Key Term 1


In order to complete the Key Term Application- Exploration of Theory II at the end of this week, you must complete the following:

Do some research on the key term you posted in the “Key Term Selection” forum II. Your research can start with the original texts written by theorists covered in the course. Below, you will also find a list of academic journals in which you can search for scholarship on your chosen key term. For example, if your key term is “topoi” from Aristotle, searching for “Aristotle” and “topoi” will likely yield a wide range of scholarship that will help you learn about the term. There are some examples of scholarship of this nature in the suggested readings. Don’t hesitate to ask your instructor for help.

List of Academic Journals:

Argumentation and Advocacy

College Composition and Communication

College English

Computers and Composition

Journal of Advanced Composition


Philosophy & Rhetoric

Rhetoric Review

Rhetoric Society Quarterly


Technical Communication

Technical Communication Quarterly

Text and Performance Quarterly
