The prodromal stage is defined as the warning or pre-crisis stage The DOJ identified a

The prodromal stage is defined as the warning or pre-crisis stage The DOJ identified a

The prodromal stage is defined as the warning or pre-crisis stage.   The DOJ identified a number of issues or concerns that were present in  Ferguson leading up to the death of Michael Brown.  Having the benefit of the DOJ report, as a newly appointed police  chief in Ferguson, what steps would you take to rebuild the trust  between the police and the community?    Should the police chief and city’s elected leadership have recognized these issues or concerns in advance of the riots?  Resources for Assessment: The 12 key highlights from the DOJ’s scathing Ferguson report (video and text) (Links to an external site.) DOJ Ferguson Report

The purpose of this assignment is for students to diagram and demonstrate their understanding of

The purpose of this assignment is for students to diagram and demonstrate their understanding of

The purpose of this assignment is for students to diagram and demonstrate their understanding of the organizational networks that are around them. If you are not currently part of an organization, you may use a former organization that you were a part of for this assignment. Students will be diagram a network they have been a part of, according to Chapter 12 of the Richmond textbook. Your diagrams will differ in content based on the number of networks you belong to. You will also list the channels of communication that are used with each network and label the diagram accordingly. Students may draw this diagram by hand or use a graphic program or word processing program (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, etc.) to prepare one, 8½ X 11 inch diagram. Depending on the number of networks you show, you may have more than one network on your sheet. Students will then attach a two-page summary, typed in Microsoft Word (formatted in the APA style) of their networks that offers a brief description of each network, making sure to link the concept of their network(s) to ideas from the textbook. (WLO 2) 2F69D2FF-8665-4356-8CF4-549DFB30B3BD.jpegF25A8999-6046-4F70-B1B0-020925DF1E2F.jpeg6F69F64A-9D05-46AF-B82B-012C9D294D3B.jpegFCE9D8DF-C068-4073-B966-BCAAF109FBD4.jpeg0AF71478-C4CF-4CA0-8B1E-D0EE652413B5.jpeg972B3759-715F-4C79-B134-6402905F8E20.jpegE50D7D0E-8300-4856-B5C7-4A17CAA63913.jpeg02E6F6DE-C54C-4F8D-BE0F-0C011FDC15DF.jpeg95DB2D29-AE64-4110-BE3D-0C3A9AE995AB.jpeg9432632A-E8D2-43AD-BF51-40C3866FA6AE.jpegBCC57B14-EA45-4513-9F94-B0C2F6A263F9.jpeg317582E5-9F94-4853-BEAC-919CBA9A3479.jpeg4E0EAD1B-9FB7-46CA-833F-C20F58A9B07F.jpeg53ED5C36-BCFD-4202-B770-5659CD283A3B.jpeg8FA1CB18-5D2F-4FAF-9A4A-DDAE4DC37C0A.jpeg4C95DE0E-94A0-492C-A1AB-A99216B71049.jpeg2D12FDA8-C231-406C-878F-88622D6612E0.jpegF95718F1-6A2E-45AB-B867-F85F5730D064.jpegC0BDEA0A-4256-4F1B-861B-CC487803878B.jpeg3535D5F1-D916-4067-9DC0-516CC04C429F.jpeg6F822D34-7AB8-46E5-87C9-847891AF58F0.jpeg45C35753-1A30-4F95-A822-096A300FC071.jpegEF9F46F6-8A04-4C34-AF79-12DE9C2A25F7.jpeg7D0D12CF-1D12-4C28-8286-7A690047FE0F.jpeg4BD578AE-F5D6-4B06-B54B-6F086B2F9ACD.jpeg1E6A98AC-A034-4DD2-B239-EECC240CBE46.jpeg48F1B915-468F-4B72-9ACE-F6C30F61619F.jpeg0BFBF9CC-56C5-4FD8-8CFE-68D060AF7C88.jpeg8C9BB2B8-F9C5-43A3-B12D-2EE18BC6D717.jpeg9CE07D7C-1DAF-4059-9F2F-E544B448877D.jpegA281D3DB-7FA1-49E2-8551-6CA3102B5711.jpegC1CFE361-F080-4525-9A82-532111678771.jpeg15680A39-7005-4CD1-A847-5326F5076EC0.jpegD1EBD8F7-4CAE-428B-AC35-EFF2AE113BA5.jpegA6C8DBFA-4EAE-42C3-9953-05E988A69E93.jpeg50221127-494D-4D67-AB99-E708F9860851.jpeg

The growing popularity of specialized search engines weakens the assertion by the European Union that

The growing popularity of specialized search engines weakens the assertion by the European Union that

The growing popularity of specialized search engines weakens the assertion by the European Union that Google is hurting consumers. Over recent years, the popularity of specialized search engines has been increasing such as Amazon and popular travel sites such as Trivago. The increased usage of these specialized websites indicates that consumers are getting more information from search engines such as Amazon shopping sites and decided on the websites to get information rather than searching on the main google search engine (Choi and Kinshuk 154). Such a trend underscores the argument that Google is hurting the needs and interests of consumers. In many instances, the search results from Google have a significant impact on the choices and preferences of the consumers. Today, internet users are highly informed and understand what they want from search engines. The EU should also understand that Google is a profit entity and will invest in strategies to grow its platforms in the industry. Further, social media networking sites such as Twitter and Instagram have become more popular. Such sites give users access to information about a wide range of products and services and allow companies to run advertisements and marketing campaigns. Google is not the only source of information for companies and their products (Iacobucci and Francesco 16). People are now spending more time on the social media sites such as Twitter due to the opportunity to share information and communicate. The European Commission found that Google was dominant and hurting consumers. The commission argued that the company discourages innovation while limiting brokers and other partners from displaying advertisements. The search engine is a profit entity and will continuously pursue strategies that grow its revenues and earnings (Kang, David and Daisuke). Google is very innovative, and its investment in research and development continues to give them competitiveness in the market. Therefore, Google’s search engine cannot be determined as hurting consumers because it is a profit organization that will continuously innovate to attract users.

Selecting 1 of the 5 topics, you will be required to submit a 300-word minimum

Selecting 1 of the 5 topics, you will be required to submit a 300-word minimum

Selecting 1 of the 5 topics, you will be required to submit a 300-word minimum main topic posting. Your initial posting should be analytical, persuasive, or reflective in nature.      Topic 2: Suicide Exposure in Law Enforcement Officers Cerel, J., Jones, B., Brown, M., Weisenhorn, D. A., & Patel, K. (2019). Suicide exposure in law enforcement officers. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 49(5), 1281-1289.

Provide a minimum of three 3 pages but no more than five 5 double spaced

Provide a minimum of three 3 pages but no more than five 5 double spaced

Provide a minimum of three (3) pages but no more than five (5), double spaced, using 12pt font and one inch margins.  Be sure to cite your work (APA Style) and provide a reference page. Title and/or Reference Page is not included in the three (3) page minimum. write a three to five page (3-5)  paper to demonstrate your proficiency and understanding.  You will discuss at least one of the course objectives. Course objectives are as follows: 1.      Identify the main components of the criminal justice system and explain their contributions to the administration of justice.  2.      Explain the 12 steps of the criminal justice process. 3.      Summarize the history of policing and explain the various law enforcement procedures. 4.      Describe the nature of due process and the specific constitutional amendments that guarantee these rights. 5.      Examine the makeup of the American court system. 6.      Evaluate modern correctional practices and the philosophies guiding both institutional and community corrections. 7.      Discuss contemporary criminal justice issues.

Please submit a rough  draft of your data analysis and conclusions sections of your research

Please submit a rough  draft of your data analysis and conclusions sections of your research

Please submit a rough  draft of your data analysis and conclusions sections of your research  proposal.  Your data analysis should discuss the hypothetical data you  would collect to answer your research question.  Your conclusions will  include information on how your proposed research would be used by  practitioners.  This rough draft will provide one last opportunity to  review the internal validity of your proposed research prior to  finalizing your proposal in week seven.  As a reference to our research proposal rubric, an Exemplary data analysis and conclusions section will: Accurately discuss the implications of your proposed study.  Present the results in a manner that is consistent with the research presented in your literature review.  Accurately answer your research question via the proposed data analysis.

My research topic is  An Examination of Police Brutality and Its Impact on Victims’

My research topic is  An Examination of Police Brutality and Its Impact on Victims’

My research topic is    An Examination of Police Brutality and Its Impact on Victims’ Families my Research Questions are as followed:  i) What drives police to use excessive force? ii) How has the family experience impacted their perception of the police?  iii) How does race play a critical role in police brutality? This is a professional document and has to have little to no errors.  Anything with many errors will be submitted for a refund Must be triple checked for errors All articles used must be SCHOLARLY ARTICLES (minimum of 7 articles but use however many it takes) Must have completed by 3/7/23  must be available for all edits from the professor  Attached is an example Final Dissertation mia (follow the highlighted yellow for reference of chapter 1 ONLY for example ) Must have all the sub titles of chapter one from the attached file  PhD_Management_Annotated_Dissertation_Template_Qualitative_APA_7_PhD_Management_Annotated_Dissertation_Template_Qualitative_APA_7_.docxFINALDISSERTATIONmia.docxDissertation-chap1.docx

My topic is: topic of negligence but more on the lines of what duties do

My topic is: topic of negligence but more on the lines of what duties do

My topic is: topic of negligence but more on the lines of what duties do the coaches  and leagues owe to the athletes to prevent some sort of injury during  play or practice?  ‘ Duty of Care’  Submit the final research question(s) and justify why it is important.  You must provide at least 2 references/cases that are linked to your  topic in order to show your justification. This dose not need to be long 1 page at the most I have attached an example 5_2_Final_Project_Milestone_Two__Research_Questions_and_References.docx.pdf

lease use a piece of research that uses one of the following populations to complete

lease use a piece of research that uses one of the following populations to complete

lease use a piece of research that uses one of the following populations to complete this assignment: A national crime survey A sampling of police officer attitudes on a given subject A sampling of those who are incarcerated, on probation, or otherwise involved as an offender in the criminal justice system We will use this piece of research to consider the impact of sampling  techniques on research conclusions.  Your review of your research data  should be 1-2 pages and include responses to the following: Briefly describe the research topic, question, rationale and conclusions to introduce the research you are reviewing. What sampling technique was used? Was it a probability or  non-probability sample?  What was the intended population for this  research study? How did this sampling technique impact the study’s results? (It may  help to carefully review the author’s discussion for limitations when  available). Propose an alternative sampling method for this population, that  might have improved the study’s design. Discuss the new sampling method  and how it might improve the study or address the limitations found in  the original research you have reviewed.

INSTRUCTIONS: Search for a quantitative research article from an academic or professional journal related to

INSTRUCTIONS: Search for a quantitative research article from an academic or professional journal related to

INSTRUCTIONS: Search for a quantitative research article from an academic or professional journal related to the discipline of criminal justice or the field of social sciences and complete the following activity: Note: The article must contain in its methodology the statistical analyzes carried out in the investigation. In the methodology part of the quantitative research article, identify and describe in detail the types of statistical analysis used by the researcher. Minimum 2 pages- Maximum 4