After reading the article answer the following questions.


ARTICLE: Psychologists published the following study in the Journal of Health Psychology (JHP).

After reading the article answer the following questions
• Why was this study completed–What is the research rationale?
• What previous research (conducted prior to the study you are reading) informed this study/these researchers?
• What did they specifically do (methods)?
• What were the findings (interpret the results)?
• What are your takeaway conclusions? Recommendations? Takeaways?

General tips and guidelines

Submissions should be submitted in PDF format

Create a title and reference page

Do not include stats jargon you aren’t going to explain

Skip reading “Data Analysis”

Do not include information about “model fit” and “structural equation modeling”

Stick to results/stats that you can interpret explain–X is positively correlated with Y which means…

Write in standard paragraph form–don’t list the question and put answers underneath them

Although not as prioritized in this assignment, use basic APA formatting and write in 3rd person