power point/ 1 slide 11″x17″ i’m working on a architecture report and need support to help me learn.


– Do Basic  Research power point you do not need to answer all the Questions below

– Use the Attach file to do your work research information

– Add a lot Information + picture to the slide

– please use one slid – 11″x17″ and design writing information and the pictures as the picture that attached

– Please add a gutter to the left side of the slide In addition to answering the questions of the assignment, give a clear description of what duties each consultant provides for the project. In addition to answering the questions of the assignment, give a clear description of what duties each consultant provides for the project.

project of medium intensity. Smaller projects such as remodels so not require such a

comprehensive team, and larger projects might require even more..

Your assignment is to exhibit a basic understanding of Construction Documents, its players, and

the information contained within.

———————————————————Answer the following using the working drawings from Daffodil, a mixed use project:

1- Who is the Geotech Engineer and what is their full contact information?

2- What is the zone of the project?

3- What is the allowable height of the project per the zoning requirements?

4-What is the actual height of the project?

5- What role does the Civil Engineer play in the project?

6- On sheet L-5.00 what kind of tree is adjacent to the sidewalk on Kearney Ave? Provide a stock

photo of the tree in your 11×17 presentation.

7-On sheet A2.0 what is the dimension between gridline D and gridline F?

8-On sheet A2.0 how many square feet is Apartment 7?

9- Provide a description, including the size, of door 53.

10- What is the elevation of the floor in Apartment 14?

11- Describe the ceilings on the third floor.

12-What are the two floor materials on the first floor?

13-What is the color of the CMU block wall on the Southwest Elevation?

14-On the Southwest Elevation, what is the height to the top of the roof?

15-What does sheet A4.4 describe?

16-What is the finish of the exposed steel stairways in the project?

17-On the third floor balcony of Apartment 11 that faces Kearney Avenue, what type of wood is


For window 40.1, what is the window type, material, and what is the U-value of the glass?

In detail 10 on sheet A8.3, what does the drip edge do?

On sheet S1 (structural engineer) Foundation Plan, draw or copy a sketch of detail 10

On sheet P1.1, what is the Total Fixture Unit total?

Help with discussion support in 2 part A&B


A/ explore American housing policy in the 20th century through the lens of Indian Reservations and Sundown Towns.describe the concept of Sundown Towns to an imagined friend or family member who is unfamiliar with these housing policies: What are Sundown Towns? How do they relate to Indian Reservations? How do they operate? And how did they come to be?  What was the intention of 20th century American society in creating them?