Describe The Evolution Of Written Notes During The Middle Ages And The Renaissance.  Use At

Describe The Evolution Of Written Notes During The Middle Ages And The Renaissance.  Use At


 Describe the evolution of written notes during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.  Use at least THREE music terms about notation from these chapters with a description and explanation on how those figures work. 1 (four hundred wrd)

 The validity of the Catholic Church was questioned by individuals who began movements to form new types of religions.  Discuss the THREE religions that were formed from this period and THREE pieces of music that were discussed in the PowerPoint.  Discuss how those pieces were unique and exemplified that religion. 

2 separate question 


You will keep notes about the course content in your Blackboard journal To give flexibility

You will keep notes about the course content in your Blackboard journal To give flexibility

You will keep notes about the course content in your Blackboard journal. To give flexibility regarding your interests, you can choose the course weeks you will add notes to the journal. You will be required to complete four journal entries . Only you and the instructor will have access to the journal. Try to answer the following questions in each of your journal entries: What interested you the most in the week’s course content? Why? What about the concepts discussed this week? (use the syllabus, course schedule, to see each week’s concepts). Did they help you understand the historical process better, or not? How come? Comment on at least one concept and related event/process discussed in the textbook or lectures. What event, concept, or historical process remained unclear to you? Why? How do you evaluate your learning process about world history so far? 700 words 3 peer reviewed sources 19ImperialismandModernState-BuildingExplode-TheMexicanRevolution.pdf

Write a ‘thesis-based’ persuasive esay of at least 1000 to 1200 words, related to some

Write a ‘thesis-based’ persuasive esay of at least 1000 to 1200 words, related to some

Write a ‘thesis-based’ persuasive esay of at least 1000 to 1200 words, related to some aspect or theme from the first half of our course regarding: 1) The Early Church, or 2) The Medieval Church. Some possible topics The Greek context for early Christianity The Jewish influence on early Christianity  The early spread of Christianity Women in early Christianity Justin Martyr’s idea of Logos Spermatikos Gnosticism Constantine and the rise of Imperial Roman Christianity The Monastic movement The cult of Thecla Early theology: Irenaeus, Origin, Clement or Augustine Eastern Orthodoxy Hesychasm The development of the New Testament Canon the Arian debate The origins of the Creeds Celtic Christianity The Great (East vs. West) Schism  The Crusades and Spain The Mendicants: Franciscans and Dominicans Mysticism  Scholastic theology Medieval attempts to rationally prove the existence of God The Great Western Schism (Avignon Papacy) The Renaissance Humanism

we read how Christianity rose from persecution to  predominance Other than the crucial factors of

we read how Christianity rose from persecution to  predominance Other than the crucial factors of

we read how Christianity rose from persecution to  predominance. Other than the crucial factors of sincere belief in God  and Christ, there are four reasons given for Christianity’s final  victory over competing faiths, and fearsome persecution. Discuss these  and consider which one of them you feel had the most impact upon Roman  culture. After you have discussed these reasons; now address how today’s  Christians could impact Western culture to draw others to Christ

Submit the Research Report here Please read all the examples and follow instructions

Submit the Research Report here Please read all the examples and follow instructions

Submit the Research Report here! Please read all the examples and follow instructions Research Report 1000 to 1500 words Submit in .docx format, with Chicago Manual Style citations, including author-date in text citations with page numbers, and a full bibliography at the end. Only scholarly citations will be accepted. The assignment should be 1000-1500 words, not including the bibliography. Students will choose a time and place in history, pre 1600. Suppose you are there, knowing everything you know today, and trying to do some science. Describe what you would do, the tools you would use, and how you would justify the value of your project to the people around you. Briefly describe each of the following, with citations where appropriate: Time and Place Short Description of Proposed Project People’s Beliefs About the Subject in that Time and Place Tools and Materials Rough Research Plan Justification of Project to the

Submit the Research Report here Please read all the examples and follow instructions Research

Submit the Research Report here Please read all the examples and follow instructions Research

Submit the Research Report here! Please read all the examples and follow instructions Research Report 1000 to 1500 words Submit in .docx format, with Chicago Manual Style citations, including author-date in text citations with page numbers, and a full bibliography at the end. Only scholarly citations will be accepted. The assignment should be 1000-1500 words, not including the bibliography. Students will choose a time and place in history, pre 1600. Suppose you are there, knowing everything you know today, and trying to do some science. Describe what you would do, the tools you would use, and how you would justify the value of your project to the people around you. Briefly describe each of the following, with citations where appropriate: Time and Place Short Description of Proposed Project People’s Beliefs About the Subject in that Time and Place Tools and Materials Rough Research Plan Justification of Project to the

Read over the appropriate Learning Activity instructions before you begin the module: week so

Read over the appropriate Learning Activity instructions before you begin the module: week so

Read over the appropriate Learning Activity instructions before you begin the module: week, so you can be formulating a strategy for the assignment as you proceed through the material. Each Learning Activity must be well-structured, be carefully edited and revised, and demonstrate knowledge and application of the concepts studied in the readings for that module: week. Each Learning Activity must be 300350 words and include the word count in parentheses. The ancient Roman Empire had wealth, power and was the most dominant empire up to this time    must be 300350 words and include the word count in parentheses. If  any outside sources are used, they must adhere to current APA format.  You will first submit a draft of each Learning

Please answer these questions in paragraph form using my included article, and outside sources. Please

Please answer these questions in paragraph form using my included article, and outside sources. Please

Please answer these questions in paragraph form using my included article, and outside sources. Please paraphrase instead of quotation marks. Please make it about 800 words long.    a) Describe Newtonian mechanical culture and the role of Newtonian explicators. b) How did Newtonianism couple British entrepreneurs and engineers and facilitate more innovations in different technologies? c) describe the connection between Newtonianism and the Industrial Revolution NewtonandtheCultureofNewtonianism-byBettyJoTeeterDobbsandMargaretCJacobs-HumanitiesPressNewYork1995.pdfThe_Cultural_Origina_of_the_First_Industrial_Revolution.pdf.pdf

Overview: In the past three units you have learned about ancient Greece and Rome the

Overview: In the past three units you have learned about ancient Greece and Rome the

Overview: In the past three units, you have learned about ancient Greece and Rome, the rise of Islam and the Byzantine Empire and the diversity of trade-based empires in Africa. For this assignment, you will explore one of these civilizations in more detail. Instructions: ¢ Choose one of the civilizations that interests you the most. ¢ Research the civilization and answer the following questions: o Where is the civilization located? o What factors lead to the civilization’s success? (such as military strength, trade, religion) o What relationships did the civilization have with other civilizations? o What led to the civilization’s fall?HIS22947847.pdf

In chapter 8 we read about the Greeks’ justifiable view of pride in superior accomplishments

In chapter 8 we read about the Greeks’ justifiable view of pride in superior accomplishments

In chapter 8 we read about the Greeks’ justifiable view of pride in superior accomplishments. Compare the Greeks’ view of pride versus the Christians’ view of pride taught in Scripture. Why did the Greeks view pride as they did? What does the Bible say about pride? What do you feel is the cause of our present day view of pride within Western Culture? What about an individual’s achievements in sports? Can pride be both good and bad? Is there a balance? Just a few of the questions  Annotations