Module 5 Disucssion: Have we turned the tide of school segregation All Sections1919 unread replies1919

Module 5 Disucssion: Have we turned the tide of school segregation All Sections1919 unread replies1919

Module 5 Disucssion: Have we turned the tide of school segregation? All Sections1919 unread replies.1919 replies. In the 1960’s the rise of the Civil Rights Movement spurred massive social change resulting in sweeping civil rights legislation. But progress on school segregation was still limited. Bussing produced some successes but had its critics as well (such as the problems discussed in Baton Rouge in this module’s film). Looking back at history, would you say that school segregation is now a thing of the past or a still ever-present problem? If it is a problem, what would you propose we do about it? Explain your response and use evidence and examples from the readings and film to support your argument.  Module5-EuchnerandMcGovern.pdfCenterforAmericanProgress2016ALookattheEducationCrisis.pdf

Evaluate about the hiring process of the Minneapolis Police Department Included are notes that I

Evaluate about the hiring process of the Minneapolis Police Department Included are notes that I

Evaluate about the hiring process of the Minneapolis Police Department. Included are notes that I took, please use some of these notes as well as some of your own. For the criteria that needs to be discussed please see below: 1.Should we do background checks  2. Should we ask questions in the interview about their management of anger and controversial topics 3. what does the literature (policy or documents) say is a good way of doing the hiring process so that you don’t get those people who are involved in police brutality or bad officers in general 4. what is the protocol for getting rid of/suspending officers who have performed misconduct assignment should be at least 3 pages papernotes.docx

Discuss the impact of the Progressive movement on the creation of the Arizona Constitution, including

Discuss the impact of the Progressive movement on the creation of the Arizona Constitution, including

Discuss the impact of the Progressive movement on the creation of the Arizona Constitution, including the declaration of rights, ballot initiatives, and recall of judges. Defend your position with examples from this week’s resources or other readings.  (1 Paragraph 4-5 sentences, One Scholarly Resource) Compare and contrast the U.S. Constitution and the Arizona Constitution. Discuss three findings that account for the significant differences in length. Include at least one source to support your answer.   (1 Paragraph 4-5 sentences, One Scholarly Resource)

Create a PowerPoint with 13 slides, providing information about the United States Constitution. to educate

Create a PowerPoint with 13 slides, providing information about the United States Constitution. to educate

Create a PowerPoint with 13 slides, providing information about the United States Constitution. to educate a group of students or adults about the core tenets listed below for an upcoming Constitution Day celebration in a school setting You may select a grade level 1-12, teachers, or parents as your audience. Please specify your intended audience and include other pertinent information within your notes. Your presentation should be engaging and appropriate for your chosen audience. Provide slides on the following topics: Title Slide Basic Structure of the Constitution The Rationale to create the United State Constitution The Primary ˜Architect’ of the Constitution The Powers of Congress The Powers of the President The Powers of Judiciary The Concept of ˜Limited Government’ Federalism The System of Checks and Balances The Bill of Rights The Constitutional Amendment Process Reference Slide

CHOOSE ONE The current Texas Constitution was designed to provide greater public

CHOOSE ONE The current Texas Constitution was designed to provide greater public

CHOOSE ONE The current Texas Constitution was designed to provide greater public control over government, effectively limiting the government’s power.  Thus, the people are given a direct say in the amendment process.  Look at the proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution from 2017, 2019, and 2021.  Choose one of these amendments to research.  In your response, you should explain the amendment process in Texas and the background of the amendment you have chosen to discuss.  What groups support or oppose the amendment and what are their arguments?  Explain which side you agree with and why.  If the amendment received a vote in an amendment election, what was the result?   According to Chapter 5 of the textbook, what are some of the historical and more recent barriers to voting in Texas?  (Be specific) What accounts for the low level of voter participation in Texas?  What can be done to increase voter participation?  (Specifically, discuss at least two policy proposals that election officials could adopt.)  After the 2020 election, state legislatures controlled by Republicans (including the Texas Legislature) have been debating and passing election reforms. Counties are in charge of administering elections in Texas. What were some of the proposed changes to election laws in Texas in 2021 and how would they impact a county’s ability to administer elections?  Do you think these changes pose undue restrictions on the ability of Texans to vote?   Using the data from Chapter 7, discuss in detail the gender, racial and educational makeup of the Texas Legislature. Does it adequately represent the population of the state?  If the Texas Legislature had more people of color, more women, or more people of varying levels of education, do you think it would pass different policies? If so, what kinds of policies might they pass?  (Be specific here.)  Does the part-time nature of the Texas Legislature encourage or discourage people from particular occupations to run? Do you think a full-time legislature could make the legislature more representative?  Why or why not?

choose one. The Founding Fathers wanted the courts to be protected

choose one. The Founding Fathers wanted the courts to be protected

choose one. The Founding Fathers wanted the courts to be protected from politics. In what ways was the judiciary designed to limit the role of politics? Are the courts completely immune from politics in their work? Why or why not?  What role does politics play in Supreme Court confirmation proceedings? Should there be term limits for federal judges, including Supreme Court justices?  Why or why not?  The number of people represented by each member of the U.S. House of Representatives has more than tripled since the size of the House was permanently set at 435 members in the early 20th Century. How does the size of the House of Representatives compare to similar legislative bodies in other democracies?  Should the number of representatives be increased in the House right now? Would representation be improved if more representatives were added?  Why or why not?  Is there a limit to the size the House can reach before it cannot operate effectively and efficiently as a legislative body?  Explain your position on this question

Analyze the problem between Russia and Ukraine. What is the problem, who is affected, why

Analyze the problem between Russia and Ukraine. What is the problem, who is affected, why

Analyze the problem between Russia and Ukraine. What is the problem, who is affected, why does the problem exist, why does the problem persist, and what is at stake if there is no solution?

After viewing the clip, answer the following questions: 1. Give a brief summary of the

After viewing the clip, answer the following questions: 1. Give a brief summary of the

After viewing the clip, answer the following questions: 1. Give a brief summary of the film. 2. What institutions failed to protect the rights of the people? How? 3. Could that type of situation happen in today’s America? Why? Why not?

What does it take to change a voter-led Initiative in Arizona? Why is that

What does it take to change a voter-led Initiative in Arizona? Why is that

1.) What does it take to change a voter-led Initiative in Arizona? Why is that significant? - (1 Paragraph, 4-5 sentences) Use the Scholarly resource provided above. 2.) What document or process guides Arizona’s government? (1 paragraph, 4-5 sentences) Use 1 scholarly resource.

Review the documentary below. 2. Write a 500 word documentary review concerning the

Review the documentary below. 2. Write a 500 word documentary review concerning the

1. Review the documentary below. 2. Write a 500 word documentary review concerning the content of the documentary in response to the following question prompt: Question prompt: How does ‘Hill reporter on Trump’s Church Photo-Op & Public Opinion’ supplement your understanding of the public opinion and polling, its role, and its power and influence in American politics?