Streetcar  Scenes 5-7 Foreshadowing: Argue that specific events in scenes 5-7 foreshadow that Blanche’s high

Streetcar  Scenes 5-7 Foreshadowing: Argue that specific events in scenes 5-7 foreshadow that Blanche’s high

Streetcar  Scenes 5-7 Foreshadowing: Argue that specific events in scenes 5-7 foreshadow that Blanche’s high hopes of a new life are not going to be fulfilled. Be sure to include what you believe these events foreshadow Discuss the following scenes: a) Stanley asks Blanche about someone named Shaw who knew a Blanche who partied at the hotel Flamingo. b) Blanche’s relationship with Mitch is falling apart. Why? Explain. c) Blanche’s drinking is taking over her life 2. Respond to the artistic use of lighting and music in these scenes: a) Stanley breaking the light bulbs on his wedding night b) The sounds of the passing train that cover Stanley’s entrance into the apartment. What does he over-hear? c) Your own example 3. Character development: Blanche a) How is Blanche trying to break up Stella’s marriage? b) How does the author use astrological signs for Blanche and Stanley? c) Discuss the scene with the young man who comes to the door collecting money for the local newspaper. d) D) Blanches letter to Shep Huntleigh



SERIOUS INQUIRY ONLY PRICE IS NON NEGOTIABLE  Textbook: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4 (for assignment and reference)  Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) Instructions Pick one (1) of the following topics. Then, address the corresponding questions/prompts for your selected topic: Option 1: Exploration and Effects on Native Americans Explain what motivated the European world powers to explore the Americas. Describe the economic effects of exploration based on the Colombian exchange. Analyze the effects of exploration on Native Americans. Based on research, analyze if Europeans might be held accountable for transmitting Old World diseases to people in the Western Hemisphere. Option 2: Slavery vs. Indentured Servitude Explain how and why slavery developed in the American colonies. Describe in what ways the practice of slavery was different between each colonial region in British North America. Analyze the differences between slaves and indentured servants. Option 3: Women in Colonial America Pick two colonies (New England, Middle, or Southern colonies) and explain how women’s roles differ in the two colonies of your choice. Describe what legal rights women held during the colonial period. Analyze how Native women’s lives were different from colonial women’s lives. Requirements Length: 1-2 pages (not including title page or references page) 1-inch margins Double spaced 12-point Times New Roman font Title page References page (minimum of 1 scholarly source) No abstract is required In-text citations that correspond with your end references

See attachment 12 google slides due Friday 04/08/2022 Please read the articles ‘The 100 Days’

See attachment 12 google slides due Friday 04/08/2022 Please read the articles ‘The 100 Days’

See attachment 12 google slides due Friday 04/08/2022 ***Please read the articles ‘The 100 Days’ and ‘The Transition to Dictatorship’ in your Boundless Word History link under the section Napoleon.  Please make a 12 slide PowerPoint or Google Slide Presentation using the following format; *Slide : Title Page (Napoleon, Your Name, Today’s Date, HIS102, World Civilization II) Slides 2-6: Slides pertaining to the article ‘The 100 Days’.  Please include key facts, pictures, graphs, etc. on each slide. Slides 7-11: Slides pertaining to the article ‘The Transition to Dictatorship’.  Please include key facts, pictures, graphs, etc. on each slide. Slide 2: Reference Page Link to Reading

Refer back to pages 35-79 in Reforming America choose one of the mid-19th century religious/utopian

Refer back to pages 35-79 in Reforming America choose one of the mid-19th century religious/utopian

Refer back to pages 35-79 in Reforming America, choose one of the mid-19th century religious/utopian communities or bodily/self-improvement movements and describe its basic beliefs. How did the movement that you chose fit into the overall spirit of reform during the time period?

Read Chapters 27 & 28 and the National Organization for Women, ˜Statement of Purpose’ (1966)’,

Read Chapters 27 & 28 and the National Organization for Women, ˜Statement of Purpose’ (1966)’,

Read Chapters 27 & 28 and the National Organization for Women, ˜Statement of Purpose’ (1966)’, : According to the authors of the document what justifications have been used to prevent women from enjoying equal opportunities and freedom of choice? What accounts for the disparity in earning power of women compared to men? What areas of the professions are most glaringly dominated by men? What is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and why is it important to women? What specific recommendations does NOW present that will enable women to enjoy true equality of opportunity and responsibility in society, without conflict with their responsibilities as mothers and homemakers? What do the authors mean by calling for a new image of women? Read Chapters 29 & 30 and Bill Clinton on Free Trade and Financial Deregulation (1993-2000), : According to Clinton, what will be the benefits of NAFTA and the projected dismantling of trade barriers? What contradictions are apparent in his argument for embracing the global economy? What is the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act designed to do? Who advocated deregulating the derivatives market, and what do these entities represent? In the longer run, did NAFTA along with the deregulation of financial markets produce the benefits that Clinton envisioned? Why or why not?

PP. 133-139 The Population Explosion of the Eighteenth Century A. Summarize the main points in

PP. 133-139 The Population Explosion of the Eighteenth Century A. Summarize the main points in

PP. 133-139 The Population Explosion of the Eighteenth Century A. Summarize the main points in this section. B. In your opinion, why was the Slave Ship a torment for the slaves and the crew? PP. 147-150 The Varieties of Colonial Experience  A. Summarize the main points in this section. B. In your opinion, how did the Zenger case lay a foundation for freedom of the press?pgs133-139.pdfpgs147-150.pdf

Post at least one response for each topic below: Compare and contrast

Post at least one response for each topic below: Compare and contrast

Post at least one response for each topic below: Compare and contrast the priorities of the Federalists and Antifederalists for the design of the new Constitution. Although the Federalists argued for a stronger central government (and in many ways, they got one), the Antifederalists won important battles, such as the adoption of the Bill of Rights and the retention of power in the states. What does the debate between Federalists and Antifederalists tell us about American politics in the late eighteenth century? In what ways are the values and concerns of these two groups similar to or different from today’s political debates? Combating terrorism has entailed restrictions on civil liberties. How can we reconcile civil liberty and national security? Are we better off opting for more liberty or more security? Are the two goals mutually exclusive? Have Americans become less supportive of the limitations on liberty put into place after the terror attacks in 2001, or do they still perceive that it makes sense to give up some liberties in order to feel more secure? You must post at least three responses (200+ words minimum for each post) for this discussion board. Please see the syllabus for additional information on the requirements for discussion forums.

Please read the attached articles five in total and read instructions Word document labeled Primary

Please read the attached articles five in total and read instructions Word document labeled Primary

Please read the attached articles (five in total) and read instructions, Word document labeled Primary Source 3 to complete the questions based off the readings. Thank you.  The Singing is Over, Julius Lester, The Angry Children of Malcolm X, November 1966 ( RacismAnywhereThreatensFreedomEverywhere.pdfUSCivilRightsMovementandApartheidMovement.pdfMandelaspeech.pdfPrimarySource3.docx

Industrialization brought great wealth to America, but the price was quite high. The growing extremes

Industrialization brought great wealth to America, but the price was quite high. The growing extremes

Industrialization brought great wealth to America, but the price was quite high. The growing extremes of poverty and wealth that were being exhibited at the end of the 19th century, caused some to seek ways to make possible a just and humane society, while others sought justification for the emerging social order. The promise of success was made, promoting the idea that America was the land of opportunity and that hard work led to success. Social Darwinism was used to provide a scientific explanation for why some acquired great wealth while others barely survived. How would you respond to someone who presents you with the arguments proposed by Social Darwinists to explain the success or failures of individuals in the society? What evidence would you use to support your position? For this discussion, you must first identify and present their arguments, and then your counterargument. As you collect your information for this discussion you should keep in mind the opportunities that were available to many, but also the climate of racism that permeated parts of the American society and the legalized discrimination that existed.

in which you discuss the reasons for United States involvement in Vietnam. Outline the ways

in which you discuss the reasons for United States involvement in Vietnam. Outline the ways

in which you discuss the reasons for United States involvement in Vietnam. Outline the ways that the crisis in Vietnam affected the presidencies of Johnson and Nixon. Be sure to set your response within the larger context of the Cold War and specific events within Southeast Asia. In what ways did president Carter try to restore American confidence following the Vietnam War?