Prior To Beginning Work On This Assignment, Read Chapters 3, 4, And 5 From Introduction

Prior To Beginning Work On This Assignment, Read Chapters 3, 4, And 5 From Introduction

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 3, 4, and 5 from Introduction to Juvenile Justice. It is also recommended that you review the upcoming Week 3 Final Paper Outline assignment along with your Week 5 Treatment Versus Punishment: That Is the Question! Final Paper instructions. An Annotated BibliographyLinks to an external site. is a great way to organize your research and prepare you for completing the Final Paper Outline in Week 3 and your Final Paper in Week 5. The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to find, summarize, and critique scholarly and/or credible sources that you will use to complete your Final Paper. You will also use the information gained from the required readings this week to complete this assignment.

The Final Paper requires you to identify resources that will support your argument of whether treatment, punishment, or a combination of both treatment and punishment are most effective in reducing juvenile crime rates and recidivism. Like the Final Paper due in Week 5, this assignment will focus on analyzing some of the research in targeted areas of juvenile criminal behavior.

In your Annotated Bibliography, identify at least five scholarly and/or credible sources, which includes the source you are reviewing, two sources that support or contradict the initial article, and any other sources that support your analysis in the Week 5 paper, which calls for you to:

  • Explain the differences between treatment and punishment concepts.
  • Evaluate types of treatment and types of punishment options for violent and non-violent juvenile crimes.
  • Examine the research as to whether treatment, punishment, or a combination of both (treatment and punishment) is most effective for reducing recidivism in juvenile offenders.
  • Identify the prevailing perspective (treatment, punishment, or combination of both) in your jurisdiction and one other jurisdiction [Note: this may come from a government or other equally credible source].
  • Analyze the research on recidivism rates for each jurisdiction (yours and the other you chose) to determine which has lower recidivism rates.

For each of your critical analyses of your sources for the points listed above,

  • Summarize each source’s thesis and/or main points in one paragraph.
  • Evaluate the relevance of the data used to support the thesis of the source.
  • Briefly critique the accuracy, acceptability, strengths and weaknesses, and overall soundness of the article.
  • Explain, in one to two sentences, how each source supports your thesis and/or resolution.
  • Provide the formal APA reference entry for each source.

The annotated bibliography must be 750 to 1250 words in length, excluding title and reference pages, and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least five scholarly and/or credible sources, which includes the source you are reviewing, two sources that support or contradict the initial article, and any other sources that support your analysis. Visit the University of Arizona Global Campus Library to review the Criminal Justice Research GuideLinks to an external site. which may help in your research. You may also find The University of Arizona Global Campus Library Quick ‘n’ DirtyLinks to an external site. tutorial, The Research ProcessLinks to an external site.tutorial, and the Advanced Search TechniquesLinks to an external site. tip sheet helpful as you conduct your research. As you conduct your research, the University of Arizona Global Campus Library also provides the RefWorks tool that will help you organize your research, create APA reference entries and citations, and more. Creating a RefWorks AccountLinks to an external site. will assist you in creating an account in order to start using the tool.

Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. Use the Annotated Bibliography TemplateLinks to an external site., available in the Writing Center to help you complete this assignment. For information regarding how to complete an Annotated BibliographyLinks to an external site., visit the Writing Center. There you will find a video tutorial and sample Annotated Bibliography.

The Annotated Bibliography assignment

Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


    Please Respond To The Following In A Post Of 150 – 200 Words:

    Please Respond To The Following In A Post Of 150 – 200 Words:

    Please respond to the following in a post of 150 – 200 words:

    • Distinguish among character, block, and stream ciphers.
    • Specify when to use each.

    Note: Remember to cite any sources you use, including your textbook, using the Strayer Writing Standards format.

    This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.


      Over The First Three Units Of This Course, You Learned A Lot About The Importance

      Over The First Three Units Of This Course, You Learned A Lot About The Importance


      Over the first three units of this course, you learned a lot about the importance of research and the basics of how research is conducted in criminal justice.  In this unit is to connect all of these dots into one coherent essy examining the following main points of research.

      • Discuss the social science approach and its use in the field of criminal justice.
      • Explain the steps in the research process. Why is each step critical to the research process?
      • Explain why ethics are so important in research.
      • Compare and contrast validity and reliability. How are these assessed in research? Explain two types of validity and two methods for assessing different inconsistencies in reliability. How can reliability and validity within a research study be improved.
      • Explain the purpose of sampling. Compare and contrast probability and nonprobability sampling.

      Be sure to include an introduction and a conclusion. Must be a minimum of four pgs in length, not counting the title and reference pages. At least three scholarly resources must be used. Any information from these sources should be cited and referenced in APA.


        In This Assignment, You’Ll Explore The Qualitative Methods That Could Be Used To Collect Data

        In This Assignment, You’Ll Explore The Qualitative Methods That Could Be Used To Collect Data

        In this assignment, you'll explore the qualitative methods that could be used to collect data in your area of research. On the basis of your exploration, respond to the following points:

        • Explain the observations that you would conduct to collect data and discuss what you would expect to learn through these observations.
        • If surveys or interviews would be appropriate, describe how you would proceed and what you would expect to learn.


          Human Services Practitioners Strive To Improve The Lives Of Thousands Of Individuals Every Day. The

          Human Services Practitioners Strive To Improve The Lives Of Thousands Of Individuals Every Day. The

          Human services practitioners strive to improve the lives of thousands of individuals every day. The support can be in the creation of programs, improving access to programs, and advocating for changes or support for an individual or groups of individuals. 

          In this assignment, you serve as a human services practitioner at a community reentry center. You will write an advocacy letter to request a change in a program in your state in an effort to improve the diversity and equity of your state’s programs and services. You are writing the letter to a congressperson in your state. 

          Specifically, you should do the following in your 900 -word writings: 

          • Describe 3 advocacy strategies that they will apply in your letter. 
          • Justify your selection of advocacy strategies. 
          • Create an advocacy letter that supports changing some aspect of a program in your state to make it more diverse or equitable. 
          • Explain the current concern or issue related to diversity or equity of the program (for example, assess if there were exclusions from programs in the past). 
          • Discuss and justify the change you would like to see. 
          • Apply the identified 3 advocacy strategies. 

          Cite  2 resources using APA format. 


            I Believe The Interactionist Theory, The Differential Opportunity Theory, Offers The Best Explanation For Property

            I Believe The Interactionist Theory, The Differential Opportunity Theory, Offers The Best Explanation For Property

            I believe the interactionist theory, the differential opportunity theory, offers the best explanation for property crime. This theory is based on the idea that individuals engage in criminal behavior because of unequal access to opportunities for success. Individuals from underprivileged backgrounds may choose criminal behaviors as a way to achieve their goals. The unequal access to opportunities also causes frustration. This theory focuses on social and economic factors to explain criminal behavior. It also focuses on the idea that criminal behavior is learned and culturally transmitted. The shared inequalities among individuals also leads to the formation of delinquent subcultures. Criminal gangs begin to emerge, and older criminals serve as role models which creates a cycle of criminal behavior (Adler, 2021).

            One of the main criticisms of the differential opportunity theory is that it is class-oriented. It is based on the idea that delinquency is a response to a lack of opportunities, therefore, it is only an explanation for lower-class individuals. But not all lower-class individuals who are unable to reach society’s goals choose criminal behavior or become members of criminal gangs. Many choose to accept their situation or find other means to reach their goals (Adler, 2021).

            This theory can influence the practices criminal justice professionals use to reduce crime by focusing on the importance of addressing social and economic inequalities. Rather than focusing on deterrence through punishment, criminal justice professionals can be more proactive by assisting individuals with resources to help them reach their goals. This could include programs, policies, or employment opportunities.


            Adler, F.  (20210219). Criminology, 10th Edition. [[VitalSource Bookshelf version]].  Retrieved from vbk://9781264169658

            For your two peer responses, respond to one peer who chose the same critical or interactionist theory and one peer who chose a different theory. (If no one chose the same theory you chose, respond to one that is similar to yours or in the same category.) In your responses, consider the following questions:

            • Is there something in their support of the theory they chose that you did not consider?
            • Which of their points make the most sense to you, even if you do not agree with the theory they chose?
            • What is another possible way their chosen theory might help criminal justice professionals reduce crime?


              Hello, Given Recent Events And High Student Interest In The Use Of Force By Police

              Hello, Given Recent Events And High Student Interest In The Use Of Force By Police


              Given recent events and high student interest in the use of force by police officers, this week’s assignment will address question #2 from Questions for Review (p.151) at the end of Chapter 6.


              How can a national database of police use of force inform policy and impact such practices?


              This is a complex question, in that creating a use of force database that informs national policy and practice is not a simple and straightforward endeavor. Issues you may want to consider (you do not have to address every issue listed – just to incite thought):

              • definition of use of force
              • regional and agency differences
              • data entry issues
              • detail and use of data
              • access to data (public?)
              • police unions
              • use of force continuums
              • funding
              • liability
              • training
              • transparency
              • national standardized policy
              • internal affairs, etc.


              • Use Word
              • Title Page – Topic, Class and your Name
              • Approx. 2-3 pages of content – ( a little over is fine – do not exceed 4 pages of content)
              • Times New Roman 12 font
              • Double spaced
              • APA formatting
              • Reference Page – a minimum of 2 academic peer reviewed sources (articles, reports, statistics, etc) aside from our text to support your position

              BOOK REQUIRED:  

              Peak, K.J., & Giacomazzi, A.L. (2019).Justice Administration:Police, Courts, & Corrections Management. (9th Edition). New York, NY:Pearson

              ISBN: 13: 978-0-13-487140-0


                Final Introduction And Background Sections In This Assignment, You Will Incorporate The Feedback That You

                Final Introduction And Background Sections In This Assignment, You Will Incorporate The Feedback That You

                Final Introduction and Background Sections

                In this assignment, you will incorporate the feedback that you have received week1 till now and submit revised, final versions of your introduction and background sections of your report. Your submission should be a clean, updated version that will be included in your compiled final project.

                Cite all sources using APA format on a separate page.


                  Discussion Question: Discuss In Detail The Use Of (1) Mandatory Sentences, (2) Sex Offenders Sentences, (3) Use

                  Discussion Question: Discuss In Detail The Use Of (1) Mandatory Sentences, (2) Sex Offenders Sentences, (3) Use

                  Discussion Question:

                  Discuss in detail the use of (1) mandatory sentences, (2) sex offenders sentences, (3) use of the death penalty, (4) drug courts, and (5) sentencing disparities Is there racial discrimination in your justice system? Describe why and its relation to the prior listed items. 


                    Discussion 2 – Disaster Center Analysis Part 1 – Your Initial Post (At Least 200

                    Discussion 2 – Disaster Center Analysis Part 1 – Your Initial Post (At Least 200

                    Discussion 2 – Disaster Center Analysis

                    Part 1 – Your Initial Post (at least 200 words)

                    Due by 11:59 PM, Friday, Feb. 9.

                    Go to the Disaster Center website:  Review the crime rate nationally and, by picking out links to state reports, compare the recent crime rates in two states. Report on the prevalence of the crimes you have examined, posting your report on this Discussion board. Propose an explanation for variation in crime between states, over time, or both. What research design would you propose to test this explanation? Explain.