Address the following PART 1: What is the NEP/SEP research Valente 2001; Kerr et al

Address the following PART 1: What is the NEP/SEP research Valente 2001; Kerr et al

Address the following (PART 1): What is the NEP/SEP research (Valente, 2001; Kerr et al., 2010) examining specifically-include mention of any key concepts and the key variables (independent and dependent). What data was used, how were the participants chosen, key findings and recommendations? Note that syringe sharing is the common topic here. By the Program Evaluation Assignment 3 due date, submit a one-page document (single-spaced, 1 margins) that first clearly and concisely summarizes the above information along with the key findings of the study, and then (PART 2) include a discussion regarding how the behavior of the target population (as well as how target populations are defined program/politically) can impact program evaluation in general and for these particular studies; and how it can impact 1) perceptions of the NEP/SEP and 2) how the success of such programs are assessed (think bias). Be specific.  You should also include (in general) how perceptions of the target population (did you define what is meant by this term), and how it can bias program evaluations (how they are designed and conducted, particularly of programs that serve target populations that have been negatively portrayed by politicians (and their surrogates).   Schneider and Ingram and the other supplemental readings should be integrated into this part but not just summaries–integrate the ideas or use for examples.  This latter part should be 40-50% of the paper. So, the two parts should be about an equal length. Be sure to follow APA and writing academic paper guidelines.  IMPORTANT: These are not original research papers so DO NOT follow that format–you are learning to do a clear and concise summary of the research including the important points of that research.

After reading Chapters 3 and 4 answer the following questions and submit your responses in

After reading Chapters 3 and 4 answer the following questions and submit your responses in

After reading Chapters 3 and 4 answer the following questions and submit your responses in a word document. Chapter 3:  Explain the Hawala system, its origins, and what are the advantages that would make this system appealing to terrorists Describe the three primary reasons that traditional financial criminal investigative techniques are ineffective. What is your view on why these investigative techniques are not effective? Explain your view. Describe the three major categories that help explain the structure of financing.  Illustrate how terrorist utilize these three categories. Explain how the Internet has become a tool for fraud. Provide a specific example. Chapter 4:  Explain Edward Herman’s view on the social construction of reality and political bias when examining the media.  Provide an example illustrating his view.  Describe Anat Shoshoni and Michelle Sloan’s research on anxiety and attitude in regard to terrorism reporting.  Provide your personal analysis of his research.  Discuss the infotainment telesector; how does it negatively affect homeland security?  Provide examples to support your answer.  According to the text, how is the Internet used for recruiting, training, and target selection?  In answering the question, provide examples of each.  What, according to the text, is the essence of the drama pattern?  List and explain the different type of TV drama patterns.  Explain the tension between the media and the government, police and security forces.  Provide an example.

A mandatory minimum is a sentence created by Congress or a state legislature that requires

A mandatory minimum is a sentence created by Congress or a state legislature that requires

A mandatory minimum is a sentence created by Congress or a state legislature that requires that the sentencing judge must issue to a person convicted of a crime regardless of any mitigating factors.

500-750 words discussing the process of parole 1 In general discuss the procedural steps of

500-750 words discussing the process of parole 1 In general discuss the procedural steps of

500-750 words, discussing the process of parole. 1) In general, discuss the procedural steps of parole. 2) In the case of Ms. Dile, provide a written description of why you did not elect to vote for the parole. 3)     If you did not elect to parole Ms. Dile, what recommendations might you provide to Ms. Dile to improve her opportunities for parole? Please see attachment for more infoJUS-441_T8_ParoleBoardHearingSimulation.docx

500 word minimum for each questionand 2 references for each If profilers

500 word minimum for each questionand 2 references for each If profilers

500 word minimum for each question….and 2 references for each If profilers are able to identify specific traits and/or characteristics of mass murders, how could criminal justice utilize these predictors to prevent future incidents? How might cultural bias threaten the objectivity required to investigate a crime scene?

500 words minimum and 2 references for each question After reading the assigned readings

500 words minimum and 2 references for each question After reading the assigned readings

500 words minimum and 2 references for each question After reading the assigned readings located in this week’s Content and the Readings/Resources for this week please discuss the coca-cocaine commodity value chain. As part of this response include the impact, if any, related to the proliferation of opium and the coca leaf around the globe as it relates to geography and topography. 2. In conducting additional research outside of this week’s readings, defend whether the legalization of all drugs would decrease or increase drug related violence/crimes. As part of this response make sure to touch on drug cartels.

500 words minimum each and 2 references for each After reading ‘A Line in the

500 words minimum each and 2 references for each After reading ‘A Line in the

500 words minimum each and 2 references for each After reading ‘A Line in the Sand: Countering Crime, Violence and Terror at the Southwest Border,’ discuss the threats we face at the Southwest Border and the influence of transnational crime and terror organizations associated with the fight against narcotics, terrorism, and spillover violence. Note: As part of this response I want you to include how ethics could and or has impacted U.S. actions to counter these threats. Keeping in mind that each course of action by the U.S. in this regard can have ethical implications (even if no legal issues prevent their use). 2. Please critique in detail the fight against drug related violence and terror on the Southwest Border of the United States. In doing so, also list and discuss the three points keyed in on by Kingpins and corruption (2017), which is part of this week’s readings.AlineinthesandCounteringCrimeViolenceandTerrorattheSouthwestBorderUSHR1.pdf

500 words minimum for each and 2 references apiece After reading the attached article ie

500 words minimum for each and 2 references apiece After reading the attached article ie

500 words minimum for each and 2 references apiece After reading the attached article i.e., The Pre-Colombian Era of Drug Trafficking in the Americas: Cocaine, 1945-1965, please discuss the postwar decades of cocaine’s resurgence into two stages, 1947-59 and 1959-64.  2. Please discuss in your own words (no quotes) the Mexican Cartels and how they have defied U.S. Drug Policies. In doing so, discuss Operation Intercept, and Operation Condor.ThePre-ColombianEraofDrugTraffickingintheAmericasCocaine1945-1965..pdf

500 words minimum for each question2 references 1After reading the required articles this week

500 words minimum for each question2 references 1After reading the required articles this week

500 words minimum for each question…2 references 1.  After reading the required articles this week and doing your own research what theoretical perspective(s) do you most align with to help explain deviant behavior?  2. Can deviance be positive? Explain.deviantpeeraffiliationandproblembehavior.pdfadolescentselfregulationasreilience-Copy.pdfofficiallableingcriminalembeddendness.pdfroutineactivitiesinsocialcontext.deviantbehavior-Copy.pdfcloserlookatrole.pdf

2 questions500 words minimum each2 references each Based on your present understanding of the

2 questions500 words minimum each2 references each Based on your present understanding of the

2 questions…500 words minimum each…2 references each. Based on your present understanding of the field of criminal profiling, do you feel it is more art or science? Why so? 2. Should professional certification exist for those who are titled ‘criminal profiler’? If so, what should the requirements be for the title? If not, why not?