Student Response Replies


Student Replies That Needs to Be Responded to:


One strategy I will be attempting from here on out is to add more study time at night after I put the kids to bed. Before I did not do so because after looking after my toddler, getting the house work done, making sure my son has homework done and everything ready for school the next day, my husbands work stuff ready, dinner cooked, and all errands done, I tended to use that to unwind and relax. Which by doing so left me with little study time during the day and over the weekend. In this method I was cramming information in a short amount of time which did not allow it to stick as well as I hoped. So even if I can take a minimum of one hour to study at night this would be beneficial in the long run.

The second strategy is that if I am unsure of a question I may have, that I need to look into it as soon as possible rather then wait until later as I often forget what I wanted to know about. By postponing my learning I will either forget why I was confused on a subject or just completely forget about it until it pops up again and if that were to show up on a test it will be difficult to be confident answering the question. This has made me second guess my choice often and usually leads to getting the question wrong.

The third strategy I will be changing is that when I answer a question wrong, instead of only reading the correct answer I need to start reading the answers and reasoning under each answer to fully comprehend why I got the answer wrong. At times when we do our practice tests the reasons under each answer are not full of information; others can have reliable information which may prove helpful later on. So instead of rushing through and only looking for the correct answers I will be focusing on why is that the correct answer.


02/23/2024. Test-Taking Strategies for Nursing Students. Denver College of Nursing.—advice/nursing-school-test-taking-strategies.htmlLinks to an external site.


According to Blooms taxonomy of cognitive learning objectives, there are six cognitive skills ranked from lower (requires less cognitive processing), to higher (requires a deeper degree of cognitive processing). From lowest to highest, these skills are knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Knowledge refers to the retention of learning and information. Comprehension is when the learner shows they know the subject by paraphrasing, comparing, classifying, etc the items they have learned. When the learner is able to think critically think about the skill or item they are learning, they have achieved the level of analysis. The fifth skill is synthesis, this entails combining what you learned to create a new idea. Finally, the last cognitive skill is evaluation. This skill is important to be a critical thinker, it entails reflecting on you learning and improving in ways you struggled.

While I was walking through the test analysis document linked above, it was interesting to walk through the different questions and grade myself on my preparation for the first few exams in Nursing School. I liked how we walked through the entire process of learning the information, applying it, analyzing, and evaluating how we did. As I went through the questions, I was able to figure out what my strengths and weakness were when preparing for an exam. The first thing I would like to improve on for my next exam is being more attentive during class. Often times, I tend to take notes on the slide show but I don’t pay the most attention to what the teacher is saying. I need to be better about being attentive to teacher and the slide show!! The second thing I want to improve is reviewing my notes after class. When you set time aside to review your notes after class, it will keep the information fresh in your mind. The third thing I would like to do is going over my exam and understanding why I got the question wrong and reading the explanation. This will help me know what I need to study more and the reasoning behind the question and answer.

Forehand, M. (n.d.). Bloom’s taxonomy. to an external site.

APA Format, Scholarly Resources, Grammar, Spelling Correct

Original Discussion Prompt: 

Do the test analysis document above, based on your nursing course exams, name 3 strategies you will apply towards your next exam.

Example of How to Respond to a Student Discussion Post

Hi Nita,

I like how you discuss both the teacher observing the student and the student observing their own art. You bring up excellent points about the teachers observing the children, because it does help the teacher to better communicate with the children and understand them better. As teachers, it is very important to nurture students, particularly if they are very young, I think, because it allows them to better understand the needs of the student, and how to work with them. Paying attention to what the student is drawing, and seeing how the student reacts to their own work can improve the teachers’ understanding.

Expressing feelings in this discussion board reply examples is a major component of growing up. The more a student is able to express those feelings, the more they can understand them. I liked reading about what you said on this topic, and I agree that the art is a very useful tool that students can learn to express their feelings effectively. If they do not express them, they are keeping them inside, and drawing can become a form of counseling for them. In my opinion, I think the drawing can be particularly useful for many students who are quiet. These students do not often express themselves verbally, and drawing can be a way for them to understand their feelings, and to release some pent up sadness of hostile feelings, for example. I think this form of therapy sticks with many people throughout life, and they continue to use drawing as a coping mechanism.

Module 8- A Globally Aware Social Work Philosophy


The Globally Aware Social Work Philosophy is worth 150 points and will be graded on your use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization/effectiveness based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.

Create your paper using Microsoft Word (a part of Microsoft Office), which is the required format for all Chamberlain College documents. You can tell that the document is saved as a MS Word document because it will end in “.docx”

Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about your assignment may be posted under the Q & A Forum.

The length of the paper is to be no less than 4 full pages and no greater than 6 full pages excluding title page and reference pages.

APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headings (upper and lower case, centered, boldface): Note: Introduction – Write an introduction but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association.


Answer the following prompts. For each prompt, use at least one direct quotation from course readings to indicate how your answer is informed by them. 1) What is your definition of individual well-being and development? Include human diversity in your definition. Be holistic by systemically relating different aspects of well-being and development. 2) What is your definition of communal well-being and development? Include human diversity in your definition. Be holistic by systemically relating different aspects of well-being and development. 3) What principles and methods do you plan to use from this course to support individual and communal well-being? Include at least three ecosystem levels: individual, family, group, community, and organizational. How do these methods work together? 4) How should the relationship change between organizations that hold political and economic power and communities that do not? What role do you plan to take as a social worker in supporting that change? 5) How do you intend to care for your own well-being and development as a social worker engaging with colonized or oppressed communities? 6) Summarize your globally aware social work philosophy in five sentences or less. This prompt should integrate all previous elements.

Historical Character life Diary


Select one historical character from the list below and write a day-in-the-life diary entry (2 full pages). Your diary should reflect an awareness of the historical circumstances in the life of your figure as well as the perspective and beliefs of that person. You should include clear citations from the readings in the form of footnotes identifying the author and page number. Your diary entries will be graded on your clear understanding of the perspective of your historical figure, your knowledge of the historical circumstances around their life, and a demonstration that you’ve completed the reading.

Historical Figures:

An Israelite living through the invasion of Assyria

A scholar who is learning the Book of the Law in the Babylonian Exile

A Sadducee living under the Seleucid Empire

A Pharisee living under the rule of Antiochus IV

An Essene woman living in Qumran

  • A follower of the Jesus Movement during 1 century CE
  • A Christian soldier under Constantine the Great

Disscusion post


Do the test analysis document above, based on your nursing course exams, name 3 strategies you will apply towards your next exam.

Must submit initial post (300 words) for the discussion question.

Participation Expectations

2 Historical Character life Diaries


Select one historical character from the list below and write 2 day-in-the-life diary entries (2 full pages each). Your diary should reflect an awareness of the historical circumstances in the life of your figure as well as the perspective and beliefs of that person. You should include clear citations from the readings in the form of footnotes identifying the author and page number. Your diary entries will be graded on your clear understanding of the perspective of your historical figure, your knowledge of the historical circumstances around their life, and a demonstration that you’ve completed the reading

Chosen Historical Figure

An Essene woman living in Qumran