meditation videos 2


Meditation Assignment #2

Please watch/participate in each of the meditation videos and then practice them on your own. After experiencing this please write a 2 page response addressing the following questions:

1. Describe your experience of each meditation in the videos. How did they make you feel?

2. What was different about each experience? Describe how they were or were not useful to you.

3. Do you think you will be able to utilize these meditations in your everyday life?

Guided Meditation to Manage Stress with Deepak Chopra

Guided Meditation to Manage Stress with Deepak Chopra (Links to an external site.)Guided Meditation to Manage Stress with Deepak Chopra

Meditation for a Restless Mind, Esther Tuele (Links to an external site.)

5 Sense Meditation || Travelasana with Malaika (The Berkshires)

5 Sense Meditation || Travelasana with Malaika (The Berkshires) (Links to an external site.)5 Sense Meditation || Travelasana with Malaika (The Berkshires)