Ann Represents Officer Patty In An Employment Discrimination Case Against City Police Department(‘Department’) In Which

Ann Represents Officer Patty In An Employment Discrimination Case Against City Police Department(‘Department’) In Which

Ann represents Officer Patty in an employment discrimination case against City Police Department
("Department") in which Patty alleges that Department refused to promote her and other female
police officers to positions that supervise male police officers. Bob represents Department.
At Patty's request, Ann privately interviewed a male police captain, Carl, who had heard the Chief
of Police (Chief) make disparaging comments about women in Department. Carl told Ann that Chief
has repeatedly said that he disapproves of women becoming police officers, routinely assigns them
clerical work, and would personally see to it that no female officer would ever supervise any male
officer. Carl met with Ann voluntarily during his non-work hours at home. Ann did not seek Bob's
consent to meet with Carl or invite Bob to be present at Carl's interview.
When Bob saw Carl's name as a trial witness on the pretrial statement, he asked Chief to prepare a
memo to him summarizing Carl's personnel history and any information that could be used to
discredit him. Chief produced a lengthy memo containing details of Carl's youthful indiscretions. In
the memo, however, were several damaging statements by Chief reflecting his negative views about
female police officers. In the course of discovery, Bob's paralegal inadvertently delivered a copy of
Chief s memo to Ann. Immediately upon opening the envelope in which the memo was delivered, Ann
realized that it had been sent by mistake. At the same time, Bob's paralegal discovered and advised
Bob what had happened. Bob promptly demanded the memo's retum, but Ann refused, intending to
use it at trial.
Please answer the following questions:
1. Did Ann commit any ethical violation by interviewing Carl? Discuss.
2. What are Ann's ethical obligations with respect to Chief s memo? Discuss.
3. At trial, how should the court rule on objections by Bob to the admission of Chief s
memo on the grounds of attomey-client privilege and hearsay? Discuss.

Please use the ABA model rules of professional conduct your knowledge of legal ethics sules to support your answers. There is no need to use or research case law in the completion of this assignment


    All Questions Are Worth 20 Points:            1.  What Does The

    All Questions Are Worth 20 Points:            1.  What Does The

     All questions are worth 20 points:

               1.  What does the old saying "Victims are the forgotten actors in the criminal justice system" mean? Does the saying still apply today?   Please take the time to explain your rationale and provide examples to support your answer. 

               2.  List three victim assistance organizations that started in the 1970s, and describe their influence on the growth and development of victim assistance organizations.

               3.  Identify the groups of people who are at the greatest risk of violent victimization, and discuss the services needed to prevent victimization.

               4. Discuss at least two characteristics of victimization and the rate of violence within each (gender, age, race/ethnicity, LGBTQ, and HIV infected).

                   What trends of violence are shown within each of these characteristics and what makes individuals within these characteristics vulnerable to violence?

               5. David is a high school senior and, after telling his parents he was going to his room to study and then go to bed, snuck out of the house to meet his friends instead.  On the way home from hanging out with his friends, he was attacked by two strangers who beat him up and stole his wallet and cell phone.

                   What theory of victimization would you apply to David and this situation? Explain specifically how the theory you have chosen connects to the situation. In your opinion, who is to blame for this situation; David or his attackers? Explain your answer.


      Write a term paper on a criminal action of someone or some company who has

      Write a term paper on a criminal action of someone or some company who has

      Write a term paper on a criminal action of someone or some company who has committed a white-collar crime and has either pled guilty to it or has been convicted of the crime in a trial. This has to be a trial or incident that is timely and has occurred in the 21st century. Choose only one defendant and make your paper detailed.

      Write a 6-7 page paper in which you answer the following questions:

      Write a 6-7 page paper in which you answer the following questions:

      Write a 6-7 page paper in which you answer the following questions: Identify the best practices being used by law enforcement agencies to ensure that officers are trained in all aspects of understanding and manipulating technology and technological devices in their attempts to keep up with the rapidly changing technological environment. Identify the ways in which police officers are responding to a changing and diverse community. What can police agencies do to improve the trust between diverse members of the community? Identify the agencies involved in investigating hate crimes. Identify the challenges involved in investigating hate crimes. Analyze the problems related to determining the actual number of hate crimes and what makes a hate crime different from other crimes. Describe how domestic terrorism and hate crimes are similar in nature.  What does the future of policing look like in America? Identify the myriad of challenges that those in the law enforcement community are currently facing, and will face in the future.

      What is artificial intelligenceAI 2 How is artificial intelligence being used in business What

      What is artificial intelligenceAI 2 How is artificial intelligence being used in business What

      1) What is artificial intelligence(AI)? 2) How is artificial intelligence being used in business? What are the advantages of using AI; which types of software are businesses using; in what capacity are they using AI? 3) Find an example of a company using AI, summarize. how that company uses AI? 4) How will AI impact the employment landscape i.e will you need to learn AI to get a job; do you have to be proficient in it or at least be aware of how AI is being used? 5) One article should be about how AI is being used in the legal system and or by law firms/attorneys.  How do law firms use AI?  Will AI take over the job of an attorney; if not, what skills will attorneys need in the future in the field of AI? Grading scheme: 20 points-Three sources 10 points-MLA format 50 points- Content, substantive analysis of the questions asked above. 20 points-Grammar/Spelling.

      Week 5 Discussion: Law Enforcement Supporting Lectures: Ethical SystemsCrime

      Week 5 Discussion: Law Enforcement Supporting Lectures: Ethical SystemsCrime

      Week 5 Discussion: Law Enforcement Supporting Lectures: Ethical Systems Crime Control Discretion and Law Enforcement Discretion and Corruption The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week on the basis of the course competencies covered. In this final week, we will apply the concepts reviewed in this course to the law enforcement function. For this week’s discussion, consider the following questions, with the ethical systems in mind. Is it ethical for detectives to deliberately use deception during an interrogation? The Supreme Court has ruled that deceptions are legal, but are they ethical? If so, identify under which ethical system police would be permitted to use deception as an interrogation technique. All police agencies make use of informants. Larger departments even pay their informants and keep track of their contributions to cases. Discuss the ethical problems of using informants to assist with investigations. You have read about a concept known as accepted lies in police work. Give an example of an accepted lie and show how it is ethically permissible.

      use the following to help: Imagine that you are the new media

      use the following to help: Imagine that you are the new media

      use the following to help: Imagine that you are the new media manager for an emerging market that World Rugby is approaching. Create a presentation to propose what you would do to use new media to market World Rugby to the local market. In your presentation, be sure to include the following critical elements: — Evaluate the current status of new media approach in this emerging market. What types of rugby programs and events do they carry to the local market? What are the strengths of current media approach? What is missing or lacking? — Analyze the local new media infrastructure and usage preference. (Note: You need to consider the broadband capacity if you want to provide live-stream video. Also, you need to consider the local regulations. For example, does Chinese government allow Facebook usage? If not, do they have their own local social media sites?) — Describe your new media ideas to enhance World Rugby’s exposure to the local market. Remember to identify clear goals (e.g., increase video stream membership, generate awareness of World Rugby stars, etc.) of each approach 1) After reviewing the Guidelines and grading rubric, an emerging COUNTRY  is more feasible to analyze. The region (e.g., Southeast Asia) has  several countries. Each country has its own culture. For example, rugby  is popular among the Commonwealth countries. Therefore, the Commonwealth  member states in Southeast Asia have a rugby culture (e.g., Malaysia,  Singapore, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong-former Commonwealth state). However,  Indonesia and Thailand are NOT part of the Commonwealth. Therefore, they  have a very limited rugby culture.  2) As for the regulations for new media, each country has its own  preferences, policies, social media network, TV network, etc. For  example, WhatsApp (chat software) is very popular in Singapore  and Malaysia. But LINE (chatting software) is popular in Japan and  Taiwan. LINE, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, and several popular American  social media are blocked in China. 3) In addition, the TV network in each country is different. The  new media needs to engage with the traditional media (e.g., TV) to  create more marketing initiatives and views. Of course, live streaming is getting popular because the broadcasting infrastructure is better now. 4) Again, please analyze it as an emerging COUNTRY, not a region, not a whole world.  –An emerging COUNTRY

      Topic 3: Gender Matters in the Insanity Defense Breheney, C., Groscup, J., & Galietta, M.

      Topic 3: Gender Matters in the Insanity Defense Breheney, C., Groscup, J., & Galietta, M.

      Topic 3: Gender Matters in the Insanity Defense Breheney, C., Groscup, J., & Galietta, M. (2007). Gender matters in the insanity defense. Law and Psychology Review, 31, 93-123.

      Theory PresentationYou have examined a significant number of theories that address deviancy and crime

      Theory PresentationYou have examined a significant number of theories that address deviancy and crime

      Theory Presentation  You have examined a significant number of theories that address deviancy and crime. For the final assignment, you will have the opportunity to select a theory that best explains why a crime does or does not occur. Once the theory is identified and your research on the selected theory is complete, you will share your knowledge either via a PowerPoint presentation (Option A) Option A  Create a PowerPoint presentation with notes that (1) identifies the theory, (2) showcases research to support that the theory is effective, and (3) briefly discusses criticisms of the theory. As a reminder, there is no one theory to explain all crimes; hence, all theories will have criticisms. To prepare for the PowerPoint presentation, follow the instructions below.  Select one criminological theory learned in this course. The theory must be one that was created or developed later than 1960 (e.g., the social bond theory, which Travis Hirschi developed in 1969).  Locate at least two scholarly/peer-reviewed articles that support the theory and two scholarly/peer-reviewed articles that are critical of the theory.  Utilize at least five sources to support your presentation, one of which can be your textbook.  Your presentation should include the slides shown below.  Title: This slide should be in APA format.  Introduction: This section should identify the selected theory and why it was selected.  Summary of Theory: This section should provide a background of the theory, including its origins, and identify how the theory explains why crime does or does not occur.  Content Analysis: This section should discuss the research identified to support what this theory does.  Criticism: This section should identify and explain at least two criticisms of the theory.  Summary: This section should be a summary of the information discussed.  References: This slide should be in APA format.  As a reminder, PowerPoint presentations should have limited text on the slides. Instead, the notes feature in PowerPoint must be used to include any relevant information about the subject. In addition, the font must be appropriate, and the background should not distract from the content. Finally, any graphics added should be relevant to the content presented and be cited and referenced in APA format. The completed presentation must have notes for all slides. Additionally, the presentation should be at least 10 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. At least five sources should be used. One source may be your textbook, and the remaining sources should be pulled from the CSU Online Library or through an appropriate website. All sources must be scholarly, peer-reviewed, and no more than 5 years old. Work.docx



      THE TOPIC IS BRINING THE MLB TO GERMANY  USE THE SAMPLE PROVIDED TO FOLLOW ON FORMATE  you will analyze international and external market factors, political factors, and cultural factors and use this information to predict communication challenges that your organization could face when moving into the target market. You will also describe ways in which these challenges can be managed. Finally, you will describe your competitor’s media preferences and what your organization can offer to the chosen market. Also, establish how your sports organization differs from others, being sure to include an analysis of pricing. EACH SECTION NEEDS TO BE BOLD Target Market Factors A. Analyze the internal and external market factors of the nation your sport organization is looking to join. Consider what factors impact the target nation’s market from within, but also outside elements. B. Determine specific political factors that could impact the success of your organization’s expansion into an international market and explain possible approaches to addressing these factors. C. Determine specific cultural factors that must be considered for your organization to be successful in the target market and explain possible approaches to addressing these factors. D. Predict communication challenges that your organization could face when moving to the target market and describe ways that these challenges can be managed. E. Describe what your organization can offer to the chosen market that it is currently missing or lacking. F. Determine direct and indirect competitors to your organization within your target market, explaining the relationship and why they are competitors. G. Determine the demographics within your target nation that your organization will pursue and justify your response. H. Identify ways that competitors use media to promote their organizations and explain why these ways are effective with the chosen demographic. I. Establish how your sport organization differs from competitors already existing in this market. Support your response with examples. J. Analyze the pricing associated with attending sporting events within this market. Support your analysis with specific examples. 5to 6 pages in length with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and APA formatting. SampleMilestone3NHLtoPortugal.pdf