CJS211 University of Phoenix Ethics in Corrections Paper

CJS211 University of Phoenix Ethics in Corrections Paper

Write a 700- to 1,050-word personal reflection paper in which you address the following:

  • What is your personal stance on the privatization of prisons versus traditional government-run facilities?
  • Is it ethical for prisons to focus on profit? Why or why not?
  • Do you support the phasing out of corporate-run prisons by the Justice Department? Why or why not?
  • Do you think community corrections programs have placed too much burden and risk on communities and citizens? Are some programs better for community placement than others? Explain your answer.
  • What consequences should be faced by correctional officers who violate ethical codes of conduct?
  • If a correctional officer is arrested and incarcerated, should they be housed with the regular inmate population?
  • Is there ever a circumstance in which you feel physical punishment is appropriate? Explain your response.
  • Include a 1- to 2-paragraph summary of your thoughts on your collaborative group’s discussion of the death penalty.

Format your paper in accordance with APA guidelines.

Include a minimum of 2 resources

ENG450 Gran Canyon Shakespeare Taming of the Shrew Argument Paper

ENG450 Gran Canyon Shakespeare Taming of the Shrew Argument Paper

Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare suggests that The Taming of the Shrew focuses “on the battle between the sexes and on the process by which a strong-willed woman is made to submit to the control of her husband.”

Drawing on both the introductory material and the text of the play, make an argument (900-1,200 words) for the ways in which Kate submitted to Petruccio’s control or the ways in which she successfully resisted.

1. Be certain to craft an argument that you will then prove with your writing, avoiding unnecessary summary.

2. Be certain to provide specific evidence from the play and from the introductory material.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the MLA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

PHI103 Ashford University Social Media and Employment Law Paper

PHI103 Ashford University Social Media and Employment Law Paper

This final assignment is designed to involve all of the main skills that you have learned during this course. In particular, your paper should demonstrate the ability to construct a deductively valid or inductively strong argument, clearly and accurately explain your reasoning, use high-quality academic sources to support the premises of your argument, fairly and honestly evaluate contrary arguments and objections, and identify fallacies and biases that occur within the arguments or objections presented.

You will continue to build on the arguments that you are presented in your previous two papers. In particular,, you will present a final improved version of your argument for your thesis that you begin for the Week One Assignment and fully address the objection that you developed for your Week Three Assignment. You will need to research a minimum of three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library. (For further information about discovering and including scholarly research, take a look at the FindIt@AU Tutorial (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. instructional resource.)

Write: in your paper

  • Explain the topic you are addressing and your position on it. Provide a preview of your paper and a statement of your thesis in your opening paragraph. [Approximately 100 words]
  • Present your main argument for your thesis in standard form, with each premise and the conclusion on a separate line.Clearly indicate whether your argument is intended to be inductive or deductive. Follow up the presentation of your argument by clarifying the meaning of any premises that could use some explanation. [About 150 words]
    • If your argument is deductive, then it should be valid (in the strict logical sense of the word); if it is inductive, then it should be strong. Make sure to avoid committing logical fallacies within your argument (e.g., begging the question). Additionally, the premises should be true, to the best of your knowledge. If one of your premises has a pretty obvious counter-example, then you should either fix the argument so that it does not have this flaw, or later, in your paper (steps three through five) you should address the apparent counter-example (showing that it does not really refute the truth of your premise). Arguments that are not valid, not very strong, commit fallacies, or that have counter-examples that are not adequately addressed will not receive full credit.
  • Provide supporting evidence for the premises of your argument. [Approximately 350 words]
    • Pay special attention to those premises that could be seen as controversial. Evidence may include academic research sources, supporting arguments (arguments whose conclusions are premises of the main argument), or other ways of demonstrating the truth of those premises. This section should include at least one scholarly research source.
  • Explain a strongobjectionto your argument. [Approximately 250 words]
    • Study what people on the other side of this question think about your reasoning and present the best possible objection that someone could have to your argument. Do not commit the straw man fallacy here. Reference at least one scholarlyresearch source. See the “Practicing Effective Criticism” section of Chapter 9 of the course text for more information.
  • Defend your argument against the objection. [Approximately 200 words]
    • Once you have presented the objection, indicate clearly how you might respond to it. It is acceptable to admit that reasonable people might disagree with you or that there might be an area in which your argument could be further strengthened, but you should do your best to explain why your argument is sound or cogent despite the objections.
  • Provide an appropriate conclusion. [Approximately 75 words]

For further instruction on how to create arguments, see the How to Construct a Valid DeductiveArgument (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and Tips for Creating an Inductively Strong Argument (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. documents as well as the Contructing Valid Arguments Video (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. For an example of a completed Final Paper, see the Annotated Example The Ethics of Elephants in Circuses (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Let your instructor know if you have questions about how to complete this paper.


The Final Argument Paper

PHI103 Ashford University Teaching Arts and Humanities to Children Paper

PHI103 Ashford University Teaching Arts and Humanities to Children Paper

Counterargument Paper

This paper assignment expands upon your Week One Assignment and prepares you for the Final Paper. The expansion is to learn to improve one’s argument after investigating and fairly representing the opposite point of view. The main new tasks are to revise your previous argument created in Week One, to present a counterargument (an argument for a contrary conclusion), and to develop an objection to your original argument.

Here are the steps to prepare to write the counterargument paper:

  • Begin reviewing your previous paper paying particular attention to suggestions for improvement made by your instructor.
  • Revise your argument, improving it as much as possible, accounting for any suggestions and in light of further material you have learned in the course. If your argument is inductive, make sure that it is strong. If your argument is deductive, make sure that it is valid.
  • Construct what you take to be the strongest possible argument for a conclusion contrary to the one you argued for in your Week One paper. This is your counterargument. This should be based on careful thought and appropriate research.
  • Consider the primary points of disagreement between the point of view of your original argument and that of the counterargument.
  • Think about what you take to be the strongest objection to your original argument and how you might answer the objection while being fair to both sides. Search in the Ashford University Library for quality academic sources that support some aspect of your argument or counterargument.

In your paper,

  • Present a revised argument in standard form, with each premise and the conclusion on a separate line.
  • Present a counterargument in standard form, with each premise and the conclusion on a separate line.
  • Provide support for each premise of your counterargument. Clarify the meaning of the premise and supporting evidence for the premise.
    • Pay special attention to those premises that could be seen as controversial. Evidence may include academic research sources, supporting arguments, or other ways of demonstrating the truth of the premise (for more ideas about how to support the truth of premises take a look at the instructor guidance for this week). This section should include at least one scholarly research source. For guidance about how to develop a conclusion see the Ashford Writing Center’s Introductions and Conclusions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Explain how the conclusion of the counterargument follows from its premises. [One paragraph]
  • Discuss the primary points of disagreement between sincere and intelligent proponents of both sides. [One to two paragraphs]
    • For example, you might list any premises or background assumptions on which you think such proponents would disagree and briefly state what you see as the source of the disagreement, you could give a brief explanation of any reasoning that you think each side would find objectionable, or you could do a combination of these.
  • Present the best objection to your original argument. Clearly indicate what part of the argument your objection is aimed at, and provide a paragraph of supporting evidence for the objection. Reference at least one scholarly research source. [One to two paragraphs]
    • See the “Practicing Effective Criticism” section of Chapter 9 of your primary textbook for more information about how to present an objection.

Does Supply and Demand Have an Impact on The Trafficking of Human Beings HW

Does Supply and Demand Have an Impact on The Trafficking of Human Beings HW

Choose an essay title from one of the following questions.At post-graduate level you are expected to demonstrate analytic capability andto construct a fluent and logical argument. Your work should evidence extensivereading and research and be fully and accurately referenced. Full markingcriteria are as below: 

1. Does ‘supply and demand’ have an impact on thetrafficking of human beings?

2. Have developments in International Law influenced theresponse to human trafficking at the national and/or international level?

3. Can the victims of human trafficking be effectivelyprotected?

4. Is a partnership approach the most effective way to fighthuman trafficking?

5. Do prevention strategies and awareness raising campaignswork to combat trafficking in human beings?

6. Do governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmentalagencies and civil society need to respond differently to combat child traffickingand protect children?

7. Is there a business model for human trafficking?

8. Is it possible to combat human trafficking?


  • · Please choose one topic from the above ,  anythingthat can make you do your best ! and once bid placed send me what you have chosenso I can start reading to be aware of the topic .
  • · You have to mention therelated conventions to the matter and what academics had said on the matter and at least one to two legal cases  . Asusual arguments supported with academics  .

  • · How to organize the essay :
  • · Introduction: Address thequestion – don’t waffle. Explain the structure of the essay – how you are goingto answer the question and what your position will be.

  • · Description: The bulk ofyour essay – largely narrative with references to back up the facts. Have someanalysis.

  • · Analysis: Where you arelikely to pick up most of the marks. We are more interested in the way you usethe description to back up your argument./ Conventions /academics
  • · Counter Arguments :
  • · My position and why ??supported by academics
  • · Conclusion.:A clear summaryof your arguments and a restating of your case.

  •  It’s a 4000 thousand only only , with minimum25-30 references .
  • ·0% Plagiarism
  •  Harvard refrencing style . please when youwrite the in text citation do it as ( the author ,year :page number ).please please do this .
  •  Alphabet list of reference.
  • · Don’t forget my Position is very important withsupported arguments from academics .
  • · ·  Any clarification please ask me before youstart.

ECE353 Ashford Week 5 Importance of Intelligence Testing Discussion

ECE353 Ashford Week 5 Importance of Intelligence Testing Discussion

Educators in the United States public school classroom often work with children of varying levels of ability. Children in your classroom may have Individualized Education Plans (IEP) that require specific accommodations and modifications. As part of the process of an IEP, a school psychologist evaluates the child’s intellectual functioning using a variety of intellectual and achievement tests. Once the IEP meeting takes place, various providers (including possibly speech therapy and occupational therapy) will also be present at the meeting. For the purpose of this discussion, we focus specifically on the role of a school psychologist and intelligence testing using a case study from your textbook. In addition to using the case study as support for your initial reply, read and include support from the article Intelligence: Foundations and Issues in Assessment (Gottfredson & Saklofske, 2009). Before responding in this discussion, review the Week Five Instructor Guidance page for additional information, resources, and support.

Case Study: Please refer to the case study in the Introduction section of Chapter 10 of your textbook to review the case study for this week’s discussion. After reading the case study and article, reflect on the following in your initial reply:

  • Discuss the importance of intelligence testing and one of the controversies discussed in the article and/or the course textbook.
  • Explain whether or not it would have been appropriate for Dr. Williams to provide some hints to help the child during testing. Why or why not?
  • Discuss whether or not you believe an intelligence test would provide enough information to make a decision about Michael’s educational placement. Why or why not? If not, what other information should Dr. Williams gather?
  • Considering that Michael is a very young child, explain how her age could factor into the decision in favor of or against placement into a special education program.
    • Describe other factors (e.g., environmental, genetic, biological, etc.) that may be contributing to Michael’s performance and IQ score during testing (without mentioning any diagnoses).
  • Please use in-text citations from the chapter attached and use the reference:
  • Farrar, M. J. & Montgomery, D. (2015). Cognitive development of children: Research and application [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu

PHI103 Ashford Importance of Arts & Humanities in Children Education Paper

PHI103 Ashford Importance of Arts & Humanities in Children Education Paper

Prepare: To prepare to respond to this prompt, make sure to read carefully over the required portions of Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. View the deLaplante (2013) video What Is a Valid Argument? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. as well as the other required media for the week. For more guidance about how to construct a valid argument for a controversial position, review the Constructing a Valid Argument (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. video and the document How to Construct a Valid Deductive Argument . Based on the sources, create a deductively valid argument for the position you defended in the Week One discussion.

Reflect: To make your argument deductively valid, you will need to make sure that there is no possible way that your premises could be true and your conclusion false. Your premises must lead logically to the truth of your conclusion. Make sure that your argument is sound, that is in addition to being valid, make sure that the premises are true as far as you can tell. If your argument is invalid or if it has a false premise, revise it until you get an argument that you can stand behind.

Write: Identify the components and structure of your argument by presenting your deductively valid argument in standard form, and explain how your conclusion follows from your premises.

ENG460 GCU Use and Misuse of Power in Joseph Andrews Novel Essay

ENG460 GCU Use and Misuse of Power in Joseph Andrews Novel Essay

Write a well-developed essay (1,000-1,250 words) that responds to one of the following two options:

  1. Using reader-response strategies, review Joseph Andrews. Using the findings, pick four events from the novel and tie them in to historical events of the time. Explain your reasons for using specific details from the text to support your arguments.
  2. Discuss the use and misuse of power in Fielding’s novel, including a discussion of how Fielding uses parody to highlight power and misuse of power. Use specific details to support your arguments.

Prepare this assignment according to the MLA guidelines found in the MLA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.