Nursing Proposal


The healthcare facility in which you work provides professional development opportunities for employees on a quarterly basis. The employees who attend the training are a diverse group of intergenerational nurses. The information needs to be appropriate for new and experienced nurses who will be in attendance and are seeking to learn something new that will contribute to their nursing practice. Employees are encouraged to attend, and to teach, the sessions. You have decided that you would like to develop a professional development session to present focusing on the Application of Theory in Clinical Decision Making.


Submit a proposal identifying the following:

Explain your strategy to present information to an intergenerational group of nurses.

Identify selected meaningful communication strategies that will be used to present information.

Explain why you want to teach this information and the importance it has within a complex healthcare system.

  • As a part of the proposal, you need to provide the details of the content you will present at the professional development session. The details can be provided in whatever format you choose, but need to include the following information:
  • Identify nursing and related theories and ethical theories that advance the art of nursing.
  • Identify nursing and related theories and ethical theories that advance the science of nursing.

Explain how the chosen theories that advance the art and science of nursing also affect decision-making within advanced nursing practice. 

NRS-465 Applied Evidence-Based Project and Practicum


Capstone Change Project Resources

Start Date & Time

Feb 26, 2024, 12:00 AM

Due Date & Time

Mar 3, 2024, 11:59 PM



Assessment Description

Collaborate with your preceptor to assess the clinical site for resources needed for the change proposal. Review your proposed implementation plan thus far to determine what resources would be needed if the change proposal were to be implemented.

Write a list of at least four resources you will need in order to implement your change proposal.

The assignment will be used to develop the capstone project change proposal.