5 7 Powerpoint Slides With 200 Word Speaker Notes As The Newly Hired Human

5 7 Powerpoint Slides With 200 Word Speaker Notes As The Newly Hired Human

5–7 PowerPoint slides with 200 word speaker notes

As the newly hired human resources (HR) manager for a jewelry store, you have placed your initial focus on the areas of staffing and training development. During your organizational analysis, you discovered the following with regard to staffing and training:

  • Line managers are currently handling the recruiting and staffing functions. Each manager tends to follow different hiring practices. Some of the managers are reluctant to hand over the hiring of their staff to the HR department. Other managers feel burdened with the staffing responsibilities and are anxious to turn it over as quickly as possible. No job descriptions exist within the organization.
  • Upon hire, employees are given a 2-hour orientation session focusing on department policy and procedure. There is no additional training given, but rather, it is on the job training and learn as you go. There are no formal training classes and no management training programs.

You would like to obtain feedback from the line managers prior to making a presentation to the chief executive officer (CEO). Taking the above conditions into consideration, address the following questions in a presentation that you will deliver to a team of three to four line managers:Staffing Function:

  • What are your preliminary recommendations with regard to centralizing the staffing function under the HR umbrella?
  • What will the new process look like?
  • With regard to this new staffing strategy, what challenges do you anticipate, and what is your plan to overcome those challenges?
  • How can you position this to demonstrate how this will impact the performance efforts of the organization?
  • What results do you anticipate?

Training and Development Function:

  • With regard to the training/development function, what preliminary recommendations would you make?
  • What challenges do you anticipate with this new employee development strategy, and what is your plan to overcome those challenges?
  • How can you position this decision to the CEO to demonstrate how this will impact the performance efforts of the organization?
  • What results do you anticipate?

Note: You are required to use a minimum of 2 scholarly references in your research. Ensure that citations and references are formatted in compliance with APA style.


    I Decided To Choose Aapc, The American Association Of Pastoral Counseling. The Three Cons

    I Decided To Choose Aapc, The American Association Of Pastoral Counseling. The Three Cons

    1. I decided to choose AAPC, the American Association of Pastoral Counseling. The three cons I found did not work with insurance companies, did not have as much education, and could not dispense medication. The three pros I found were if you were Christian, it gave you more faith, they use scripture to build self-esteem, and they don’t rely on just scripture they have studied other mental health practices.   

    The cons of AAPC are significant to me as a person who lives paycheck to paycheck and has insurance that covers therapy. This would be a hard choice, as I would not have the money to pay, and my insurance does. With them not having as much education they are not able to dispense or work with people who can dispense medication and unfortunately therapy does not always work, and some people need medication to help with their mental health. Both these are critical reasons I would not choose to join this Association. 

    On the other hand, there are a few pro situations that are within this association. First, if you were having trouble believing in your faith and yourself, AAPC counselors work firsthand with those situations using scripture to help with your faith and to build your self-esteem. Even though they use scripture and God to help build your self-esteem it is not the only thing they have studied when it comes to mental health practices. They are versed in others and don't just rely on God. 

    In conclusion, there are pros and cons to AAPC but this Professional Association is not for me. I was hoping they would talk about how they do not just focus on God, but it seems that most of their practice circles around God and his scriptures and this is just not for me.  

    With the Professional Association you chose where do you take a mental health conversation once you’ve opened with, “How are you feeling?”


     The American Counseling Association, the advantage of joining the American Counseling Association is as follow, there are a number of benefits that members receive, including advocacy, community, credibility, and practice support. Members receive discounts on insurance and professional development opportunities. The ACA also offers members educational opportunities, job development, and networking resources. The advantage of joining the American Counseling Association is as follow, membership fees is sky high, committing to the rules and regulations of the association can be very challenging, and it is time consuming. As always, the benefits always outlast the cost and so joining the American Counseling Association will be a great idea and benefit for me. Ethical considerations of joining the American Counseling Association is the benefits the association offers to business, which including networking opportunities, new informations and updates from the association, discounts on products and services, and educational resources. I am starting up a business back home, and i have been trying to connect with other businesses and vendors to help lift my business. This is why i believe the benefits outweigh the cost of joining the American Counseling Association. businesses can often receive discounts on products and services from vendors that offer discounts to members. This can be a great way to save money on business expenses, and can help my business stretch  further. The association will be able to provide me with access to network of like-minded individuals and businesses, which can be invaluable for networking and building business relationship. In addition, the associations can help keep my busines up-to-date on industry news and changes, and can provide educational resources on best practices and new trends. Educational opportunities, job development, and networking opportunities is a great way to improve the lives of my family and i. Joining the American Counseling Association will great other avenue to better equip myself so that i can be put in the right position to assist the needy and less priviledged.


       Upon Completion Of The First Semester In A Program That Sounded Perfect But Isn’T

       Upon Completion Of The First Semester In A Program That Sounded Perfect But Isn’T

      1.  Upon completion of the first semester in a program that sounded perfect but isn't accredited for my given profession and will not lead to licensure in the state, I hope to practice. I would contact my advisor right away so the corrections can be made. I would also have to contact financial aid and possibly begin making payments on my student loan to cover the courses I had taken that semester so that it does not mess up anything for the classes I will have to take. This could have been prevented by doing personal research into my desired profession and by asking questions as well as clarifying my professional goals with my school advisor to ensure I was on the right path from the beginning. The impact this mishap will have on my future career could be a delayed start, if those classes in that semester cannot be summed up as elective classes then I am a semester behind which prevents me from graduating until the following year. It could prevent me from getting the job I want when I want it. Personally, it is a setback but nothing anyone should let get in the way of obtaining their goal, I would not let it. 

      2. In the town where I live you must have a masters degree but if the program is not accredited you must go to your advisor of the college and they will take your  advice  ,you may have to go to another college on line or , change your major and the college should have all the information The college needs to . Know about this problem you may be able to move your credits to another college some students have sued the college and you may lose credits so you must keep check on your credits . Contact your advice 


        Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 Thursday and you have until Day

        Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 Thursday and you have until Day

        Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.  Regulatory, Legal, Ethical, and Accreditation Issues in Research As highlighted in Chapter 9 of your course text, three research methods are available (descriptive, analytic, and evaluative). Discuss these methods and give one example of how each would be used when conducting research using homeless individuals as subjects. Analyze regulatory, accreditation, ethical, and legal issues and challenges related to each research method.   Your initial contribution should be 250 to 300 words in length. Your research and claims must be supported by your course text and at least one other scholarly source. Use proper APA formatting for in-text citations and references as outlined in the Writing Center.

        You learned about measurement and assessing talent. apply what you have learned to a specific

        You learned about measurement and assessing talent. apply what you have learned to a specific

        You learned about measurement and assessing talent. apply what you have learned to a specific situation. Using the job that you created (Human Resources Director), complete the following tasks: Compose 15 questions that will be used to measure or assess candidates’ skills for this particular job. Explain why and how these questions relate to the position and why measurement and assessment are important. Be sure to define what is meant by measurement. Create a scoring rubric to validate, rate, and rank candidates in order to be able to identify the top three candidates. How would reliability and validity affect the evaluation of this measurement?  Three pages in length.

        Writing a Reading Report: A reading report is a form of writing in which a

        Writing a Reading Report: A reading report is a form of writing in which a

        Writing a Reading Report: A reading report is a form of writing in which a person summarizes a piece of reading. After reading Chapter 5 in Laurie Schneider Adams, 5th Edition of a ‘A History of Western Art, four paragraph summary of the highlights of either a old kingdom or the new kingdom. Explain the main events of the kingdom chosen. Paragraphs: First : background who, what, when, where and why on subject.  Second: summary of the first one-third of the story/narrative ending with a specific example. third: summary of the second one-third of the story/narrative ending with a specific example. Last: summary of the last one-third of the story/narrative ending with a specific example.

        When you began your MS Program you enrolled in either the MS in Social and

        When you began your MS Program you enrolled in either the MS in Social and

        When you began your MS Program, you enrolled in either the MS in Social and Community Services or the MS in Leadership and Organizational Management. Identify which of these two is your degree program. In your initial post, identify if you are choosing to conduct a Research Proposal or a Program Evaluation for the capstone project. For the Research Proposal discuss your human service topic of focus (e.g., child abuse, homelessness, healthcare, disability services, addictive diseases, etc.). For the Program Evaluation discuss your human service agency of focus and the service the agency provides (e.g., child abuse, homelessness, healthcare, disability services, addictive diseases, etc.). Include a rationale for your topic of focus or agency of focus. Do you have experience in the field or at the agency? Do you have a passion for the topic, or have you volunteered at the identified agency?

        Watch clips from ‘The Big Lebowski’ :Part 1 Links to an external sitePart 2 Links

        Watch clips from ‘The Big Lebowski’ :Part 1 Links to an external sitePart 2 Links

        Watch clips from ‘The Big Lebowski’ :  Part 1 (Links to an external site.),  Part 2 (Links to an external site.) Cast:  Jeff Bridges (Links to an external site.) as Jeffrey ‘The Dude’ Lebowski.   David Huddleston (Links to an external site.) as Jeffrey ‘The Big’ Lebowski; a millionaire philanthropist for whom ‘The Dude’ is mistaken.  Philip Seymour Hoffman (Links to an external site.) as Brandt; The Big Lebowski’s executive assistant  Plot:  In 1991 Los Angeles (Links to an external site.), Jeffrey ‘The Dude’ Lebowski, a middle-aged bachelor (Links to an external site.) with a penchant for cannabis (Links to an external site.) and bowling (Links to an external site.), is assaulted by two goons hired by pornographer Jackie Treehorn, demanding money owed by the wife of another Jeffrey Lebowski (the eponymous ‘Big Lebowski’). Realizing they have the wrong man; they leave after one of them urinates on the Dude’s rug.   The Dude seeks compensation from the other Lebowski, a wealthy philanthropist who refuses his request. Leaving Lebowski’s mansion, the Dude takes a valuable rug.  Scenes in this clip:  The Dude gets roughed up   The Dude meets with The Big Lebowski  Submit your answers to these questions as a file (DOC) attachment below: On a scale of 1-5, rate The Dude and The Big Lebowski on the following personality characteristics, then briefly explain why you chose that number:  Conscientiousness Dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, hardworking, persevering  Agreeableness   Kind, cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, courteous, warm  Extraversion Talkative, sociable, passionate, assertive, bold, dominant  Neuroticism  Nervous, moody, emotional, insecure, jealous, unstable

        This week’s reading explores the role of religious values in shaping social welfare policy. How

        This week’s reading explores the role of religious values in shaping social welfare policy. How

        This week’s reading explores the role of religious values in shaping social welfare policy. How might religious values come into play in shaping programs like SNAP and TANF? What about your own religious values (or, if you do not identify as religious, your personal ethical or spiritual values)? How do those values shape your beliefs about programs like SNAP and TANF? In the helping field, we often use our knowledge to help others expand their perspective. In response to your peers, discuss some points that may help to shift negative views of social welfare programs. Try to incorporate religious, ethical, or spiritual values to justify those points.

        To begin select an organization of your choice that meets one of the following requirements: 

        To begin select an organization of your choice that meets one of the following requirements: 

        To begin select an organization of your choice that meets one of the following requirements:  An organization you have worked for and are familiar with its performance management system (PMS) An organization about which enough literature has been published to describe the current state of its PMS Prepare a report for the HR Director of your selected organization that recommends implementing a new HR instrument or method to improve the current performance management system. Be sure your recommendation responds to the following bullets with in a 2- to 3-page. Evaluate how well the performance management system works with its current instruments and methods (i.e., is it aligned with the type of workers, hierarchy, structure, goals, missions, values, and vision?).  Assess the positives and negatives of the current system. Compare 3 different instruments or methods you found during your research and highlight the unique contribution of each. Finalize your recommendation to the HR Director and justify why your selected instrument or method would improve the current performance management system.