Please respond to the following in a substantive post. Based on your reading and research:Outline

Please respond to the following in a substantive post. Based on your reading and research:Outline

Please respond to the following in a substantive post. Based on your reading and research:Outline the issues that special prison populations pose for correctional officials.Describe strategies you uncovered to address these issues that appear promising based on the existing evidence.

Please provide a 200 word response to the below question based on the below film

Please provide a 200 word response to the below question based on the below film

Please provide a 200 word response to the below question, based on the below film. View the film, Service, Support & Justice: Law Enforcement Response to Crime Victims, Office for Victims Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice Link: Question:  Explain how you would correlate our Criminal Justice Management course to this film.  This may be at the Executive Management, Middle Management, or Line Supervisor level.  There is no right or wrong answer; however, make an effort to demonstrate how each influences the other in a positive manner.

Please post your answers to the following questions: Can an independent thinker

Please post your answers to the following questions: Can an independent thinker

Please post your answers to the following questions: Can an independent thinker be a team player? Should we admit to doing wrong? What is the difference between a mistake of the mind and a mistake of the heart? Dilemma: You are the lead investigator in a double homicide case. You develop a suspect, and during your interrogation, you have the opportunity to lie to the suspect concerning the evidence you have against him in this case. The Virginia Court of Appeals upheld lying to a suspect as an ethical practice in Arthur v. Commonwealth 1997. As a Christian, you know it is a sin to lie. Will you lie to the suspect concerning the evidence you have against him in this case in an attempt to illicit a voluntary confession? This interrogation technique is legally accepted; however, is it moral and ethical? During this class, we have continued to emphasize the importance of strong character driven leadership. Please provide a biblical example of unethical leadership and describe its consequences. Please provide a biblical example of strong ethical leadership and describe its advantages.

Please provide a 100 word response to the below classmate discussion post The response is

Please provide a 100 word response to the below classmate discussion post The response is

Please provide a 100 word response to the below classmate discussion post. The response is based on the below film and initial question: View the film, Service, Support & Justice: Law Enforcement Response to Crime Victims, Office for Victims Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice Link: Post in the Collaboration Forums.  Explain how you would correlate our Criminal Justice Management course to this film.  This may be at the Executive Management, Middle Management, or Line Supervisor level.  There is no right or wrong answer; however, make an effort to demonstrate how each influences the other in a positive manner. Classmate response:  To start, the video was extremely informative. I will try to respond to this post the best way possible as I am a 911 dispatcher and not a police officer. Watching the video I have noticed how law enforcement has changed over the years. Years ago police officers never really focused on the victim. They only focused on finding out who committed said crime and catching them. There was little to no attention given to the victim. Giving the victims the attention is important. Although they need space as well but showing the victims attention is basically telling and showing the, that their agency cares about them. Not showing them that attention is not giving them hope that they are safe or their case isn’t important to the department. One of the agencies implanted a rule that the detectives have to reach out to the victims within 36 hours to follow up with them which is amazing. If agencies are able to do that then that means they have very good control on how they assign cases to their detectives. Most agencies aren’t capable of following up with their victims because of the amount of cases coming in or staffing issues.

Please provide a 100 word response to the below classmate discussion post:Applied Ethics in

Please provide a 100 word response to the below classmate discussion post:Applied Ethics in

Please provide a 100 word response to the below classmate discussion post:  Applied Ethics in CJ Management provided me information and real life scenarios to help me continue to succeed in my career as well as my personal life.  By reading the articles provided on officers who faced discipline behind noble cause corruption, unethical behavior, and the slippery slope, reassured me to never let the means justify the ends.  No criminal is worth my profession or freedom over if I don’t have all the elements of the crime or legal standing to make an arrest.  Law enforcement officers these days are under constant scrutiny by everyone and only we as officers can control our own destinies.  Regardless of rank or time on the department, everyone can benefit from this class in order to gain more knowledge and a better understanding on why officers stray from the noble cause. On a personal level, the above mentioned can also be applied in my everyday life.  Integrity is a word that as brought up often.  Ones integrity is shows people the type of person you are and the standards we hold ourselves to.  If I cannot maintain my integrity, how are people supposed to trust and rely on me on and off the job?

Please provide a 100 word response to the below classmate discussion post:This course is

Please provide a 100 word response to the below classmate discussion post:This course is

Please provide a 100 word response to the below classmate discussion post:  This course is very important to all law enforcement officers. Learning about noble cause corruption, critical thinking, the corruption that exist among members are all eye opener. This course impacted my professional life in many ways such as; understanding my peers and how they will view me as their supervisor if I make unethical decisions, I am now able to identify noble cause corruption in it’s entirety. as I now know that some noble cause corruption became the norm and I was unable to identify same. This course also impacted my daily decision making I am now more careful of what I say and do around the people I supervise because as a leader you must maintain a good role model, a professional image for self and the organization and strive to maintain the rule of law for all citizens in the form of upholding human rights. The lessons thought in this course also impacted my personal life, if you make unethical decision in your personal life it can affect your relationship with your family and your relatives . In the life of policing your not only representing your self but your also representing your family and your relatives, and that imagine is very important in maintaining self respect, respect of others and a good role model for all.

People often think of minorities when they think of crime and criminals. Many of the

People often think of minorities when they think of crime and criminals. Many of the

People often think of minorities when they think of crime and criminals. Many of the readings/videos in this Learning Module address the social and historic reasons that crime and criminality are often linked to minorities. Using that material, and anything else you want, discuss the issue of racializing crime and criminal. Your paper must be no less than 500 words in length.  Your papers can be longer if you want. You must use the most recent version of APA style (7th ed.) for your paper.  You do not need to provide an abstract or a title page.  Also, use in-text citations to document the use of your sources.  Provide a reference section for all of the sources used in your paper.  The reference page does not count in the word requirement for this assignment. Your submission must be a Word Doc (No PDF submissions)



PLEASE  FOLLOW THE DISERTAION GUDIE  MUST BE PHD LEVEL WRITTEN  CHECK FOR GRAMMER AND SPELLING  MUST BE ABLE TO COMPLETE REVISIONS PROVIDED BY BOTH CHAIR MEMEBERS AT ANY GIVEN TIME.  NEED NO LATER THAN 4/12/2022 (SOONER IF POSSIBLE) SEE CHAPTER ONE BUT PLEASE USE A DIFFERENT WORD DOCUMENT AND I WILL PUT THE TWO TOGEHTER.  To complete Chapter 2, you will need to: Analyze research literature in relation to a meaningful and justified gap in research for the PhD dissertation. Ground dissertation research in a theoretical/conceptual framework related to an identified social-educational problem. Learning Resources Literature Review Resources Websites Walden University Office of Research and Doctoral Services. (2018u). Student research support: Write your research. Retrieved from Walden University Library. (2018a). Keyword searching: Finding articles on your topic: Searching basics [Multimedia file]. Retrieved from Walden University Library. (2018b). Library guide to capstone literature reviews: Search skills. Retrieved from Walden University Library. (2018c). The research process: Home. Retrieved from Theoretical Framework Resources Websites Walden University Office of Research and Doctoral Services. (2012). Student research support: Learn research theory. Retrieved from Walden University Office of Research and Doctoral Services. (2018g).  Student research administration: PhD dissertation program: PhD dissertation process and documents. Retrieved from Walden University Library. (2018d). Theorists and theories: Discover theorists and theories [Multimedia file]. Retrieved from

Part 1 – Summarize the facts of the case 10 points The

Part 1 – Summarize the facts of the case 10 points The

Part 1 – Summarize the facts of the case (10 points). The summary should contain whowas involved, what happened when it happened, where the crime occurred, how the crime occurred, and why the crime occurred.   Part 2 Analyze 4 connections to class.  (40 points). Part 2 is an opportunity for you to demonstrate how the material we have studied in this class applies to your real-world case.  Your assignment is to identify and analyze at least 4 connections between topics covered in class and your case.

Page 136 of your textbook provides a list of items that can be separated out

Page 136 of your textbook provides a list of items that can be separated out

Page 136 of your textbook provides a list of items that can be separated out in a conflict. Select 5 of those and apply a DETAILED analysis of them. Make sure you clearly identify the strategy you selected. Your discussion and your analysis should be detailed and include practical examples from an interpersonal conflict you have experienced. Your response needs to be more than a definition, it should be a practical application as to how these separations impact our ability to resolve conflict in the workplace.