structural Aspects of Terrorism Describe structural and organization aspects of terrorism. How are terrorist groups organized and or structured? What are the benefits of understanding how terrorist groups are organized and structured?



*MUST READ DIRECTIONS* NO SECOND CHANCES!  Please read below statement:  IMPORTANT PLEASE READ FULL INSTRUCTIONS. NO PLAGIARISM! NO QUOTES, MUST PARAPHRASE. I WILL CHECK FOR RECYCLED WORK AND PLAGIARISM. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS DUE 04/12/22 AT 9PM PST. IF YOU CANT MEET THIS DEADLINE, DONT AGREE TO DO MY ASSIGNMENT. PRICE ISNT NEGOTIABLE.  PLEASE UNDERSTAND BY ACCEPTING TO DO MY WORK, I HAVE STRICT RULES. I DONT LIKE TO DISPUTE, BUT I WILL IF DIRECTIONS ARENT BEING FOLLOWED. IF I SEE SOMETHING WRONG AFTER PURCHASING, I WILL GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO FIX IT IMMEDIATELY. THIS DOESNT MEAN HOURS  LATER. IF YOU TURN SOMETHING INTO ME EARLY, I EXPECT YOU TO FIX MY ASSIGNMENT IMMEDIATELY. DONT LIE TO ME, IF THESE RULES ARENT FOLLOWED, I WILL DISPUTE   Complete Case Study 6: Outcome Oriented Perinatal Surveillance found in the attachment. Students must address the following:  Must include introduction and conclusion paragraphs  Using the health problem analysis framework, illustrate how infant (and specifically neonatal) mortality rates are affected by better babies or better care. Describe the public health science underlying the Outcome Oriented Perinatal Surveillance System. Explain why the structure and process standards are not equal to quality care and better outcomes. Identify the aspects of perinatal networks and perinatal systems which influence the outcomes for referral hospitals. For community hospitals? Determine which level of hospitals likely merits the closest scrutiny. Determine which aspects of outcome-oriented regulatory systems place the regulators at risk and explain how. Which strategies are useful for gaining buy-in for new regulatory strategies? Determine if this case study reflect evidence-based public health and justify why or why not. If it does, classify which types of evidence (Evidence of what? Etiology/causation? Or effectiveness? Or adaptability of an intervention?) appear in this case study. Cite specific examples and explain how each fits into one of these categories. Assess which role, if any, do health disparities play in this case study? wk3attach.docx