RC Circuit Lab Report: Analyzing Circuits and Capacitors

RC Circuit Lab Report: Analyzing Circuits and Capacitors

Hello, I need someone to do the RC lab and lab report. I already made a lab report format which has a few sections that need to be done. I will also attach the actual lab that the teacher gave so that can be followed. I am sure online resources are available to help for this lab and you do not actually need the equipment. I tried and can't figure it out myself.

Calculating Neutron Absorption Distance and Neutrino Flux from a Nuclear Power Plant

Calculating Neutron Absorption Distance and Neutrino Flux from a Nuclear Power Plant

 1. Using Equation 4.4, show that d represents the mean distance neutrons travel before being absorbed.

25. If you were located 100 km from a 1 GW nuclear power plant, what would the neutrino flux be at your location? Assume that a 1 GW nuclear power plant releases 1021 neutrinos per second and you present a 1 m2 surface to the neutrino flux.