Instructions Public career development entails sharpening the skill set of collaboration In your opinion what

Instructions Public career development entails sharpening the skill set of collaboration In your opinion what

Instructions Public career development entails sharpening the skill set of collaboration. In your opinion, what is the most important attribute that a successful public manager should portray? Provide a real-world example that illustrates why this attribute is important. Your journal entry must be at least 300 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Instructions The career development process for public managers encompasses the various topics of strategic planning

Instructions The career development process for public managers encompasses the various topics of strategic planning

Instructions The career development process for public managers encompasses the various topics of strategic planning, budgeting/finance management, administrative functions, intergovernmental relations, and policy implementation. Besides the management of people and processes, career development also includes managing and resolving unexpected workplace or community events. Using the case study format below, you will examine a current or past event that has public implications. A few examples include police and community relations, quality of public utility services, and community recovery from weather-related events. Using appropriate APA format, provide a five-page (minimum) case study analysis detailing the development, implementation, and resolution of a past or current event that has public administration implications. The title and reference pages do not count towards the three pages of writing. You are required to use at least two scholarly sources to support your work. Your case study must include the following components: title page, introduction (briefly describe case highlights), executive summary (consolidate scenario, principal points, and findings), scenario background, list key stakeholders and supporting figures/organizations, analysis (identify viable options, pros and cons aspects), recommendations (solution identification and justification), conclusion (results and implications), and  references.

Instructions Think about today’s relationship between the citizenry and local public agencies Do you believe

Instructions Think about today’s relationship between the citizenry and local public agencies Do you believe

Instructions Think about today’s relationship between the citizenry and local public agencies. Do you believe the discourse has taken on a more positive or negative tone? Why? How would you help support the relationship between the citizenry and local public agencies? Your journal entry must be at least 300 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Instructions Week 4 Project: Case Studies Supporting Lectures: Ethical Systems

Instructions Week 4 Project: Case Studies Supporting Lectures: Ethical Systems

Instructions Week 4 Project: Case Studies Supporting Lectures: Ethical Systems Correctional Philosophy Ethical Dilemmas in Corrections For this assignment, read the cases of Miller v. Alabama and Jackson v. Hobbs (2012). These cases deal with the topic of juveniles tried and sentenced as adults. Analyze whether either of these cases addresses the utilitarian view of ethical treatment of convicted murderers. Differentiate between the peacemaking philosophy and deontological philosophy in the context of murder sentencing for juveniles. Do these philosophies differ when the defendant is an adult? Considering these two cases, determine whether either should have been handled differently under the utilitarian or the deontological philosophies. In general terms, consider a judge who must determine whether a 16-year-old who committed a violent crime should be tried as an adult. Identify the ethical dilemma(s) the judge faces and describe how he or she might arrive at an ethical decision.

Instructions Why do you think more citizens do not become more involved in public policy

Instructions Why do you think more citizens do not become more involved in public policy

Instructions Why do you think more citizens do not become more involved in public policy input and formulation? What are some ideas that you have to get more citizens involved in the process? Your journal entry must be at least 300 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Instructions With e-government accountability and information tools provided to the public think of an e-government

Instructions With e-government accountability and information tools provided to the public think of an e-government

Instructions With e-government accountability and information tools provided to the public, think of an e-government service or tool that you have used. Was this service or tool helpful? If you have not used a tool or service, think of an e-government tool or service that you would like to see implemented. Your journal entry must be at least 300 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Instructions With governments at all levels now providing increased transparency sharing information on public management

Instructions With governments at all levels now providing increased transparency sharing information on public management

Instructions With governments at all levels now providing increased transparency (sharing information on public management issues, progress with public projects, reports on Internet websites, etc.), will this prompt more citizens to become involved in local government or policy development? Explain. Your journal entry must be at least 300 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Instructions Within the context of Smart Cities many regions are employing e-technologies to enhance public

Instructions Within the context of Smart Cities many regions are employing e-technologies to enhance public

Instructions Within the context of Smart Cities, many regions are employing e-technologies to enhance public service. Today’s cities and towns reveal improvements to providing public services because of e-government capabilities. Select a town or city located in the United States and write an investigative summary detailing at least one e-government application that has improved public service provided to the citizenry. Refer to the unit study guide for application ideas that include wireless technology services or mobile apps used on smartphones to enhance public services. Your paper should logically identify the following items: who the service impacts (lists all stakeholders and beneficiaries), what the technology offers (identify what the capabilities the service provides), where the service is located, when the capability or service began, why the technology enhances or improves services, and what the cost estimates were to initiate and/or maintain these capabilities. Your assignment must be a minimum of four pages in length and follow APA style.

Instructions Explain how the US criminal justice system is dealing with offenders under the contemporary

Instructions Explain how the US criminal justice system is dealing with offenders under the contemporary

Instructions Explain how the U.S. criminal justice system is dealing with offenders under the contemporary integrative and critical theories.  What new initiatives or approaches (last 57 years) have the U.S. criminal justice system shifted to in reaction to more contemporary theories of process?  Discuss the decriminalization of crimes in theoretical terms.  How does reinforcements, punishments, and discriminative stimuli work in everyday life?  Describe the role of law and power in contemporary integrative and critical theories.  Your paper should be a minimum of three pages in length and include an introduction. You should also include a minimum of four resources, and one resource can be your textbook. Please select additional resources from the CSU Online Library or through an internet search (scholarly, peer-reviewed, or authoritative), and make certain that the chosen resource is no more than five years old. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.Unit8.docx

Instructions Explain how you can apply the concepts learned in this course to your current

Instructions Explain how you can apply the concepts learned in this course to your current

Instructions Explain how you can apply the concepts learned in this course to your current or future career. How might the lessons you have learned positively impact your career success? Your journal entry must be at least 300 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.