Write At Least A 175-Word Response To The Following. Your Response Must Address All Aspects

Write At Least A 175-Word Response To The Following. Your Response Must Address All Aspects


Write at least a 175-word response to the following. Your response must address all aspects of each question, must include your personal opinions, ideas, or thoughts; and must provide examples in any situation where it is warranted.

What are common interoperability challenges that healthcare organizations face related to medical records? What are some best practices or techniques to minimize those challenges? Provide details.

Bottom of Form

Respond to the two classmates’ discussion posts below two responses together must total at least 175 Words. Be constructive and professional with your thoughts, feedback, or suggestions. 


Mariah White

2/6/24, 7:03 PM 


Top of Form

Health data has always been challenging to access and share in a secure manner. The nature of health data creates a paradox: It’s difficult to share because it’s sensitive and requires a high level of privacy and security, yet the inability to access it when it’s needed has potential to cause significant harm. A lack of interoperability can result in an incomplete understanding of an individual’s or population’s health needs, which can lead to poorer outcomes and higher costs.

As populations around the world age and people live longer, interoperability and data sharing are going to become increasingly critical for delivering effective healthcare. In the United States, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has estimated that two out of three older Americans have at least two chronic behavioral or physical conditions. Treatment for people with multiple chronic conditions currently accounts for an estimated 66% of US healthcare costs.

In their nationwide roadmap, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) says the use of electronic health records (EHRs) has dramatically increased in the United States. Many hospitals now have routine access to medical records and patient data from outside providers, yet less than half of hospitals are integrating the data they receive into individual patient records. So although access to vital clinical data has improved, there's still a lot of work that needs to be done to bring stakeholders together to create an integrated data ecosystem.

Bottom of Form


Sheameka White

2/6/24, 5:58 PM 


Top of Form

1. Inconsistent data and lack of standardized data structure

2. Patient privacy and security

3. Lack of Communication Standards Across EHRs

What are some best practices or techniques to minimize those challenges? 

Despite the many challenges for interoperability, solutions are available. With advances in cloud computing, especially hybrid cloud, it’s become easier for organizations to move and secure data in a consistent and standardized way. Cloud-based EHRs enable easy integration and access to various data sources, including clinical, lab, and pharmacy systems, ensuring interoperability and improving the quality of care for patients. These EHRs also allow for storing of data on multiple servers across different geographical locations, enabling retrieval of data as needed. They also come with advanced security features to protect against cyberattacks and unauthorized access to sensitive patient data. Data Security and Privacy: Protect patient information by implementing robust security measures. This includes using encryption for data transmission, regularly updating software and security patches, implementing firewalls, and conducting periodic security audits. Train your staff on data privacy policies and procedures to minimize the risk of data breaches. It's important to note that these practices provide a general guideline, and specific considerations may vary depending on the EHR system and healthcare organization. Consulting with EHR vendors, industry experts, and complying with relevant regulations and standards will help ensure the best use of an EHR system in your specific context


    You Have Determined That Change Is Inevitable And Subject To Numerous Variables Attributing To The

    You Have Determined That Change Is Inevitable And Subject To Numerous Variables Attributing To The


    You have determined that change is inevitable and subject to numerous variables attributing to the success or failure of the change process. This paper is an exploration of a change initiative that you have personally experienced or researched. The paper should demonstrate your knowledge of the change process through a comprehensive analysis and discussion of the following aspects of organizational change.

    • Identify a professional change initiative personally experienced or researched.
      • Describe the professional change initiative.
    • Discuss the change initiative as seen through the eyes of the leader and the follower.
    • Discuss the successes and failures experienced during the change event.
    • Analyze concepts and theories used to facilitate the change process.
    • Evaluate the change's impact on the organization.
    • Discuss the change effort's sustainability.
    • Analyze the impact of ethical thinking on the change process.

    You must incorporate concepts and theories relating to the change process as they apply to each section of the paper.


      Week 5 Assignment Your Task This Week Is To Write A Research Paper That Contains

      Week 5 Assignment Your Task This Week Is To Write A Research Paper That Contains

      Week 5 Assignment

      Your task this week is to write a research paper that contains the following: 

      • Define service-oriented architecture. Explain how service-oriented architecture works. 
      • Explain how webpages differ from web services. 
      • Discuss what it means for a web service to be interoperable. 

      Research Paper Requirements:  

      • Paper should be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the title page and reference page. 
      • Assignment must be submitted by the due date (Saturday, 11:59 p.m. EST).  Late assignments will not be accepted. 
      • Use Times New Roman, size 12 font throughout the paper. 
      • Apply APA 7th edition style and include three major sections: the Title Page, Main Body, and References. See the Paper Elements and Format section of your APA manual for details. 
      • A minimum of two scholarly journal articles (besides your textbook) are required. See UC Library Tutorials
      • Writing should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the materials and address all required elements. 
      • Writing should use exceptional language that skillfully communicates meaning to the readers with clarity and fluency and is virtually error-free. 
      • Save as a Word document. 


        Single Sign-On (Sso): Advantages And Disadvantages 16 Unread Replies16 Replies For This Discussion Post, Select

        Single Sign-On (Sso): Advantages And Disadvantages 16 Unread Replies16 Replies For This Discussion Post, Select


        Single Sign-On (SSO): Advantages and Disadvantages

        16 Unread replies16 Replies

        For this discussion post, select an industry. You may use the same industry you used for the Week 4 discussion or select a new industry. You work for the CIO of a company within this industry. Your CIO is considering implementing SSO and wants you to prepare some background information for her review.

        Please provide the following SSO background information for your CIO in a post of 150 – 200 words:

        • Detail the advantages and disadvantages of SSO architecture.
        • Recommend whether SSO or another form of sign on architecture would be best for a company within your selected industry.
          • Be sure to provide the rationale behind your recommendation.

        Note: Remember to cite any sources you use, including your textbook, using the Strayer Writing Standards format.

        This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistanc


          Provide A Succinct Introductory Overview Of What You Are Going To Build. Introduce

          Provide A Succinct Introductory Overview Of What You Are Going To Build. Introduce

          • Provide a succinct introductory overview of what you are going to build.
          • Introduce the problem that you’re trying to solve.
          • Outline the solution you’re offering with your software and what makes your solution special.
          • Evaluate the potential consumers or target market that proves your product’s potential, including who and how many will use your product.
          • Assess your competitors and if there are any alternative solutions.
            • What makes your product better?
          • Summarize your pitch.


            O Complete The Performance Lab Report Template: Summarize In Three To Five

            O Complete The Performance Lab Report Template: Summarize In Three To Five


            o complete the Performance Lab Report Template:

            • Summarize in three to five sentences the key lessons learned from completing these labs:


            This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

            Note the following:

            • Use the Performance Lab Report 2 Template to complete this assignment.
            • The preferred method is for your paper to be typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
            • Be clear, straightforward, and thorough but concise. Avoid repetition. As much as possible stay within the three to five sentences in-length guideline.
            • Use the third person. Avoid using first-person pronouns, such as "I" or "we."


            Individual Assignment From The Textbook: Answer The Following Questions In Depth What

            Individual Assignment From The Textbook: Answer The Following Questions In Depth What


            Individual Assignment from the Textbook: Answer the following questions in depth

            • What is the chief advantage of using preassigned UDP port numbers? The chief disadvantages?
            • What is the chief advantage of using protocol ports instead of process identifiers to specify the destination within a machine?
            • UDP provides unreliable datagram communication because it does not guarantee delivery of the message. Devise a reliable datagram protocol that uses timeouts and acknowledgements to guarantee delivery. How much network overhead and delay does reliability introduce?
            • TCP uses a finite field to contain stream sequence numbers. Study the protocol specification to find out how it allows an arbitrary length stream to pass from one machine to another.
            • Lost TCP acknowledgements do not necessarily force retransmissions. Explain why.
            • What are the arguments for and against automatically closing idle connects?

            Suppose an implementation of TCP uses initial sequence number 1 when it creates a connection. Explain how a system crash and restart can confuse a remote system into believing that the old connection remained open. 

            NOTE: Strictly no copy-paste. Plagiarism results in course termination. Please include references. Please do the assignment in APA format. Please provide much depth in your responses. You need to expand answers to include examples, and case studies. You need at least 3 sentences to form a complete paragraph, so for every paragraph make sure you have at least 3 sentences with breadth and depth, every definition should have a citation/ resource referenced. 


              In 250-300 Words Outline Your Dissertation Topic And Goals For This Semester As They Relate

              In 250-300 Words Outline Your Dissertation Topic And Goals For This Semester As They Relate

              In 250-300 words outline your dissertation topic and goals for this semester as they relate to your dissertation course. If you do not have a dissertation topic please revert those you are considering. Also, include ways that you could improve your dissertation, as well as areas you may be struggling with. 


                Examine The Dissertation You Have Been Working With (Or Another One) And Describe The Methods

                Examine The Dissertation You Have Been Working With (Or Another One) And Describe The Methods


                Examine the dissertation you have been working with (or another one) and describe the methods chosen for the study. The intent of this discussion is to understand the elements for research methods. For your discussion post, describe the following:

                • Is it a qualitative or quantitative study?
                • What kind of design was used (for example, case study, survey)?
                • What is the population (that is, its characteristics)?
                • How was the sample chosen?
                • Do you think that the population and sample chosen are most qualified to comment on best practices?


                  Directions: 1. Create The Spreadsheet In The Picture Below. 2. Enter The Spreadsheet Title, Row

                  Directions: 1. Create The Spreadsheet In The Picture Below. 2. Enter The Spreadsheet Title, Row


                  1. Create the spreadsheet in the picture below.
                  2. Enter the spreadsheet title, row and columns headings. Format them appropriately to match the example.
                  3. Create formulas for the following and then copy them to the appropriate cells:
                  a. Success Total which equals the total number of A’s, B’s and C’s for each Semester.
                  b. Success Rate which equals the Success total divided by the Number of Students for each semester.
                  c. Average all of the columns in the worksheet.
                  4. Format the Success rate as percentages with no decimal spaces.
                  5. Format the averages with no decimal spaces.
                  6. Create the column chart which shows the Success Rate over time, each Semester. Look up how to select non-adjacent columns to chart if necessary.
                  7. Change the name of the sheet tab to Success Rate.
                  8. Save the spreadsheet as P1P3Name replacing Name with your first initial and then last name.
                  9. Submit your completed spreadsheet into the Blackboard assignment link by the due date on the course detailed schedule.