Submit a rough draft


Task: Please upload a rough draft of the Midterm Assignment. What is a rough draft? A rough draft is the start of the assignment, your first attempt. This does not need to be complete or perfect, as it is rough. However, the more you turn in, and the further along you are, the more feedback you will get from me. I will read these and then give you feedback on what you’re doing well and areas you can work on so that you can make additional changes before you submit the final midterm later. Here’s How to View Feedback on Assignments

Before you submit, please make sure every word is your own and you’re not accidentally plagiarizing. You should have every section started but again, it doesn’t need to be perfect nor complete. Even if you’re unsure, I strongly encourage you submit a draft. Now is the time to get feedback with no grade.

Here is the instructions for you to review: Midterm Instructions and Final Submission

Grading: This assignment will be graded based on good faith effort. Check out the rubric for more. Update 2/29 I have clarified the rubric to reflect word count, rather than page count, as the Midterm will be assessed on word count. 

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for me to review what you have and give you some quick feedback before the midterm is graded. It’s vital that you check back here for my feedback. If you’d like to discuss your Midterm in more detail than the feedback I provide, please email me to set up a Zoom or in-person meeting.  My goal is to get all drafts reviewed by the end of day on Tuesday. If, as a class, we need more time on the midterm, we can accommodate that.

Submit an Outline


Task: Submit an Outline of your midterm here. This is just a rough sketch of what you’ll be writing about and it’s okay if you haven’t fully decided what you’ll write. Bullet points are fine, but full paragraphs are okay too. The goal is for you to plan out what you will write about.

What is an outline? An outline is essentially a bullet point version of your Midterm. It can be complete sentences, but it doesn’t have to be. Essentially, you are mapping out the ideas you want to eventually elaborate on and expand upon. More information is available here: Outlining in the Writing Process

For this outline, please specify your Summary and Analysis. For your Analysis section, I’d like to see the different topics you will discuss for each paragraph as well as the quotes you are planning to use.

Read Reading & Rhetorical Context


What to read

Please read this excerpt which focuses on questions to help you develop a Rhetorical Analysis. It’s quite brief.

Click here to read What is Rhetorical Analysis?Links to an external site.

Want some extra reading? 🙂 Here’s some additional tips on How to Read RhetoricallyLinks to an external site..

What to submit

Choose two of the bulleted questions listed in the chapter, and answer them about the Backpacks vs Briefcases article. For example, if one of the questions asked “Describe the tone in the piece,” in this assignment you will describe the tone in Briefcases vs Backpacks. Again, please choose two questions to respond to,


You can earn up to 5 points for each question answered for a total of 10 points.

These are questions listed below, Only chose 2 bulleted questions

  • What is rhetoric?
  • What is context? What is audience? What are constraints? How do those 3 work together?
  • What is ethos/pathos/logos? How do those 3 work together?
  • What are examples of rhetoric that you see or hear on a daily basis?
  • What are some ways that you create rhetoric? What kinds o fmessages are you trying to communicate?
  • What is an example of a rhetorical situation that you have found yourself in? Discuss exigence, audience, and constraints.

General suggestions for annotations:

  • Make connections to other things you have read
  • Make connections to your own life
  • Ask a question about something you don’t understand
  • Respond to a classmate’s comment or question
  • Paraphrase a confusing line
  • Explain an idea in your own words
  • Summarize a paragraph
  • Connect back to our essay prompt, where relevant.

Link of article:…

evaluating assignmnets


First identify Tufekci’s argument in “Do Protests Even Work?” and then evaluate its effectiveness and his article’s effectiveness overall. I suggest writing at least two paragraphs. Consider at least two areas from this list. Use one passage to support your point (or more). See rubric for more grading requirements.

  • Who is the author? (Google them!) What stake might he or she have in writing this piece? Are they indeed authorities on this topic?
  • Is this piece aimed at a particular audience? How can you tell? What evidence in the text shows me who the intended audience is? Do you think the authors have reached the intended audience?
  • What is the author’s thesis?
  • What assumptions does the author make? How does that help or hurt their argument?
  • Does that author ever confuse facts with beliefs or opinions?
  • What appeals does the author make? Do they reason (logos), for instance using statistics and testimony from authorities? Do they use emotions (pathos) to appeal to “our better nature” or to widely shared values or emotions? Do they appeal to our assumption that the author is trustworthy (ethos)? Overall, how effective (or ineffective) are the uses of these appeals?
  • What type of evidence do they use? And how convincing or appropriate and reasonable is the evidence?
  • Are counter arguments adequately discussed? Do they acknowledge another side or is their argument in a vacuum?
  • Are there any attempts to manipulate the reader in a dishonest way?
  • What is the writer’s tone? Is it appropriate and effective? What about the author’s persona? How might that help or hurt the argument?
  • Are important terms satisfactorily defined?

– Read Reading & Rhetorical Context chapter


Choose two of the bulleted questions listed in the Reading Rhetorical chapter,Links to an external site. and answer them according to “Do Protests Even Work” For example, if one of the questions asked “Describe the tone in the piece,” in this assignment you will describe the tone of Tufekci’s article. Again, please