Discussion Board


Part 1. Can landmark cases be viewed as turning points in juvenile justice history? Discuss the contribution of landmark cases to the evolution of juvenile justice, and as part of this analysis, the various alternatives for juvenile placement (like intensive therapy programs, electronic monitoring, vocational training, and probation) and share your perspective on which option you believe is most successful and why.Are prevention programs adapting to meet the evolving challenge of juvenile delinquency?

Part 2. Which therapeutic prevention program from the following list do you think is the most effective, and why?

  • Mentoring, like Big Brothers Big Sisters
  • Counseling and therapy
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Family-based interventions, like the Seattle Social Development Project
  • Community service and restorative justice
  • Anger management, like the Coping Power Program
  • Life skills training, like Project Star
  • Art and recreation therapy
  • Gang intervention support, like Operation Peacemaker Fellowship

Combatting Juvenile Delinquency



Research two local programs (Note: If no local program is available, you may explore programs from neighboring areas or nearby cities) that address juvenile delinquency in your community. Look at their strategies, partnerships, and influence on at-risk youth.

You can start your research by exploring the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDPLinks to an external site. website, where you can find information, resources, reports, and data related to various programs and initiatives.

To discover local youth services programs, conduct an internet search using the format “Youth services programs in Maryland ” (e.g., “Youth services programs in Georgia


Examine two programs that address juvenile delinquency and their strategies to influence at-risk youth in or near your community.

  • Propose two to three innovative ways to enhance and improve the effectiveness of the two programs you chose to examine.

Explore the challenges schools encounter daily in fostering positive student behavior and ensuring safety for students, teachers, and staff.

Investigate how exposure to substance abuse and mental health challenges among family members within the home can affect a juvenile’s behavior, academic performance, and social interactions.

Cite at least 3 credible sources in Strayer Writing Style (SWS) format.