Instructions Final Project you will develop a presentation that expands on your Unit VII Case

Instructions Final Project you will develop a presentation that expands on your Unit VII Case

Instructions Final Project, you will develop a presentation that expands on your Unit VII Case Study. First, you should start by explaining the issue that was addressed in your Unit VII Case Study. Next, you will explain how e-government, e-commerce, and e-learning tools can be used to improve the issue. Finally, propose solutions to the issue using the concepts covered in the course. This is a chance for you to display your understanding of the theories and topics discussed in the course. Your presentation must be at least 15 slides in length, not including title and reference slides. You must use at least two scholarly sources in your presentation. Be sure to cite any direct quotes or paraphrased material using APA format.

Instructions How specifically and to what degree should public administrators and public organizations be committed

Instructions How specifically and to what degree should public administrators and public organizations be committed

Instructions How, specifically, and to what degree should public administrators and public organizations be committed to workforce diversity? As a public administrator, how do you define diversity? How will these issues of diversity affect the functioning of public organizations in the future? Your journal entry must be at least 300 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

Instructions Many industrialized nations have successful public programs in place that are more effective than

Instructions Many industrialized nations have successful public programs in place that are more effective than

Instructions Many industrialized nations have successful public programs in place that are more effective than those in the United States. Some examples include waste food reduction, education test scores, health care, less violent crime, more vacation time, and mass transit systems. What lessons can public agencies in the United States learn from lessons abroad? What do you think can be done better? Your journal entry must be at least 300 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

In your own words provide a brief summary of the topic you are writing about

In your own words provide a brief summary of the topic you are writing about

In your own words, provide a brief summary of the topic you are writing about and a brief summary about the ways each model (Medical Model, Public Health Model, Human Services Model) addresses your selected topic. Discuss two barriers to services people may experience and your suggested strategies to overcome those barriers.

In this Discussion you are asked to examine criminal behavior in terms of its depravity

In this Discussion you are asked to examine criminal behavior in terms of its depravity

In this Discussion, you are asked to examine criminal behavior in terms of its depravity. Which crimes appear to be the most serious? Is shooting someone less depraved than stabbing and beating a person to death? Why? Do you believe that punishments should fit the crimes committed? Consider the focus of the Depravity Standard and be prepared to discuss your thoughts on the seriousness of crimes. To prepare Navigate the Welner resource for the depravity scale listed and further examine the information about the research concerning the Depravity Standard. Examine the information given on the About the Research page concerning the Depravity Standard. Read through the Learning Resource about classifying crimes by severity. Participate in the study by logging in (it is a free site). Complete the survey regarding the seriousness of different crimes.

In recent years, taxes have become more of an issue than it has been in

In recent years, taxes have become more of an issue than it has been in

In recent years, taxes have become more of an issue than it has been in the last generation.Taxes are used to fund programs such as the D.A.R.E. that was used in schools.  Evidenced based research had shown for years that the program was not effective but it was kept at the insistence of police and parents.  Discuss whether the legislators should be required to provide empirical evidence that programs are working before they continue to be funded.    Discussion Board Guidelines:  Explain answer in at least 250 words. Provide at least two academic sources (wiki sites and the course text are not acceptable).

In the assigned Learn materials for this Module: Week you were educated on many facets

In the assigned Learn materials for this Module: Week you were educated on many facets

In the assigned Learn materials for this Module: Week, you were educated on many facets of international engagement. For this Discussion, you will research an international group, NGO, or other similarly situated group and explain how this group is helping to engage an international audience. If this is an area of interest or passion for you that must also be noted.  *** DB should be at a minimum of 250 words***

In a minimum of 300 words, using scholarly material and proper citations, please answer the

In a minimum of 300 words, using scholarly material and proper citations, please answer the

In a minimum of 300 words, using scholarly material and proper citations, please answer the following question; Name and explain the four types of plea bargaining and how they can be applied in the courts today? Your assignment submission must reflect scholarly material references (i.e. journal articles, case law, etc.) to receive full credit.

In conducting your own external research select a real-life example within the Criminal Justice arena

In conducting your own external research select a real-life example within the Criminal Justice arena

In conducting your own external research, select a real-life example within the Criminal Justice arena, where the organization’s structure (i.e., both formal and informal, e.g., ranging from the chain of command to the Blue Wall) negatively impacted workplace communication within that organization.  You might include a case that was heavily discussed in the news media if you so desire. As part of your response, include specific and detailed recommendations that the organization could have implemented to address the barriers you identify. APA FORMAT

In a 3- to 5-page paper: Identify and explain features in the

In a 3- to 5-page paper: Identify and explain features in the

In a 3- to 5-page paper: Identify and explain features in the primary offender that are consistent with Cluster A personalities. Explain how these features differ from features that characterize Cluster B personalities. Explain crimes that Cluster A personalities are more likely to commit. Explain three challenges of working with individuals with Cluster A personalities and recommend strategies for overcoming those challenges. Recommend at least three strategies to implement when interviewing offenders with Cluster A personalities.  Case Study Jim, a 48-year-old engineer, works at a medium-size engineering firm. He has been employed with the firm for 16 years. He is described by co-workers as serious and thin-skinned, having no sense of humor, and distrusting of others. He lives alone, does not socialize with his neighbors, and often engages in angry accusations of something the neighbors or their children did that caused him distress or offended him in some way. He holds grudges forever, seemingly holding on to every real or perceived slight he has ever experienced. Jim is constantly writing letters to the utility company, city officials, and his congressional leaders about the injustices constantly inflicted upon him.