GCU Christians Might Benefit from A Study of Other Religions Discussion

GCU Christians Might Benefit from A Study of Other Religions Discussion

In a personal reflection of 1,000–1,250 words, consider how a Christian might benefit from a study of other religions by addressing the following:

  1. Can Christian dialogue with other religious traditions be a part of the calling to proclaim the Gospel?
  2. What can Christians learn from other religious traditions?
  3. Can religious experiences or teachings in other faiths be validated?
  4. How can Christians think critically about their encounters with members of other faiths?
  5. Be sure to support your personal reflections with examples and constructive thought

PSY225 Phoenix Week 3 Subject Wellbeing and Physical Health Presentation

PSY225 Phoenix Week 3 Subject Wellbeing and Physical Health Presentation

Prepare a 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that illustrates the relationship between subjective wellbeing and the following topics:

  • Physical health
  • Mental health
  • Work
  • Intelligence
  • Religion
  • Race, ethnicity, and stigma

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

INT244 GCU Judaism from a Christianity Standpoint Reflection Paper

INT244 GCU Judaism from a Christianity Standpoint Reflection Paper

In a personal reflection of 1,000–1,250 words, address the following:

  1. What are some misunderstandings that Jews and Christians may have about each other?
  2. How can a study of Judaism help to overcome those misunderstandings?
  3. Reflect on several ways in which the contemporary nation state of Israel may be viewed by various Christian communities.

PCN523 GCU Domestic Violence Victims Psychological Testing Presentation

PCN523 GCU Domestic Violence Victims Psychological Testing Presentation

Select a special population of interest from the following list:

  1. Domestic violence victims
  2. Clients with questions about their sexual orientation
  3. Human trafficking victims
  4. Clients with suicidal ideation
  5. Clients who self-harm

Hypothesize the future of psychological testing for your selected population.

Create a 7-10-slide presentation about your population that includes the following:

  1. A description of the tests and assessments currently in use
  2. Changes to the tests and assessments you would like to see
  3. Explain any procedures related to reporting abuse, duty to warn, or victims’ rights
  4. Detailed speaker notes as if you are giving the presentation in person

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

PHI103 Ashford Ashford Fallacies and Biases Discussion

PHI103 Ashford Ashford Fallacies and Biases Discussion

Fallacies and Biases Discussion #2: Media and Bias

The media we consume affects us, but we also affect it. Most people think that they perceive truth objectively, as it is. However, we all see things from a point of view. Furthermore, people tend to seek media that supports their points of view. This can serve to further entrench us in a more narrow way of looking at things while at the same time making us feel more certain that our point of view is objective and neutral. We also learned in Chapter 8 that people have biases (such as the confirmation bias) that make it hard for them to embrace ideas that contradict with their own points of view. This week’s discussion seeks to explore how we can free ourselves from these tendencies.

. Make sure to read Chapter 8, for example on “Media and Mediated Images” (including all sub-headings).

Reflect: Think about the ways in which people consume media that supports their own points of view. Consider what we might do to learn to think more objectively and see things from multiple points of view.

Write: Answer the following questions: In what ways are people manipulated by the media that they consume? Make sure to give specific examples. What types of consequences can follow from people having more choices of what media they can consume? Do we control our media or does it control us? What can people do to break free from media hypnosis and have broader, more objective points of view? In what ways might we strive to overcome confirmation bias? Address anything else that you find relevant and interesting in the chapter and video

PHI103 Ashford Importance of teaching Arts & Humanities to Children Paper

PHI103 Ashford Importance of teaching Arts & Humanities to Children Paper

This final assignment is designed to involve all of the main skills that you have learned during this course. In particular, your paper should demonstrate the ability to construct a deductively valid or inductively strong argument, clearly and accurately explain your reasoning, use high-quality academic sources to support the premises of your argument, fairly and honestly evaluate contrary arguments and objections, and identify fallacies and biases that occur within the arguments or objections presented.

You will continue to build on the arguments that you are presented in your previous two papers. In particular,, you will present a final improved version of your argument for your thesis that you begin for the Week One Assignment and fully address the objection that you developed for your Week Three Assignment. You will need to research a minimum of three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library. (For further information about discovering and including scholarly research, take a look at the FindIt@AU Tutorial (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. instructional resource.)

Write: in your paper

  • Explain the topic you are addressing and your position on it. Provide a preview of your paper and a statement of your thesis in your opening paragraph. [Approximately 100 words]
  • Present your main argument for your thesis in standard form, with each premise and the conclusion on a separate line.Clearly indicate whether your argument is intended to be inductive or deductive. Follow up the presentation of your argument by clarifying the meaning of any premises that could use some explanation. [About 150 words]
    • If your argument is deductive, then it should be valid (in the strict logical sense of the word); if it is inductive, then it should be strong. Make sure to avoid committing logical fallacies within your argument (e.g., begging the question). Additionally, the premises should be true, to the best of your knowledge. If one of your premises has a pretty obvious counter-example, then you should either fix the argument so that it does not have this flaw, or later, in your paper (steps three through five) you should address the apparent counter-example (showing that it does not really refute the truth of your premise). Arguments that are not valid, not very strong, commit fallacies, or that have counter-examples that are not adequately addressed will not receive full credit.
    • Pay special attention to those premises that could be seen as controversial. Evidence may include academic research sources, supporting arguments (arguments whose conclusions are premises of the main argument), or other ways of demonstrating the truth of those premises. This section should include at least one scholarly research source.
  • Provide supporting evidence for the premises of your argument. [Approximately 350 words]
  • Explain a strong objection to your argument. [Approximately 250 words]
    • Study what people on the other side of this question think about your reasoning and present the best possible objection that someone could have to your argument. Do not commit the straw man fallacy here. Reference at least one scholarly research source. See the “Practicing Effective Criticism” section of Chapter 9 of the course text for more information.
  • Defend your argument against the objection. [Approximately 200 words]
    • Once you have presented the objection, indicate clearly how you might respond to it. It is acceptable to admit that reasonable people might disagree with you or that there might be an area in which your argument could be further strengthened, but you should do your best to explain why your argument is sound or cogent despite the objections.
  • Provide an appropriate conclusion. [Approximately 75 words]

PCN523 Grand Canyon Testing and Assessment of Adolescents Paper

PCN523 Grand Canyon Testing and Assessment of Adolescents Paper

Assessment plays a significant role in the educational setting. Educators may want to assess what students have learned in class, or they may want to find out the extent to which students are able to learn more advance material. A variety of testing instruments are used in all levels of education. In your paper, be sure to address all of the following questions as you explore the use of assessments in the field of education.

Write a 750-1,000-word paper about testing and assessment of adolescents. It is a requirement to answer each of the following questions:

  1. What is the role of assessment in education?
  2. What is the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children and when would it be used?
  3. What are Raven’s Progressive Matrices and when would it be used?
  4. What are general achievement tests and when would they be used?
  5. Which tests are best used for adolescents and why?
  6. What is the Kaufman Assessment Battery and when would it be used?
  7. What is the Woodcock-Johnson III and when would it be used?

Include at least three scholarly references in addition to the textbook in your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Ashford University Non Voluntary Active Euthanasia Paper

Ashford University Non Voluntary Active Euthanasia Paper

The following assignment is an exercise designed to help you begin the process of addressing a moral issue, a process that will continue in the next two assignments. In this exercise, you will do the following:

  • Formulate an ethical question within one of the given topic areas from the list provided.
  • Provide an introduction in which you briefly explain the topic and the particular question on which you will focus your paper.
  • State your position on the question at issue.
  • Identify one consideration that would support your position and one consideration that would challenge it.

The exercise must be at least 500 words in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Be sure to include a title page and, if you include references, a bibliography. The exercise should be in outline (not essay) format, with each part labeled and numbered as specified below.

  1. Part One: Formulate the Question
    Read through the list of available topic areas, and select a topic on which you would like to write your next two papers. Formulate a specific, concrete, ethical question pertaining to that topic, and place that at the top of your paper.

    The question should be specific enough to discuss in six to eight pages (which is the length of the Final Paper assignment). For example, if you were interested in discussing the topic of capital punishment, a question like “Is capital punishment wrong?” would be too vague, and would need to be reformulated as a more specific question, such as “Should we execute people convicted of first degree murder?” or “Is it just to use capital punishment when there is the possibility of executing innocent persons?” or “Is the capital punishment system racist?”

  1. Part Two: Provide a Brief Introduction to the Topic
    Your introduction should focus on setting out the topic and scope of the discussion in a way that clearly establishes what exactly you will be talking about and why it is significant. It should also provide any necessary context such as the background, current state of affairs, definitions of key terms, and so on. You want to try to do this in a way that stays as neutral as possible, avoids controversial assumptions, rhetorical questions, and the like. In other words, you should try to construct an introduction to the topic that could be an introduction to a paper defending any position on the question at issue.

    It is important for your introduction to narrow down the topic as much as possible. Doing so will allow you to provide a more detailed consideration of the issues and explain the reasoning more clearly in later papers. In general, arguments and analyses are much stronger when they focus on addressing a particular issue thoroughly and in detail, and doing so often requires deciding on one particular question or point to discuss, and leaving other possible ones aside.

    You should label this section of your paper as “Introduction.”

  1. Part Three: Provide a Position Statement
    State clearly and precisely the position you intend to defend on the question you have formulated. This does not need to be more than one sentence.

    Note that providing a position statement does not necessarily presume that you are confident in your position, that other positions do not have merit, or that you cannot change your mind later. However, for now, it is important to at least tentatively take a stand on a position you believe to be better supported than others.

    Label this section as “Position Statement.”

  1. Part Four: Identify and Explain a Supporting Reason
    Identify and explain a plausible reason someone could give that supports the position you have taken and be sure to clearly explain why you think it supports that position. The explanation should aim to be three to five sentences (shorter explanations are possible, but will likely be inadequate; longer explanations are likely to be too verbose).

    Label this section as “Supporting Reason.”

  1. Part Five: Identify and Explain an Opposing Reason
    Identify and explain a plausible reason someone might give that would oppose or challenge the position you have taken and be sure to clearly explain why you think it would oppose or challenge it. The explanation should aim to be three to five sentences (shorter explanations are possible, but will likely be inadequate; longer explanations are likely to be too verbose). You should strive to articulate that reason in a way that someone defending a contrary position to your own would do. This requires stepping back from your own position and being able to think about the problem as objectively as you can. You should not attempt to respond to this opposing reason.

    Label this section as “Opposing Reason.”


PHI208 Ashford Utilitarianism Applied to Just War and Military Ethics Paper

PHI208 Ashford Utilitarianism Applied to Just War and Military Ethics Paper

Applying an Ethical Theory

Please read these assignment instructions before writing your paper, and re-read them often during and after the writing process to make sure that you are fulfilling all of the instructions. Please also utilize the assignment guidance and the outlined model provided.

The following short essay assignment is designed to help prepare you for an important part of the Final Paper. In this essay, you will do the following:

  • Choose either the same ethical question you formulated and introduced in the Week One Assignment, or a different one based off the list of acceptable topics.
  • Choose either utilitarian or deontological ethical theory to apply to the ethical question.
  • Explain the core principles of that theory.
  • Demonstrate how the principles of the theory support a certain position on that question.
  • Articulate a relevant objection to that position.

Write a five-paragraph essay that conforms to the requirements below. The paper must be at least 1,000 words in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. The paragraphs of your essay should conform to the following guidelines:

  • Introduction
    The introduction should clearly state the ethical question under consideration, and define the essential issues. You may build upon the question and introduction you provided in the Week One Assignment; or you may choose a different question, but it must be based off the list of acceptable topics. Your introduction should include a brief remark about the kind of theory you will be using to approach this question. The last sentence of the introduction should briefly summarize the or position on the issue you think is best supported by this theory and succinctly state what the objection will be. Bear in mind that your essay will not be concerned with your own position on this issue, but what someone reasoning along the lines of the chosen theory would conclude; this may or may not be the position you took in the Week One Assignment.
  • Body Paragraphs
    Each paragraph in the body should start with a topic sentence that clearly identifies the main idea of the paragraph.
    • Theory explanation
      Explain the core principles or features of the deontological or utilitarian theory and the general account of moral reasoning it provides.You must quote from at least one required resource other than your textbook that defends or represents that theory. Refer to the list of acceptable resources.
    • Application
      Demonstrate how the principles or features of the deontological or utilitarian theory apply to the question under consideration and identify the specific conclusion that results from applying the reasoning characteristic of that kind of approach.Your application should clearly show how the conclusion follows from the main principles and features of the theory as addressed in the previous paragraph. Please see the associated guidance for help in fulfilling this requirement.
    • Objection
      Raise a relevant objection to the argument expressed in your application. An objection articulates a plausible reason why someone might find the argument problematic. This can be a false or unsupported claim or assumption, fallacious reasoning, a deep concern about what the conclusion involves, a demonstration of how the argument supports other conclusions that are unacceptable, etc. You should aim to explain this objection as objectively as possible, (i.e., in a way that would be acceptable to someone who disagrees with the argument from the previous paragraph).Note that this does not necessarily mean that the objection succeeds, or that the conclusion the theory supports is wrong. It may be an obstacle that any adequate defense of the conclusion would have to overcome, and it may be the case that the theory has the resources to overcome that obstacle. Your task here is simply to raise the objection or present the “obstacle.”
  • Conclusion
    The conclusion should very briefly summarize the main points of your essay.

Resource Requirements

  • You must use at least two resources to support your claims.
  • At least one of the resources should be one of the Required or Recommended Resources that represent the theory you have chosen, and must be drawn from the list of acceptable resources available in your online classroom.
  • The other source should pertain to the particular issue you are writing about and should be drawn from the required or recommended readings in the course, or be a scholarly source found in the Ashford Unversity Library.
  • You are encouraged to use additional resources, so long as at least two conform to the requirements above.
  • The textbook does not count toward satisfying the resources requirement.

PSY225 University of Phoenix Tracking Positive and Negative Emotions Paper

PSY225 University of Phoenix Tracking Positive and Negative Emotions Paper

Track your experience of positive and negative emotions over 4 days this week.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following:

Did you experience more positive or negative emotions during the tracking period?

What did you notice about the range of emotions you experienced during the 4 days? What type of experiences generated the strongest emotional responses?

Explain the psychological benefits of positive emotions as discussed in this week’s readings.

What are some strategies to help cultivate positive emotions in your life?

Include the chart you created. Use the University of Phoenix Material: Tracking Example as a guide.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.