PS450 Case Management in Clinical setting


In case management services, meeting overall program outcomes yields positive benefits to the clients and the success for the recovery program. 

Discuss two case management outcome factors that can contribute to clients being unsuccessful in substance abuse treatment. Include in your response the role of case management effectiveness and case management efficiency impact on the outcome factors.

Discuss the differences between agency monitoring and evaluation in substance abuse treatment programs, with two examples for each substance abuse treatment agency.

  • Next, assume that you are a Team Lead Case Manager at a Community Addiction Outpatient Treatment program. You and your agency are going to determine the effectiveness of case management services in your program. You will examine clients’ satisfaction with services and the case management staff satisfaction as it relates to their work responsibilities. As a Team Lead Case Manager, develop a plan to improve case management services and consider strategies to manage conflict between the Team Lead Case Manager and case management staff.
  • Case Management Scenario: Community Addiction Agency Information

# of case managers on team: 7

Average case load: 25 clients

Type of addiction treatment: Outpatient services: clients see case managers twice a month for updates and as needed including crisis situations.

Case management groups: each Case Manager facilitates a group twice a week with clients attending once a week that focuses on developing life skills such as: stress management.

Consider how to collect this data to include in your evaluation plan:

How many clients maintain stable housing and employment after treatment (6 months, 1 year)?

What case management needs were not met during treatment?

What case management needs were met during treatment?

How satisfied were clients with case management services?

  • How satisfied are case managers with their caseload, work duties, and ability to meet outcomes?
  • Create a plan from the information in the above scenario using the different tools described in the course material (e.g., satisfaction survey).
  • Discuss barriers to collecting this data from clients and case managers.
  • Discuss ways the data can be used to make recommendations for the improvements of case management services.
  • Discuss two conflict resolution strategies that the Team Leader can consider to reduce/eliminate case management staff friction regarding case management staff duties (e.g. caseloads, works duties, and other challenges that may exist in case management services).