Chapter 4 Questions List factors that would cause you to be more or less convinced

Chapter 4 Questions List factors that would cause you to be more or less convinced

Chapter 4 Questions List factors that would cause you to be more or less convinced that a particular email message was authentic. Which of the more convincing factors from your list would have been present in the example of the South Korean diplomatic secrets?  2.  Explain why spam senders frequently change from one email address and one domain to another. Explain why changing the address does not prevent their victims from responding to their messages. Chapter 5 Questions  Give an example of the use of physical separation for security in a computing environment.     2. Give an example of the use of temporal separation for security in a computing environment.     3. Give an example of an object whose sensitivity may change during execution.     4. A directory is also an object to which access should be controlled. Why is it not appropriate to allow users to modify their own directories?     5. List two disadvantages of using physical separation in a computing system. List two disadvantages of using temporal separation in a computing system.

Character: Significance and Application in Criminal Justice After reading Chapters 4 and 10 in Banks 2016

Character: Significance and Application in Criminal Justice After reading Chapters 4 and 10 in Banks 2016

Character: Significance and Application in Criminal Justice After reading Chapters 4 and 10 in Banks (2016), examine the need for strong, moral character for all participants in the criminal justice system. In your paper, Explain how a criminal justice agency can ensure that it hires moral individuals; Provide strategies for creating accountability in the area of ethical training and action; Explain how an organization can create an expectation for moral conduct; and Discuss how an organization can measure progress towards a moral and just criminal justice department. The paper Must be four to six double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Must include a separate title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center. Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.   Required Resources Text Banks, C. (2016). Criminal justice ethics: Theory and practice (4th ed.). Retrieved from Chapter 4: Racial Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System Chapter 10: Ethics and the War on Terrorism

Case Study Susan and Ken both 29 years old met in a bar They

Case Study Susan and Ken both 29 years old met in a bar They

Case Study Susan and Ken, both 29 years old, met in a bar. They talked for a couple of hours, during which time Susan disclosed her entire life story. She was very expressive about her interest in Ken and repeatedly said things that made him feel as if he was the most wonderful man she had ever met. At the end of the evening, Susan went back with Ken to his apartment. After they had sex, Susan told him she felt she was in love with him, that he was the man of her dreams, and that she could not believe she was in a relationship with someone like him. The intensity of her behavior made Ken uneasy, and he got her to leave by saying he would call her the next day”even though he had no intention of doing so. They had exchanged phone numbers at the bar, and the next day Susan called him. He told her that he did not think it was a good idea for them to see each other again. She became angry and started screaming, calling him very demeaning names. He hung up on her. Over the next several days, Susan left 12 messages on his voicemail and texted him repeatedly, vacillating between apologizing for her behavior and being angry, insulting, and threatening. The calls and texts continued, and she began stalking him, showing up at his home and place of work. Ken eventually obtained a restraining order.   Identify the case study you selected. Explain what features of borderline personality disorder the primary character exhibits. Explain how the concept of splitting is demonstrated, and describe the role that empathy plays in the splitting. Explain challenges a forensic psychology professional might have when working with individuals with borderline personality disorder.

Based on your reading and research, summarize inmates’ rights.For each inmate right you identified, summarize

Based on your reading and research, summarize inmates’ rights.For each inmate right you identified, summarize

Based on your reading and research, summarize inmates’ rights.For each inmate right you identified, summarize the case law that afforded inmates those rights.Share the link to the resource that was most helpful to you in crafting this discussion post.Be sure to explain what was helpful to you about this resource.cf_summary_of_inmate_rights.pdf

Assignment: Submit your 10 page APA-styled Research Paper on the topic: Ethics in Criminal Justice Management 

Assignment: Submit your 10 page APA-styled Research Paper on the topic: Ethics in Criminal Justice Management 

Assignment: Submit your 10 page, APA-styled Research Paper on the topic: Ethics in Criminal Justice Management.  Interpret applied ethical theories in a contemporary environment and interpret applied ethical theories in a criminal justice organization. Examine the concept of the noble-cause corruption and how it impacts ethical decision making.  A complete paper will analyze ethical leadership methodology.  Use your text book along with other books, articles, or journals. You must have a minimum of four (4) scholarly resources.   My textbook for this class is:  Caldero, Michael, and Crank, John, Police Ethics: The Corruption of the Noble Cause, (2018), Anderson Publishing, ISBN: 978-1437744559. The 4th Edition is listed in Amazon, ISBN-13: 978- 1138061170, ISBN-10: 1138061174

Assignment Details You will select 1 of the 4 topics for your Discussion Board (DB).

Assignment Details You will select 1 of the 4 topics for your Discussion Board (DB).

Assignment Details You will select 1 of the 4 topics for your Discussion Board (DB). Please read the instructions for the DB assignments carefully as they are different from your other classes that you have had DBs in. Selecting one of the four topics, you will be required to submit a 300-word minimum main topic posting. Your initial posting should be analytical, persuasive, or reflective in nature. Keep in mind that you will be choosing a different topic for your Individual Project (IP). Please add your references to the main topic posting (required). You are encouraged to do research on the topic from other resources. Each classmate’s response should be a minimum of 100 words per response. Your option is to respond to postings that concern your main topic selection, or you may respond to postings from classmates that have to do with one of the other two topics. The following topics come from the reading assignments for this week and are all located in the AIU online Library: Topic 1: Courting Compliance: The Role of Case Managers in Mental Health Courts Castellano, U. (2011). Courting compliance: Case managers as double agents’ in the mental health court. Law and Social Inquiry, 36(2), 484-451. Topic 2: Oregon’s Criminal Justice System to Be Examined Over Treatment of Mentally Ill People Wilson, C. (2019, June 10). Oregon’s criminal justice system to be examined over treatment of mentally ill people. NPR. Topic 3: Gender Matters in the Insanity Defense Breheney, C., Groscup, J., & Galietta, M. (2007). Gender matters in the insanity defense. Law and Psychology Review, 31, 93-123. Topic 4: From Courtroom to Clinic: Legal Cases That Changed Mental Health Treatment Fentiman, L. C. (2020). From courtroom to clinic: Legal cases that changed mental health treatment. Journal of Legal Medicine, 40(1), 131-133.

APA 10-12 page research paper title and reference page not included  supported by a minimum

APA 10-12 page research paper title and reference page not included  supported by a minimum

APA 10-12 page research paper title and reference page not included.  supported by a minimum of 5 academic peer reviewed sources  Topic: Investigative psychology Who founded it and what is it? What did it evolve from? What is it used for? What is the future?

All research papers posters and proposal typically start with an abstract An abstract is a

All research papers posters and proposal typically start with an abstract An abstract is a

All research papers, posters, and proposal typically start with an abstract. An abstract is a key piece of the project- it provides a brief overview of the research study and forms the reader’s first impression of the proposal. Often, readers will review the abstract to decide if they want to read the entire research paper or move on to another paper. For research proposals, often readers review the abstract to determine if the proposal is worthy of further consideration. Thus, your abstract is very important in making a good impression – many consider it the most important element in a research proposal! Your abstract should provide a brief (no more than 200 words) summary of a few critical areas: 1) the significance and need for the research you are proposing 2) the hypothesis or research questions and major objectives of the study 3) the procedures/methods that you will use to accomplish the objectives 4) The potential impact of the work Often, the abstract is created and revised last to ensure it provides an adequate summary of the final version of the research proposal. Below, I’ve detailed an example structure for a research abstract: 1st sentence: What is the major issue in the field that you will focus on in your study? This typically will refer to previous research, other researchers, and/or statistics. For example, you might start with a sentence that reads ‘The United States currently has the largest incarceration rate in the world…’ or ‘The question of gun control has been widely debated in the United States, with previous research finding….’ 2nd sentence: What is the gap in the existing research on this topic? For example, even know previous research on gun control has found xxx, they have not examined whether, xxx’. It is important that your proposal is unique and original. You cannot propose to study something that has already been examined many times. 3rd-4th sentences: What will you examine in your project? What is your research question? What are your objectives? What are you trying to learn/uncover? 5th-6th sentence – Your main argument and contribution to the field. Why is this project important? What are the implications of this project? What can we do with the findings? Why should someone else care about this project? A good strategy is to write out your own abstract following this general structure without worrying about a word limit. Once you have all of your ideas on paper, you should revise, refine and shorten according to the word limit (200 words). To keep your abstract within this word limit, you must ensure you do not use any filler – every sentence should have a clear and concise meaning (refer back to writing clearly and concisely!). Remove any wordy phrases (‘it can be argued that…’ ‘i believe’…’i wish to propose’.  Remember – your research poster reflects a research PROPOSAL. This means you will not and have not conducted any study. You will NOT have original research findings.

Address the following PART 1: What is the NEP/SEP research Valente 2001; Kerr et al

Address the following PART 1: What is the NEP/SEP research Valente 2001; Kerr et al

Address the following (PART 1): What is the NEP/SEP research (Valente, 2001; Kerr et al., 2010) examining specifically-include mention of any key concepts and the key variables (independent and dependent). What data was used, how were the participants chosen, key findings and recommendations? Note that syringe sharing is the common topic here. By the Program Evaluation Assignment 3 due date, submit a one-page document (single-spaced, 1 margins) that first clearly and concisely summarizes the above information along with the key findings of the study, and then (PART 2) include a discussion regarding how the behavior of the target population (as well as how target populations are defined program/politically) can impact program evaluation in general and for these particular studies; and how it can impact 1) perceptions of the NEP/SEP and 2) how the success of such programs are assessed (think bias). Be specific.  You should also include (in general) how perceptions of the target population (did you define what is meant by this term), and how it can bias program evaluations (how they are designed and conducted, particularly of programs that serve target populations that have been negatively portrayed by politicians (and their surrogates).   Schneider and Ingram and the other supplemental readings should be integrated into this part but not just summaries–integrate the ideas or use for examples.  This latter part should be 40-50% of the paper. So, the two parts should be about an equal length. Be sure to follow APA and writing academic paper guidelines.  IMPORTANT: These are not original research papers so DO NOT follow that format–you are learning to do a clear and concise summary of the research including the important points of that research.

After reading Chapters 3 and 4 answer the following questions and submit your responses in

After reading Chapters 3 and 4 answer the following questions and submit your responses in

After reading Chapters 3 and 4 answer the following questions and submit your responses in a word document. Chapter 3:  Explain the Hawala system, its origins, and what are the advantages that would make this system appealing to terrorists Describe the three primary reasons that traditional financial criminal investigative techniques are ineffective. What is your view on why these investigative techniques are not effective? Explain your view. Describe the three major categories that help explain the structure of financing.  Illustrate how terrorist utilize these three categories. Explain how the Internet has become a tool for fraud. Provide a specific example. Chapter 4:  Explain Edward Herman’s view on the social construction of reality and political bias when examining the media.  Provide an example illustrating his view.  Describe Anat Shoshoni and Michelle Sloan’s research on anxiety and attitude in regard to terrorism reporting.  Provide your personal analysis of his research.  Discuss the infotainment telesector; how does it negatively affect homeland security?  Provide examples to support your answer.  According to the text, how is the Internet used for recruiting, training, and target selection?  In answering the question, provide examples of each.  What, according to the text, is the essence of the drama pattern?  List and explain the different type of TV drama patterns.  Explain the tension between the media and the government, police and security forces.  Provide an example.