Imagine you and a friend are exchanging emails and have been discussing the landmark Supreme Court

Imagine you and a friend are exchanging emails and have been discussing the landmark Supreme Court

Imagine you and a friend are exchanging emails and have been discussing the landmark Supreme Court cases that have shaped the state of civil rights in the United States today.   Select 3 of the following landmark cases/rulings related to civil rights and/or slavery:  Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 393 (1857)  Strauder v. West Virginia, 100 U.S. 303 (1880)  Civil Rights Cases, 109 U.S. 3 (1883)  Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896)  Powell v. Alabama, 287 U.S. 45 (1932)  Loving v. Virginia (1967)  Shelley v. Kraemer (1948)  Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) You can also explore other U.S. landmark cases by searching the University Library. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word e-mail addressed to your friend, using a tone conveying cordial interpersonal communications, which includes the following:  Summarize the details of the 3 selected cases. Evaluate how the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Bill of Rights addressed the decisions and outcomes of the cases. Provide your opinion on the final rulings of each case. Cite any sources to support your assignment.  Format your sources according to APA guidelines.

Humans are sexual beings We must be in order to continue our species But sexuality

Humans are sexual beings We must be in order to continue our species But sexuality

Humans are sexual beings. We must be in order to continue our species. But sexuality is as varied as individuals. Throughout modern history, the dominant Western view has been that heterosexuality is normal and all other expressions of sexuality are abnormal.  It wasn’t until 1973 that the American Psychological Association stopped listing homosexuality as a mental illness. Yet, many cultures across centuries include multiple sexual identities as normal. Recently, there has been increasing awareness that people can be other than heterosexual males or heterosexual females. At the same time, social activism around sexual identity has achieved significant milestones. In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in United States v. Windsor that same-sex marriage was protected under the Due Process clause of the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. By Day 3 Post at least two paragraphs in which you respond to the following: Identify a significant event associated with the LGBTQ+ movement as discussed in this week’s resources. Identify a significant event associated with the LGBTQ+ movement that happened after 2004. Use the internet to research this, remembering to work with credible sources. Discuss what is similar or different between these two events. Explain what strategies the two movements have used to advance their causes. Note: Include a description of and a link to the credible internet source you use at the bottom of your post.

How has the automobile impacted American society In the 1950s the United States enjoyed a

How has the automobile impacted American society In the 1950s the United States enjoyed a

How has the automobile impacted American society? In the 1950s the United States enjoyed a broad-based, unprecedented level of prosperity. Rising purchasing power, expanding credit, and a rapidly growing advertising industry stimulated consumerism. One industry that rapidly developed and expanded was the automobile industry. During the 1950s, Americans purchased 58 million cars. By 1960, 75 percent of American families owned one. The automobile created mobility on a scale not known before, and the automobile industry became a vital element in the economy. It became one of the world’s major manufacturing industries. The automobile dramatically impacted American society, whether you owned one or not. After you have completed your readings post your response to only ONE of the following questions. Discuss how the automobile positively or negatively impacted American society.   Do you agree or disagree with the the assessment that has been made on the importance of the automobile?

How do we measure democracy so that we know if a country has made such

How do we measure democracy so that we know if a country has made such

How do we measure democracy so that we know if a country has made such a transition (Week 1)? Beetham What are the main debates about democratic transitions (Week 2)?  Haggard and kaufan  How do authoritarian regimes survive (Week 3)? christian von Soest and Julia Gra What are the internal or domestic causes of democratic transitions (Week 4)? Lipset What are the external or international causes of democratic transitions (Week 5)? What sorts of specific choices and actions by specific actors are needed to usher in democracy (Week 6)?  O’donell ScreenShot2023-03-12at1.01.51PM.png

Gather materials from your reading of The African American Odyssey lectures and independent research on Mary

Gather materials from your reading of The African American Odyssey lectures and independent research on Mary

Gather materials from your reading of The African American Odyssey, lectures, and independent research on Mary McLeod Bethune, Ida B. Wells, and Sojouner Truth. Construct a Venn diagramthat compare them on the following points: Political activism. Integration. African American Empowerment

Due in 16 hours Due April 6 2022 by 5:00 USA Don’t accept if

Due in 16 hours Due April 6 2022 by 5:00 USA Don’t accept if

*Due in 16 hours *Due April 6, 2022 by 5:00 USA * Don’t accept if you can’t deliver on time *** See attachment for directions *link to reading ** Original writing ** No Plagiarizing 2 separate discussion 150 words eachdiscussionpost1.pngdiscussionpost2.png

Discussion 0: The Struggle for Civil Rights Throughout the 1950s African Americans in northern cities

Discussion 0: The Struggle for Civil Rights Throughout the 1950s African Americans in northern cities

Discussion 0: The Struggle for Civil Rights Throughout the 1950s African Americans in northern cities grew increasingly active in opposing discrimination and in protesting white resistance to black progress in housing, education, and employment. Martin Luther King and others embarked on a campaign of nonviolent resistance and demonstrations, which spread to the south. Some of the leadership in the Deep South responded with brutal force, taking a militant stand against change, and in defiance of federal legislation to grant African Americans their civil rights.   In order to prepare for this discussion forum:  Review and identify the relevant sections of Chapter 29 that support your discussion.  Read  DEBATING THE PAST: The Civil Rights Movement Review the material contained in the site Responses Coming from the Civil Rights Movement.  After you have completed your readings post your response to only one of the following questions: Identify and list some of the factors that contributed to the success of the Civil Rights movement. Choose one, and discuss its significance to the movement, and explain why you made this particular choice. ‘Ironically, the reaction of many southern whites to the civil rights activities may have actually served to help the blacks’ cause.’ Agree or Disagree with this statement.  Make sure that you provide evidence to support your argument.

any topic(s) of your choice Topics should address content covered in Chapters

any topic(s) of your choice Topics should address content covered in Chapters

any topic(s) of your choice Topics should address content covered in Chapters 24 – 30 in the textbook. This activity will consist of 10 separate journal entries Each separate entry should: Be titled as Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, etc. Contain a minimum of 120 words each Be written in your own words – do not quote the work of others verbatim. Direct quotations should not be used; citations are not necessary. Do not copy/paste information from any source. No citations

American Yawp Chapter 24(200words total) Why were Americans of Japanese ancestry incarcerated during the

American Yawp Chapter 24(200words total) Why were Americans of Japanese ancestry incarcerated during the

American Yawp Chapter 24(200words total) Why were Americans of Japanese ancestry incarcerated during the war? What factors were at play during the interim between the attack on Pearl Harbor in December and the decision to issue Executive Order 9066 the following February? How would you characterize the nature of confinement of Japanese Americans in the camps? How does the military service of Japanese Americans during the war complicate the history of the Internment? What are the overall implications of the Internment on American civil liberties? American Yawp Chapter 25-26 (200 words total) According to the document, what factors have altered the heretofore historic distribution of power? What major issues does the United States face at this point in the Cold War? What course(s) of action for the United States does this document recommend? How does this document represent the militarization of the policy of containment?

After reading Reagan’s Tear Down This Wall speech, discuss how it reflects his larger domestic

After reading Reagan’s Tear Down This Wall speech, discuss how it reflects his larger domestic

After reading Reagan’s Tear Down This Wall speech, discuss how it reflects his larger domestic and foreign policy vision. In your discussion, consider the following questions: What was symbolic about the location of his address at the Brandenburg Gate? Why did many consider his speech provocative? What did Reagan say about mistrust and the nuclear arms race?