Review six recent issues of a business periodical (such as Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, Fast

Review six recent issues of a business periodical (such as Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, Fast

Review six recent issues of a business periodical (such as Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, Fast Company, or Wall Street Journal) Find two articles on international business and evaluate them by asking: 1. What types of cross-cultural differences might arise in these situations? How might managers deal with those cross-cultural differences?

Review the case study ‘Alaska Airlines: Navigating Change’ and then complete the following: a State

Review the case study ‘Alaska Airlines: Navigating Change’ and then complete the following: a State

Review the case study ‘Alaska Airlines: Navigating Change’ and then complete the following: (a) State what actually occurred in the case regarding Kotter’s steps 3 and 4 of developing a vision and strategy and communicating the change vision (two to three paragraphs), and (b) address each of the critical elements for Section II parts C and D in your change effort analysis. Make sure to include your recommendations for implementing Kotter’s steps 3 and 4. C. Form a Strategic Vision Determine the values that are essential to this change. Why are these values essential? Establish the vision for this organizational change effort. How will this vision be effective in promoting your change effort? Identify your intended targeted outcomes. Defend your choices. What must occur for the organizational change effort to be considered a success? Defend your response. D. Communicate the Change What is required for the change to be communicated effectively within the organization? Why? Determine actions you will take to encourage two-way communication for effective feedback loops during implementation of the change effort. Explain why these actions will be effective. How will you support the direct supervisors in the organization in their efforts to communicate with employees about the change effort? Describe how you will address any concerns or anxieties regarding this change. Who needs to be involved and in what capacity for this change effort to be a success? Submission: 3-6 page document, APA format with resources. OL663MilestoneTwoGuidelinesandRubric.pdfAlaskaAirlines.pdf

Respond to each of the questions belowWhat is your reaction to

Respond to each of the questions belowWhat is your reaction to

Respond to each of the questions below.  What is your reaction to the idea of a differentiated workforce? What do you see as the practical advantages or challenges in implementing this concept? In this chapter we reviewed the distinction between a career ladder and a career lattice.  How do you expect your career to evolve?  What will be the important considerations to you in changing jobs or career paths? Have you ever seen unintended consequences of rewards at work? How so? How could this unintended consequence have been avoided? Consider what motivates you at work or in your leisure time.  What intrinsic and extrinsic motivators drive you to act in both circumstances?   Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be 100-200 words per question, formatted and cited in current APA style.  All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.  Please post your initial response by 9:00 PM ET Thursday

Respond to the following bullets in a 2- to 3-page Discuss

Respond to the following bullets in a 2- to 3-page Discuss

Respond to the following bullets in a 2- to 3-page Discuss the role and importance of the appraisal process as a component of performance management. Summarize 3 types of employee appraisal processes.   Of those 3, choose your preferred process and justify your choice.  How might metrics be utilized to sustain effective individual performance?

Reflect on how the meeting with Max the manager went and discuss the key takeaways

Reflect on how the meeting with Max the manager went and discuss the key takeaways

Reflect on how the meeting with Max the manager went and discuss the key takeaways from your simulation experience. Analyze your approach within the Performance Management Coaching Simulation and discuss the rationale for your approach. Outline another coaching approach that would have also worked in the Simulation. Discuss how the use of metrics associated with the performance review process may have helped Max avoid this problem scenario. Explain why a manager should not use an appraisal process as an opportunity to lecture about job performance.  Discuss how the performance review process could best be used for employee development.

Reflect on the job you currently have or jobs you have held in the past.

Reflect on the job you currently have or jobs you have held in the past.

Reflect on the job you currently have or jobs you have held in the past. Based on what you have learned, what strategies did the organization use during the selection and hiring process? What do you think was successful and what do you think could have been improved to make the process better for you as the prospective employee and for the organization itself?

Read: Case 21-MalawiYou are responsible for designing a training program for using a new

Read: Case 21-MalawiYou are responsible for designing a training program for using a new

Read: Case 21-Malawi  You are responsible for designing a training program for using a new software to track sales in MalawRead the case study then answer the discussion questions.  Submit your answers to these questions as a file (DOC) attachment below: What does the training look like? Who will deliver the training? How will it be delivered? Will managers be required to attend this training? If so, how would they be instructed to do so? What language and cultural variables would you take into consideration and how would you do so? Case21-Malawi.docx

Receiving health care services in the United States can be very expensive and citizens are

Receiving health care services in the United States can be very expensive and citizens are

Receiving health care services in the United States can be very expensive, and citizens are strongly encouraged to have health insurance to cover the unexpected costs of care. However, picking an insurance plan can be challenging. Options for health care coverage change regularly and are highly regulated. Watch the video How to Choose a Plan in the Health Insurance Marketplace (Links to an external site.) and research the web pages 3 Things to Know Before You Pick a Health Insurance Plan (Links to an external site.) and Finding Health Insurance (Links to an external site.). Now, imagine you are given a choice of insurance plans and you obtain provider lists from participating insurance companies or from the company’s employee benefits department. Your discussion assignments follow: Commercial (Last name begins with A-D)

Read a policy brief/report from either the Brookings Institute or the Hoover Institution and address

Read a policy brief/report from either the Brookings Institute or the Hoover Institution and address

Read a policy brief/report from either the Brookings Institute or the Hoover Institution and address the following questions: How does the brief/report compare with the description of policy analysis in your required readings? Do you think the analysis comes more from a rational perspective or a political perspective?  Why? Do you support changes being made to your selected policy?  Why or why not?

question Several collaborative relationships between choreographers and designers are mentioned in this chapter including lighting

question Several collaborative relationships between choreographers and designers are mentioned in this chapter including lighting

question Several collaborative relationships between choreographers and designers are mentioned in this chapter, including lighting designers, costume designers, set designers, and composers. Sometimes, these partnerships are so important, that the choreographer would not be able to realize their vision without the support and collaboration of the design partner. Watch these three clips. Pick one, and describe how the production elements support the vision for the piece. What production elements do you recognize? Describe all relevant production elements (lighting, set, costume, music, other technical elements) Would this dance change if the production elements were different? Would it be the same piece?  Diavolo ‘Trajectoire’ Jody Sperling/Time Lapse Dance ‘Claire de Lune’ Bandaloop ‘Harboring’ Use at least 50 words to describe the dance, including the design elements, and use the Elements of Dance vocabulary. Use at least 50 additional words to examine how the production elements contribute to the overall piece. Post an original thread with your ideas (minimum of 100 words), and make sure that you clearly demonstrate that you have watched the dance (at least twice).  Post two responses to two other classmates. Your response posts should be a minimum of 50 words each. classmate 1  I chose the Banaloop ‘Harboring’ video. This video instantly grabbed my attention. This dance is different from the majority that we have seen because the dancers are suspended in the air. They are held up by their waist and float racially around. This dance uses a lot of space because the dancers stretch all the way out and they also intersect by climbing over each other’s shoulders. I think the production lights make this awesome. The lights are light blue and white and it is almost like the dancers are in the clouds. I feel if the lights were any other colors then it wouldn’t be as nice as it is.  classmate 2 I really liked this piece because there was a lot of lighting it used. On the bottom of the half sometimes we can see a light behind the circle, especially in the beginning, to really define the movement of the dancers. It adds an element of suspense. The set and scenic design is amazing because for majority of it they are using this half circle that sways back and forth. They are running around, on it and off of it and jumping while it’s moving. Their clothes are tight but still very movable. Since they are doing a ton of running and jumping and leaping, they need to be able to move to the best of their abilities. This piece seems like it would be EXTREMELY difficult to learn and perform.