Education & Teaching Question


DevelopmentalGuidance: Group Procedures

MidTerm Essay Assignment
The midterm examination focuses on Counseling Theories and Group Therapy. t. After studying the information, materials and resources provided in Module 2, prepare a detailed, wellwritten and scholarly essay response to the following prompt.
Below are common counseling theories/corresponding therapies. Choose a theory that you
would like to explore in more depth and discuss your answers to questions that follow.
a. Adlerian
b. Psychodrama
c. Gestalt
d. Cognitivebehavioral
e. Transactional analysis
f. Solutionfocused therapy
g. PersonCentered/Rogerian/Humanistic
Part 1. Discuss the major concepts of your chosen theory. What about your chosen theory
appeals to you? Are there any aspects of the theory for which you do not agree or that do
not resonate for you? What are those aspects? Discuss why you chose the aspects of your
theory that appeal or do not appeal to you.
Part 2: How do you see this theory being useful in a group therapy setting? Utilize research
and theoretical concepts to explain the theorys use in a group process.
The body of your essay must be a minimum of 6 full pages but no more than 8 full pages. You
must ALSO include a properly formatted title page and properly formatted reference pages.
There should be a clearly delineated introduction and conclusion. In addition, there should be
clearly defined sections to support your thesis statement. If you are unsure of how to format
an APA paper, you should make use of the resources that are provided on Canvas.
BE SURE TO CITE SOURCES and ensure that the reference list matches the intext citations.
You must use and cite at least 4 reputable sources within your essay. Only use CREDIBLE
SOURCES. Credible sources include peerreviewed journals, government agencies, research
think tanks, course textbooks research offered at professional organizations such as, or, and instructor provided resources.

Article Summary


Chapter 4 from this week’s readings focuses on the topic of affective assessment.…

This writing assignment expands on the topic by examining affective assessment of
developmental students. For the essay assignment, you will critique and review the
article, Using Affective Assessment for Developmental Reading Students.
The instructions for the critique are as follows:
1. Provide a concise summary of the article. (25 points)
2. Describe the problem or issue as visualized by the authors. Include in your
description, importance of the topic to assessment and the field of developmental
education. (15 points)
3. Describe the underlying theoretical model(s) used by the authors. Briefly summarize
the conceptual basis of the paper (previously reported models, concepts, and research
studies). (10 points)
4. Conclusions: Are conclusions presented? Are the conclusions justified, given the
research design adopted and research procedures followed? Have the limitations been
correctly recognized and addressed? Assess the soundness of the implications (as
described by the authors) of this research for research and practice. Be sure to reference
supporting information from the text or other readings. (25 points)
KEEP IN MIND: An acceptable critique is clear, concise, well written and conforms to the
conventions of Standard English.