2 questions500 words minimum each2 references each Based on your present understanding of the

2 questions500 words minimum each2 references each Based on your present understanding of the

2 questions…500 words minimum each…2 references each. Based on your present understanding of the field of criminal profiling, do you feel it is more art or science? Why so? 2. Should professional certification exist for those who are titled ‘criminal profiler’? If so, what should the requirements be for the title? If not, why not?

2-3 pages APA format Fairness in Sentencing Questioning Policy Central to the philosophy of determinate

2-3 pages APA format Fairness in Sentencing Questioning Policy Central to the philosophy of determinate

2-3 pages APA format *Fairness in Sentencing (Questioning Policy) Central to the philosophy of determinate sentencing is the declaration that sentencing should be fair. The idea is that legislative mandates will eliminate the impact of the socioeconomic difference among offenders by ensuring that punishment is proportionate to the offense and that is still allows the court to consider the criminal history of offenders.  The first part of this equation- that punishment be based on the seriousness of the crime- does address concern for public safety and is consistent with public-support ideas that serious crimes can be avoided in the future with harsher sentences.  However, the secondary mandate-requiring a judge to add on time for individual’s second or third conviction”is often viewed as unjust.  An offender named Andrade was found guilty and had two prior convictions for petty theft of approximately $150.00, the three-strikes laws resulted in Andrade receiving a prison term of 25 years to life.  Some sentences can result in life imprisonment for individuals who commit theft or other low-level offenses.  Additionally, from a pragmatic point of view, the more offenders who enter the prison system, the more economic resources are needed to support increased prison populations.  Discuss your views on the requirement to provide consistency in sentencing versus financial concerns that stem from prison crowding during less prosperous times.

250 words Do you think you have an individual or collective learning

250 words Do you think you have an individual or collective learning

250 words Do you think you have an individual or collective learning style? Would you consider yourself an accommodator, converger, diverger, or assimilator? What do these preferences say about your culture? Do you feel you’ve received enough resources to accommodate your learning style throughout your educational career? Why or why not?

2 questions500 words minimum each both with 2 references In your view how does

2 questions500 words minimum each both with 2 references In your view how does

2 questions…500 words minimum each both with 2 references. In your view how does Moynihan’s idea of crime normalization hold up in today’s society? Are we normalizing crime? Are we normalizing deviance? Fully support your answer. 2. Is there evidence to support the idea that police work and their response to communities is based on a particular community’s definition of crime and deviance? Discuss and support your view.

12/18/21 edited Some developmental theorists contend that nutrition deficit is a link to criminal

12/18/21 edited Some developmental theorists contend that nutrition deficit is a link to criminal

12/18/21 (edited) Some developmental theorists contend that nutrition deficit is a link to criminal behavior. Do you agree or disagree? Defend your answer. In order to receive full credit (10 points) you must respond to the original question and to at least two of your classmates. All responses must be in depth and meaningful. Failure to comply will result in a zero for the assignment.

10 page paper on  Smoking Marijuana Further Directions:Identify the aspects of this particular

10 page paper on  Smoking Marijuana Further Directions:Identify the aspects of this particular

10 page paper on  Smoking Marijuana. Further Directions:  Identify the aspects of this particular deviance and discuss its overall impact on US society and culture. Discuss accepted policies and practices in dealing with this deviance and how attitudes have changed (if they have) over time.  Last, project how you see this deviance being treated with the next 10-20 year period. Is the behavior becoming normalized?   minimum of 5 to 7 peer reviewed sources in support of this paper.

Discuss the evolution of policing in the United States (U.S.), specifically addressing the modern era

Discuss the evolution of policing in the United States (U.S.), specifically addressing the modern era

1. Discuss the evolution of policing in the United States (U.S.), specifically addressing the modern era of policing in the U.S. 2. What are some of the social turning points in the development of policing in the U.S.?

Explain the government structure in the United States to include a discussion about constitutional democracy and

Explain the government structure in the United States to include a discussion about constitutional democracy and

1. Explain the government structure in the United States to include a discussion about constitutional democracy and federalism.  2. How do the principles of federalism impact policing?   3. What rights and protections are afforded to American citizens in the Bill of Rights?