writing eng


Assignment 4: Signature Assignment: Explore an Issue Reported by the Media

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Using the ethics theory learned in this course, choose one issue in either policing, courts, or corrections that has been debated in the media during the past five years. Assess the issue using ethics theory to determine a solution. 

rewrite the ending to the book “theres someone inside your house” by Stephanie Perkins


3. Rewrite the Ending

Let’s say, you don’t like the way that book ended! Well, here is your chance to change it. Rewrite a new ending to the book you read (at least 2 pages long.)

  • Be sure to write in the style of the author. Don’t explain how the ending should be changed. Write as if you were writing the story.
  • On a separate page describe the original ending and the changes you made and then explain why you made these changes.
  • Include a paper copy or digital photo of the last three pages of the novel you read.