Overview In This Formative Activity, You Will Explore Lean And Six Sigma Concepts Applied To

Overview In This Formative Activity, You Will Explore Lean And Six Sigma Concepts Applied To



In this formative activity, you will explore Lean and Six Sigma concepts applied to health care for process and performance improvement. Consider how Lean and Six Sigma could be applied to improve health care economics and the application of health care financial and funding models. You will write a paper to summarize the concepts of Lean and Six Sigma and the application of Lean and Six Sigma in a selected case study.


Read the Using DMAIC To Improve Nursing Shift-Change AssignmentsLinks to an external site. case study. Your assignment is based on it. (If desired, you can download a PDF version of the case study if you agree to the free registration on the ASQ site)


Write 1–2 pages in which you:

  1. Summarize the application of Lean and Six Sigma in the case study.
  2. Describe ways in which Lean and Six Sigma could be applied to improve health care economics and the application of health care financial and funding models.

Use at least two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.


    Your answer must be written in the form of at least two 2 full paragraphs

    Your answer must be written in the form of at least two 2 full paragraphs

    Your answer must be written in the form of at least two (2) full paragraphs, and you must respond to the answers of at least two (2) of your classmates. You will be graded on how well you considered and answered the question with reference to what you have learned in the course so far. Your instructor will also consider whether your responses to other students were a substantial contribution to the discussion.

    Introduce yourself to the class and share your strengths and weaknesses in terms of research

    Introduce yourself to the class and share your strengths and weaknesses in terms of research

    Introduce yourself to the class and share your strengths and weaknesses in terms of research and writing as you begin this course. Explain in your own words the concepts of federalism, commander in chief powers, congressional powers, judicial review, and separation of powers. How has your understanding of the concepts in question 2 changed after reading the instructional materials in this unit?

    In 1803 the Supreme Court of the United States decided the case of Marbury v

    In 1803 the Supreme Court of the United States decided the case of Marbury v

    In 1803, the Supreme Court of the United States decided the case of Marbury v. Madison, providing itself great power to judge the decisions of the other branches of government and opening the door to decisions consistent with the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. Preparation Review the following U.S. Supreme Court cases: Marbury v. Madison. Grutter v. Bollinger. Instructions Write a 34 pages in which you: Prepare a one-page case brief of Marbury v. Madison explaining the power of the Supreme Court’s judicial review, including whether the judicial review amounts to law-making. Use the Case Brief Template [DOCX]. Prepare a one-page case brief of Grutter v. Bollinger explaining how affirmative action came to be part of admissions to college and the Court’s requirements for it. Use the Case Brief Template [DOCX]. Identify existing checks and balances for race-conscious school admission programs, including any unintended consequences. Support your writing with at least three credible, relevant, and appropriate academic sources. Write in an articulate and well-organized manner that is grammatically correct and free of spelling, typographical, formatting, and/or punctuation errors. The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is: Analyze the Supreme Court’s use of judicial review to require diversity.

    Craig was raised without a father but his mother Donna a strong Christian lady always

    Craig was raised without a father but his mother Donna a strong Christian lady always

    Craig was raised without a father, but his mother, Donna, a strong Christian lady, always loved her son. Because she was a single parent, Craig was often left with babysitters while she worked two jobs or was involved in her prison ministry. When the sitter could not be there on some days, Donna’s neighbor Steve, who worked from home, would take him and not charge her. Donna was always grateful for the extra help and in return baked bread and pies for Steve. What Donna did not know, of course, was that Steve was molesting and raping Craig, who was 6 years old. Craig could not tell his mother of his terror of going to Steve’s house because Steve warned him that if he ever told anyone Steve would kill the puppy that was living in his home. Little Craig loved that puppy, so he never told. At age 11, Craig began setting fires that escalated over the years. At age 13, he was raped by a 26-year-old male. Craig engaged in other crimes, including stealing a police car at age 15, impersonating a police officer, sexual assault on a 12-year-old boy, prostitution, theft, and burglary. He took trophies from his favorite fire crimes by going to the crime scenes at night looking for anything he could add to his collection. Eventually he was apprehended and confessed to the fires and went to prison for several years. He is now back on the streets and has had considerable difficulty in keeping jobs for more than a few months. Craig is determined not to return to prison. He currently resides with his aging mother.     Analyze your selected case study: What demographics or risk factors (e.g., acute, direct, proxy, short and long-term) are involved that may have contributed to the person becoming a victim or offender? How are the demographics or risk factors for becoming a criminal and victim related? How are they different? How would the demographics or risk factors vary in another country? If an individual reflects the data supporting the likelihood of becoming a criminal or victim, does that guarantee the outcome? Support your responses with evidence from the Learning Resources or other academic material.