please answer teh following and attached each in separate filesA company running

please answer teh following and attached each in separate filesA company running

please answer teh following and attached , each in separate files    A company running an urban rail service wishes to estimate its daily average number of late-running trains on weekdays. For 10 randomly selected weekdays, it finds the following numbers of late running trains: 32, 10, 9, 18, 25, 15, 14, 18, 22, 16 a)  Assuming the number of late running trains on a weekday is approximately normally distributed, calculate a 90% confidence interval for the mean number of late-running trains on a weekday. b)  If we did not have the assumption of normality, could we still calculate a confidence interval in this example? If not, suggest a way of overcoming this problem. WechatIMG557.jpeg2022-04-01_10.01.46.png2022-04-01_10.01.541.png

Mutual funds are classified as load or no-load funds Load funds require an investor to

Mutual funds are classified as load or no-load funds Load funds require an investor to

Mutual funds are classified as load or no-load funds. Load funds require an investor to pay an initial fee based on a percentage of the amount invested in the fund. The no-load funds do not require this initial fee. Some financial advisors argue that the load mutual funds may be worth the extra fee because these funds provide a higher mean rate of return than the no-load mutual funds. A sample of 30 load mutual funds and a sample of 30 no-load mutual funds selected for analysis are contained in the Excel Online file below. Data were collected on the annual return for the funds over a five-year period. Construct a spreadsheet to answer the following questions.  Use the 60 mutual funds in the table above to conduct the hypothesis test. What is the p -value?data.xlsx

In this journal, examine the methods section of each article. Completing a table will help

In this journal, examine the methods section of each article. Completing a table will help

In this journal, examine the methods section of each article. Completing a table will help you see similarities and differences. Be sure to address these specific critical elements: Use this section to compare and contrast the methods used in the articles you selected, with an eye on assessing the quality and limitations of the findings and informing future research. Specifically, you should: Explain why the authors of each selected article their chosen methods. How appropriate were the methods to the overall purpose of the paper? Justify your response. Analyze a difference and similarity in the methods chosen with respect to the health question being addressed in the selected articles. Explain your answer using evidence from the selected articles and information you have learned in the course. Assess a strength and limitation of the different approaches used in the articles you selected. Explain your answer using evidence from the articles you selected and information you have learned in the course. You will submit several paragraphs and the table for this assignment  Textbook: Basic Biostatistics: Statistics for Public Health Practice, Chapter 12  Textbook link: We chose option 3 for articles. Articles is attached below Health question:  To what extent does gender influence the length of hospital stays for MI patients?  FinalProjectArticleReviewArticlesList.pdfJournal2-2.docx5-1Journal.docx

In Milestone Three, you completed a table listing the statistics you were going to complete

In Milestone Three, you completed a table listing the statistics you were going to complete

In Milestone Three, you completed a table listing the statistics you were going to complete to investigate your health question. In Milestone Four, you will actually complete these calculations.  Follow rubric Verbatim Attached below is rubric and milestone 3 Stat crunch:

I need a Statistics pro tutor only if you know this subject i have

I need a Statistics pro tutor only if you know this subject i have

I need a Statistics pro tutor, only if you know this subject! i have assignments that needs to get taken care of message only if you know this subject EngrgExpertimationsanalysissly.pdf

From the Table 1 selects the

From the Table 1 selects the

Home>Homework Answsers>Mathematics homework help>Statistics homework help     From the Table 1 selects the most appropriate method to display the frequency of patients presenting with the four questions shown in the table. With the same information, prepare a bar graph for the percentage of (yes)  ( no) answers from the total (24). Table The data from the Vaccine questionnaire (Selected items)    Participant  Age Are you feeling sick today? Have you ever received a dose of the   COVID-19 vaccine? Have you ever had an allergic   reaction? Have you ever had an allergic   reaction to another vaccine (other than the COVID-19 vaccine) or an injectable medication?   J.L. 55 YES NO NO NO   A.S. 66 NO YES NO NO   K.W 32 NO NO NO NO   C.H 45 NO YES YES NO   R.Y. 54 NO NO NO NO   W.D. 71 NO YES NO NO    Assignment 2: From the following chart:    AGE HIGH WEIGHT   53 1.75 140   56 1.60 70   62 1.84 86   36 1.65 80   39 1.69 65   26 1.64 64   58 1.70 78.5   53 1.75 91   34 1.66 82   44 1.72 114   49 1.70 98   33 1.77 106   37 1.63 81   40 1.60 60 Prepare 2 scatter plots of the relation between age and high, and age and weight. Using a bar graph for age frequency.

Final Project For this assignment use data from W1 Project Using Microsoft Excel and following

Final Project For this assignment use data from W1 Project Using Microsoft Excel and following

Final Project For this assignment, use data from W1 Project. Using Microsoft Excel and following the instructions given in your lecture, choose and run the appropriate descriptive statistics to describe the characteristics of the sample under study (sex, age, and ethnicity) and Recall1, making sure you include: A graph The appropriate measure of central tendency for your continuous variables The appropriate measure of variability for your continuous variables Copy your output tables and graphs to a Microsoft Word document and write a brief, APA-formatted report detailing your findings in the same document as the output. Follow the example given in the lecture on Interpreting Data to format your report.

Find a graph.There are lots of choices out there! If it is on a

Find a graph.There are lots of choices out there! If it is on a

Find a graph.  There are lots of choices out there! If it is on a website, share the link.  Then, answer these questions: What does the graph tell you?  Is the graph clear? Is any part of the graph misleading? How would you improve this graph?

Explain the general rationale behind using a z-score for describing how an individual performed on

Explain the general rationale behind using a z-score for describing how an individual performed on

Explain the general rationale behind using a z-score for describing how an individual performed on an e x a m compared to just stating the overall mean and the individual’s score. How does the information differ in the two situations? What additional information are you gaining with a z-score? Imagine you are in charge of reviewing applications for your academic institution. As a preliminary measure, you want to review only the top 25% of applicants on the basis of standardized test scores. How does calculating the z-score provide additional information regarding how each subject did overall? Provide specific examples of how you would use the information and interpret the scores. Justify your answers with appropriate reasoning and research from your textbook and course readings.

Enterprise risk management software identifies patterns in credit card fraud by analyzing user transaction history

Enterprise risk management software identifies patterns in credit card fraud by analyzing user transaction history

Enterprise risk management software identifies patterns in credit card fraud by analyzing user transaction history and inferring probabilities through algorithms that utilize Bayesian neural networks. Unfortunately, credit card fraud detection algorithms may also result in false positives due to incomplete information. Define events F : Transaction is fraudulent, N : Transaction is normal, where F is the complement of N with P(F) = 1 – P(N). The probability of a credit card transaction is fraudulent is P(F)=0.0Given baseline credit card transaction characteristics, the bank’s fraud detection system will recognise a transaction as either being fraudulent, or not fraudulent. If the transaction is identified as fraudulent the transaction is cancelled and the customer notified. It is worth noting that the system is imperfect and that such recognition may be incorrect. The probability of correct identification of fraudulent and non-fraudulent transactions are: P(S | F) = 0.99 (true-positive) and P(C | N) = 0.99 (true-negative) respectively, where the above events S and C are defined as; S: the transaction is identified by the detection system as fraudulent and a ‘stop’ is put on the transaction, C: the transaction is identified by the detection system as non-fraudulent, and the transaction continues as normal. (a) If the fraud detection system claims that a transaction is fraudulent, what is the probability of it actually being fraudulent? Present all relevant probabilities and each step of your calculations. In doing your calculations, consider building a model in Excel as this will come handy in part (b). You do not need to present you Excel model in your solutions. You do not need to present you Excel model in your solutions and Excel is not necessary to answer either question. (b) If the bank desires to improve/increase the probability calculated in (a), should it prioritize tweaking the algorithm to improve the true-positive rate or the true-negative rate? Hint: You can numerically resolve this by varying the true-positive rate and the true-negative rate by the same amount (e.g. by 0.005) and observing the impact on the probability of interest. Present your results.2022-04-01_10.01.54.png