Listening Journal Chapter 5 South Asia


  1. After watching the video, what did you learn about Indian music that you did not know before?
  2. How is Hindustani music different from Carnatic music?

Listening Journal Chapter 6 Southeast Asia


1) What did you learn about Gamelan from watching the documentary?

2) What was the most interesting instrument in the ensemble to you? Why?

3) Discuss the uses and purposes of Gamelan. Please provide examples.

Discussion Post Chapter 6 Southeast Asia


Tourism has the potential to impact cultures in both positive and negative ways. In Bali, Kecak (dance drama) and Barong (trance dance) were developed or adapted specifically for tourists.

  1. What do you think about the effect of tourism in places such as Indonesia, specifically regarding their music and culture?
  2. Do you think the positive benefits outweigh the negative impacts? Why or why not?

Discussion Post Chapter 7 East Asia


  1. How are the types of East Asian theater different from theater and opera in the Western world (North America & Western Europe)?
  2. Why do you think Japanese music has retained historic elements throughout so many years, with specific focus on the popularity of theatrical music (i.e., Kabuki)?

Discussion Post Chapter 5 South Asia


  1. With the global popularity of Bollywood films and artists such as MIA and AR Rahman (composer for 2008 film Slum Dog Millionaire), do you think this lessens or strengthens the musical traditions in South Asia?