The criminal justice system has actually been referred to as the criminal justice ‘non-system’ by

The criminal justice system has actually been referred to as the criminal justice ‘non-system’ by

The criminal justice system has actually been referred to as the criminal justice ‘non-system’ by many observers of modern criminal justice in America. What do we mean when referring to the criminal justice system as a ‘non-system?’ Do you believe that the criminal justice system is a true system, or is it better characterized as many staggering parts working across multiple layers of government at the local, state, and federal level?  APA Format

The attached article explains ‘truths’ and ‘myths’ about community supervision In a 2 page paper

The attached article explains ‘truths’ and ‘myths’ about community supervision In a 2 page paper

The attached article explains ‘truths’ and ‘myths’ about community supervision. In a 2 page paper (double-spaced), provide an overview of the article and your analysis of what you believe works as effective supervision strategies and where you think the system can improve its allocation of resources to increase the likelihood of successful community supervision.

Social Problems – Part of the role of public administrators can be to address social

Social Problems – Part of the role of public administrators can be to address social

Social Problems – Part of the role of public administrators can be to address social needs. From among the wide range of unresolved social problems, how and why are some problems redefined as public policy issues, brought to the public agenda, and addressed by government agencies? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of our current process for formulating public policy.  In what ways could we improve this process? 75-100 words Current events – Based on this week’s topics, find a relevant, recent and credible news piece (article or video) regarding current public policy issues (gun control; environment; border control; foreign trade; etc.). Suggested sites on which to find credible news include The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, or NPR, just to name a few. Provide a summary of the piece, objectively presenting both sides of the issue. Be sure to temper your personal preferences in this discussion forum, and utilize critical thinking in exploring the issue. Be sure to include a link or attachment of your news piece and cite your source. 75-100 words

Some developmental theorists contend that nutrition deficit is a link to criminal behavior Do you

Some developmental theorists contend that nutrition deficit is a link to criminal behavior Do you

Some developmental theorists contend that nutrition deficit is a link to criminal behavior. Do you agree or disagree? Defend your answer. In order to receive full credit (10 points) you must respond to the original question and to at least two of your classmates. All responses must be in depth and meaningful. Failure to comply will result in a zero for the assignment

Several external causes or influences have been presented as driving forces behind decisions to participate

Several external causes or influences have been presented as driving forces behind decisions to participate

Several external causes or influences have been presented as driving forces behind decisions to participate in juvenile delinquency. These external causes or influences range from the societal interactions and relationships of a juvenile to issues such as substance abuse.

Select two discussion question from the denoted chapter below and post your response addressing the

Select two discussion question from the denoted chapter below and post your response addressing the

Select two discussion question from the denoted chapter below and post your response addressing the two questions in one posting response (be sure to identify the questions you selected in your response).    Chapter 4 The French penal code is divided into five books. Discuss what each book entails and which book do you believe is the least effective? 2. Identify difficulties in comparing crime statistics for Saudi Arabia with those of other countries and explain why you agree or disagree with findings. 3. How would you compare the crime situation in the model countries to that of the United States?

Select two discussion questions from the chapter below and post your response addressing the two

Select two discussion questions from the chapter below and post your response addressing the two

Select two discussion questions from the chapter below and post your response addressing the two questions in one posting response (be sure to identify the questions you selected in your response).     Chapter 7- The Courts and Legal Professionals- Select Two Questions Below: What is the difference between judicial independence and judicial impartiality? Which is more important, in your opinion? 2. To what extent are laypeople (that is, those not legally trained) used in the court systems of our model countries? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a system? 3. Debate in class the advantages and challenges of supranational courts and/or whether the United States should support the International Criminal Court. 4. In your class, in small-group discussions, rank the court systems from 1 (worst) to 6 (best) in terms of what you think it would be like to be involved in them as a defendant, and discuss why. Then compare your results with the other groups. 5. Go to the United Nations document ‘Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers’ at and determine whether any of the model nations would have a compliance problem with the principles. What principles would be most problematic? For what countries?

See the document in Module 4 entitled ‘Criminal Profiling Assignment Document.’ It contains brief descriptions

See the document in Module 4 entitled ‘Criminal Profiling Assignment Document.’ It contains brief descriptions

See the document in Module 4 entitled ‘Criminal Profiling Assignment Document.’ It contains brief descriptions of several criminal incidents, two letters supposedly written by the perpetrator and the Holmes Organized/Disorganized offender typology, Part I and II. Your task is to use the Organized/Disorganized Offender Typology and attempt to classify or characterize the offender based on the evidence and letters (i.e. create a profile of a suspect(s)).  Who or what type of person are we looking for and how did you come to this conclusion? You are permitted to use additional resources found in Chapter 8 of the course text, internet resources, etc. At least two pages are required. Here are the issues to address in your response: Attempt to classify and describe the offender(s) using characteristics of the typology Rationalize or justify why you arrived at the conclusion that you did Discuss your opinion of the usefulness, ease or difficulty, validity, and reliability of using this typology to classify offenders. CriminalProfilingAssignmentDocumentusedforM4assignment.doc

Select a career in human services that interest youVisit the Occupational Outlook Handbook http://wwwblsgov/ooh/

Select a career in human services that interest youVisit the Occupational Outlook Handbook http://wwwblsgov/ooh/

Select a career in human services that interest you.  Visit the Occupational Outlook Handbook and answer the following questions: 1) What are the primary tasks associated with this career (in other words, describe the career)?  2) What are the educational requirements, salary and projected growth of this career? 3) What motivated you to choose this career path?  What values or characteristics would be reflected in this work?

Review the Handling Difficult People-Interventions portion of the week 4 lecture. Based on the techniques

Review the Handling Difficult People-Interventions portion of the week 4 lecture. Based on the techniques

Review the Handling Difficult People-Interventions portion of the week 4 lecture. Based on the techniques outlined there, illustrate how you might handle an interpersonal conflict with a fellow team member in the workplace. In your analysis and application, discuss which techniques would be most appropriate or least appropriate in the context of a team meeting and in the context of a private, one-on-one interaction with the team member