Nurse Practitioner Advocacy and Professional Growth: Insights from Legislative Updates and Policy Implications

Nurse Practitioner Advocacy and Professional Growth: Insights from Legislative Updates and Policy Implications m/10-steps-good- interview-2019.html

Phillips, S. J. (2019). 31st Annual APRN Legislative Update: Improving state practice authority and access to care. The Nurse Practitioner, 44(1), 27- 55. doi: 10.1097/01.NPR.000055 0248.81655.30

Duffy, E. G. (2018). Healthcare policy: implications for advanced nursing practice. Advanced Practice Nursing Roles: Core Concepts for Professional Development, 165.

    Interprofessional Collaboration: Enhancing Patient Care and Safety

    Interprofessional Collaboration: Enhancing Patient Care and Safety

    Explain how interprofessional collaboration will help reduce errors, provide higher-quality care, and increase safety. Provide an example of a current or emerging trend that will require more, or change the nature of, interprofessional collaboration.

    Describe one innovative health care delivery model that incorporates an interdisciplinary care delivery team. Explain how this model is advantageous to patient outcomes.

      Crafting Compelling Arguments: Choosing Effective Strategies for Your Final Paper

      Crafting Compelling Arguments: Choosing Effective Strategies for Your Final Paper

       This week, you will be reading about different strategies for arguing. For your discussion post this week, compose an original post of at least 250 words in which you discuss the strategy you want to use for your final paper. Which method of arguing from Chapter 17 will you use?  

        Distinguishing General Medicine from Internal Medicine

        Distinguishing General Medicine from Internal Medicine

         Not all medicine is the same nor is it practiced the same way. Take this time to describe in your own words, along with backed research, the difference between General Medicine and Internal Medicine. Do you believe there's a different skill set, the coder must have in order to work in General or internal Medicine? 

        120-150 words

          Nurse Managers & Leaders- Driving Healthcare Reengineering Through Continuous Quality Improvement

          Nurse Managers & Leaders- Driving Healthcare Reengineering Through Continuous Quality Improvement

          Discuss how nurse managers and nurse leaders contribute to the reengineering of health care.

          Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is the responsibility of all nurses and is vital when addressing the challenges of the health care industry. Provide an example of how you would apply CQI in your current or past position.

            Regulatory Frameworks and Standards for Nurse Practitioners in Florida- Upholding Professional Practice and Patient Safety

            Regulatory Frameworks and Standards for Nurse Practitioners in Florida- Upholding Professional Practice and Patient Safety

              Identify the professional codes and business practices regulated by the state for nurse practitioners and explain how invasive procedure privileges are granted within your state. Detail at least two standards for nurse practitioners within your state and discuss the regulations of ordering medications and devices within your respective state. 


              Exploring Toddler Development Through Gordon’s Health Patterns: A Comparative Analysis

              Exploring Toddler Development Through Gordon’s Health Patterns: A Comparative Analysis

              Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different ages using Gordon’s functional health patterns. Describe and apply the components of Gordon’s functional health patterns as it applies to toddlers.   


               Word limit 500 words.  Support your answers with the literature and provide citations and references in APA format.    

                Essential Oil Safety in Pediatric Massage: Health Promotion and Accident Prevention Strategies

                Essential Oil Safety in Pediatric Massage: Health Promotion and Accident Prevention Strategies

                Examine the safety and efficacy of essential oil use in children for massage—provide two sources. Consider how you would then provide health promotion and accident prevention teaching for the parents. Discuss how you would manage the care of the children and your approach to using this as a teachable moment for the parents.

                  Vaccine Controversies: Promoting Evidence-Based Perspectives on Safety and Efficacy

                  Vaccine Controversies: Promoting Evidence-Based Perspectives on Safety and Efficacy

                   Vaccine controversies have occurred since almost 80 years before the terms vaccine and vaccination were introduced, and continue to this day. Despite scientific consensus that recommended vaccines are safe and effective, unsubstantiated scares regarding their safety still occur, resulting in outbreaks and deaths from vaccine-preventable diseases. Please provide your input regarding this subject. 

                  APA style, 300 words, 2 references not older tan 5 years. 

                    Evolution of Prescriptive Authority: Controlled Substance Debate in Florida

                    Evolution of Prescriptive Authority: Controlled Substance Debate in Florida

                    Please go to website ( and review prescriptive authority requirements. Once reviewed, please answer the following questions:

                    1. How did prescriptive authority originally undergo revision in Florida?
                    2. Discuss the arguments for and against prescriptive authority for controlled substance in Florida?

                    Please remember to use References and APA 7th format.